Just a nub question. Is it necessary to mount setup boot / recovery image if I only want to remove components (using toolkit helper method) and apply tweaks?
so far so good.. anything else i can remove.? what are the steps to check an iso run scf cannow only.?
@MSMG Is it possible to perhaps have the ToolKit read the RemovePkgsList.txt file and show removed apps in the menus, using the - character? Another thing to consider is the ability to choose which apps you want to remove from the menus and export that selection to RemovePkgsList.txt.
This is available in Custom Toolkit. for the read: Code: if exist "%RemovePkgsList%" for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%z in ('type "%RemovePkgsList%" 2^>nul') do ( set "C_%%z=-" ) EDIT: Translated the sentence from portuguese. for the exporting list: Code: for /f "skip=6 eol== tokens=1,2* delims=- " %%# in ('%ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\!SpecifiedSourceIndex!" /? ^| findstr.exe /I /V "Group" ^| findstr.exe /I /V /C:" All "') do ( if "%%#" neq "Internet" if "%%#" neq "Multimedia" if "%%#" neq "Network" if "%%#" neq "Privacy" if "%%#" neq "Remoting" if "%%#" neq "System" if "%%#" neq "Windows" if "%%#" neq "Group" if "%%#" neq "SystemApps" if "%%#" neq "WindowsApps" if "%%#" neq "AllComponents" ( set "TKHC_%%#=Present" ) ) Code: :: DateTime ISO version Stamp :DateTimeStamp set DateTimeStamp= for /f "tokens=*" %%d in ('PowerShell.exe -NoP -C "Get-Date -f yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"') do ( set "DateTimeStamp=%%d" ) goto :EOF Code: :: DateTime version Stamp call :DateTimeStamp set "C_PersonalLists=+" set "RemovedPkgsNamesList=RemovedPkgsList(%ImageArchitecture%)_%ImageVersion%_[!DateTimeStamp!]" set "RetainedPkgsNamesList=RetainedPkgsList(%ImageArchitecture%)_%ImageVersion%_[!DateTimeStamp!]" Code: if "!C_PersonalLists!" equ "+" ( call :CreateFolder "!PersonalLists!" for %%# in ( Menu1 AdobeFlashForWindows EdgeChromium InternetExplorer Menu2 FirstLogonAnimation GameExplorer LockScreenBackground ScreenSavers SnippingTool SoundThemes SpeechRecognition Wallpapers WindowsMediaPlayer WindowsPhotoViewer WinSAT WindowsThemes WindowsTIFFIFilter Menu3 OfflineFiles OpenSSH RemoteDesktopClient RemoteDifferentialCompression SimpleTCPIPServices TelnetClient TFTPClient WindowsMail Menu4 AssignedAccess CEIP FaceRecognition KernelDebugging LocationService PicturePassword PinEnrollment UnifiedTelemetryClient WiFiNetworkManager WindowsErrorReporting WindowsInsiderHub Menu5 HomeGroup OneDrive MultiPointConnector RemoteAssistance RemoteDesktopServer RemoteRegistry WorkFoldersClient Menu678 Cortana Paint QuickAssist Menu6 AccessibilityTools Calculator DeviceLockdown EaseOfAccessCursors EaseOfAccessThemes EasyTransfer FileHistory Magnifier ManualSetup Narrator Notepad OnScreenKeyboard ProjFS SecurityCenter StepsRecorder StorageSpaces SystemRestore WindowsBackup WindowsFirewall WindowsSubsystemForLinux WindowsToGo Wordpad Menu7 AccountsControl AddSuggestedFoldersToLibraryDialog AppResolverUX AssignedAccessLockApp AsyncTextService AADBrokerPlugin CallingShellApp CBSPreview CapturePicker ContentDeliveryManager CredDialogHost Edge EdgeDevToolsClient WindowsReaderPDF ECApp FileExplorer FilePicker LockApp MapControl XGpuEjectDialog NarratorQuickStart NcsiUwpApp OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow ParentalControls PeopleExperienceHost PinningConfirmationDialog PPIProjection PrintDialog RetailDemoContent SearchApp SettingSync SkypeORTC SmartScreen SecureAssessmentBrowser WebcamExperience Win32WebViewHost WindowsDefender BioEnrollment WindowsMixedReality WindowsStoreClient XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI Menu8 AdvertisingXaml Alarms CalculatorApp Camera ClipChamp VP9VideoExtensions HEIFImageExtension HEVCVideoExtension RawImageExtension WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtension DesktopAppInstaller Family FeedbackHub GetHelp ZuneMusic ZuneVideo Maps Messaging WalletService MixedRealityPortal 3DViewer OneConnect OfficeHub BingNews NotepadApp OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos PowerAutomateDesktop Print3D ServicesStoreEngagement SkypeApp ScreenSketch SolitaireCollection StickyNotes StorePurchaseApp Terminal Getstarted Todos SoundRecorder BingWeather ClientWebExperience CommunicationsApps WindowsStoreApp XboxApp GamingApp XboxGamingOverlay XboxGameOverlay XboxIdentityProvider XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxTCUI YourPhone ) do ( if "%%#" equ "Menu1" ( ( echo.# :: [1] Internet )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo.# :: [1] Internet )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu2" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [2] Multimedia )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [2] Multimedia )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu3" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [3] Network )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [3] Network )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu4" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [4] Privacy )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [4] Privacy )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu5" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [5] Remoting )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [5] Remoting )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu678" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [6 ^| 7 ^| 8] System, SystemApps and WindowsApps )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [6 ^| 7 ^| 8] System, SystemApps and WindowsApps )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu6" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [6] System )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [6] System )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu7" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [7] SystemApps )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [7] SystemApps )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" equ "Menu8" ( ( echo. echo.# :: [8] WindowsApps )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ( echo. echo.# :: [8] WindowsApps )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) if "%%#" neq "Menu1" if "%%#" neq "Menu2" if "%%#" neq "Menu3" if "%%#" neq "Menu4" if "%%#" neq "Menu5" if "%%#" neq "Menu678" if "%%#" neq "Menu6" if "%%#" neq "Menu7" if "%%#" neq "Menu8" ( if "!TKHC_%%#!" neq "" if "!C_%%#!" equ "-" ( echo.%%# )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RemovedPkgsNamesList!.txt" if "!TKHC_%%#!" neq "" if "!C_%%#!" equ "+" ( echo.%%# )>>"!PersonalLists!\!RetainedPkgsNamesList!.txt" ) ) ) EDIT: The phrase that had remained in Portuguese was translated.
I hope that importing and exporting of lists is soon supported on the original ToolKit and also your own. It would make things easier for everybody.
I get dism Error: 0xc1420117 when I apply changes. The directory could not be completely unmounted. This is usually due to applications that still have files opened within the mount directory. Close these files and unmount again to complete the unmount process. Can someone please tell me if this error has any effect on the image? It seems to be somewhat irrelevant to the .wim file but I want to be sure it won't break the install.
22621.1 or what ever version ... (yeah i try all of them 22h2 version) and no way to remove any stupid component ... just only error ... why is listed as working version of windows with toolkit when is not ???? Some stupid joke whitch i dont understand ???
Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 11 Client v22H2 (v10.0.22621.1/v10.0.22621.105 [KB5014688]) Source OS. Why is mark as thath???when is only some joke ??? Only i not unterstand thath stupid way of humor ???
@GeorgePirkl How do you expect to be helped when you don't provide us with basic information, such as the name of the ISO image? The problem might even be caused by a long path (very common user error).