This SPBuild is not supported yet. At the launch of Toolkit 12.4 we were at SPBuild 1766. Based on MSMG info, I always say that it is possible for you to work in the supported isos. Integrate updates and remove the unwanted components. Thus the "Remove Components" should work. MSMG always informs that it is possible to work and remove components in this mode. I suppose this works like this, because even after the integration of updates the image being serviced has not yet been saved with changes with the integration of updates, it is still serviced as a supported image.
Yes, this is the recommendation. But as you will integrate updates through Toolkit, you can create your ISO, without updates through UUP Dump. It's simple. If you still have the UUPdump download folder, you will edit ConvertConfig.ini and chage from: AddUpdates =1 to: AddUpdates =0 So just run the convert-UUP.cmd as Admin. And wait for the creation of this ISO. An ISO 19041.1 will be created. And inside the UUPs folder you take the update files to be used/integrated into Toolkit. Code: 2022-07-13 13:53:05 UTC db0f1802e720e570ca68abaf300ccfb12c89bb53 15 MiB 2022-07-13 13:49:19 UTC 73ea2c9804395921aa91a4ceea212a8282b55a84 22 KiB 2022-07-13 13:48:36 UTC f1bf61d834bb8d9951c7efa23454643daae195b0 271 KiB 2022-07-13 14:09:45 UTC ef4f5d0599c80a13224306a03db114e61e97ada0 69 MiB 2022-07-13 13:49:04 UTC f6239f5a4459e95dbd3346f178e2836a19f42586 2 MiB 2022-07-13 13:54:00 UTC e054ac3346896e28d2cae68acdf899c0ee274f11 15 MiB 2022-07-13 17:23:50 UTC 50d0c639c0e3381b3a4d3d04cfc49113f25bfd8e 663 MiB And, we have a new version 1826, an opportunity to do this test. NOTE: You can get used to downloading the UUP Dump package unchecking in "Conversion Options" - the "Include Updates" option. Now that you have the ISO "ServicePackBuild .1". From now on you will always be able to download the Updates list on "Additional updates" on the "Browse the list of updates" button in the right column. EDIT: from: An ISO 19044.1 will be created. to: An ISO 19041.1 will be created.
Yes, thnks! ImageServicePackBuild is the name of the variable used in Toolkit for what comes after the Build number. Code: for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%e in ('%DISM% /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"%~1" /Index:%~2 ^| find.exe /I "ServicePack Build"') do (set /A ImageServicePackBuild=%%e)
Code: Details for image : install.wim Index : 1 Name : Windows 10 Home Description : Windows 10 Home Size : 15.970.787.231 bytes WIM Bootable : No Architecture : x64 Hal : <undefined> Version : 10.0.19041 ServicePack Build : 1826 ServicePack Level : 0 Edition : Core Installation : Client ProductType : WinNT ProductSuite : Terminal Server System Root : WINDOWS Directories : 29299 Files : 104938 Created : 07/12/2019 - 17:56:25 Modified : 12/07/2022 - 21:18:13 Languages : nl-NL (Default) Taken from this, i guess?
Yes, that's right. But in ISO 19041.1 SPBuild will be 1. I said that: But then, I didn't understand what was questioning here?
Now you took me, hehehehe. Send the explanation there, that I don't know. A class is always good. Supposedly it should be in the same way. You know sometimes I suppose things I can be wrong. But only things that don't hurt the people.
But the method I passed by above is simple. To downloading the UUP Dump package, just do unchecking in "Conversion Options" - the "Include Updates" option. To make the 19041.1 ISO. Then copy the Update files from UUPs folder to WHD 19041 x64 folder. And why can't you use WHD? About "Media Creation Tool", I believe so, but the most advanced users always recommend that for the integration of updates it is best to use SPBUILD .1. I suppose the reason is not to be undesirable remaining from previous cumulative updates. And for this reason I would already choose to integrate the updates directly into a ".1" too. I'm still learning the ways to do this, too. For the normal version I find it simple, but for the LTSC I took a while to understand some things. Once you learn the procedures everything goes well.
am a bit confused. let me get this straight. so the best way is to have an ISO that doesnt contain any updates. media creation have them.. so UUP dump this can create an iso with all the updates and 0 updates.. this is the best way 0 update if you plan to integrate updates in tool kit. ? so i must create and download a new ISO with 0 updates.? i need to create bat file.? using this .... they have 2 addupdates 1 and 2
if I understand the abbreviation correctly (CU -current updates?) Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 10.0.22000.318 only windows defender and smartscreen in toolkit 12.4 The problem, as far as I understand, is in the Windows installation itself. Because if you apply the toolkithelper on an already installed Windows, then everything works
question.. how can I remove the "pre-installed-apps" bloatware as done in dism++? won't the system break? since I would like to make a clean iso without bloatware with only the store, can someone help me