@MSMG, There are some "copy" commands without "/y". replace all from: Code: copy " to: Code: copy /Y " This can be a problem, as replacement will not occur for a new version if such a situation occurs.
Loooove the tool. So I know how to integrate Windows components and updates. But how do you integrate other applications like third party (non Windows) apps? I want to add apps like NotePad ++ , OBS, etc?
in such cases, I use xml file and add run once command to start script in the script you can add your program with silent switch you can see such example --> here (you can make your own script, your own custom folder)
That's really an old school way to do the things. It obviously works but, wastes a lot of time each time you install windows, it just does automatically a series of installations, but the installations takes time anyway. Instead you can: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use MSMG to build your wim (or use an untouched wim, if you prefer), you don't even need to bother to make the ISO Deploy the Wim in a vhdx disk. Boot it in a VM or real machine, and enter in audit mode using CTRL+SHIFT+F3 during the initial OOBE phase. Install whatever you like + do whatever tweak you need exit from audit mode respecializing windows. You can stop here, you have a fresh windows ready to be booted on real HW as a native vhdx or as a VM (and never use an ISO and setup.exe for the rest of your life) But if you really want an ISO just mount the VHDX capture the image inside a file called install.wim, replace the one made with MSMG and build your ISO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This way, no matter if you deploy the wim or use the legacy setup.exe, everything happens as fast a as the stock image would do, sparing a lot of time, especially if you need to do multiple installations. if you use the vhdx it's even faster (way faster). It's just matter of copying a single file and adding it to the bootloader with a single command
maybe it will be useful for someone: Update Windows 10 LTSC 2021 - 21H2 Build 19044.1288 put all updates in a folder: \Toolkit_v12.5\WHD\w10\x64\10.0.19041 SSU is not needed, it is already include in CU in my case i integrated 5 updates: KB5011048 (.NET Framework 4.8.1), kb5012170 (SU), kb5014676 (DU), kb5015730 (CU .NET Framework 3.5 und 4.8), kb5016616 (CU) In MSMG choose > [2] Integrate > [4] Windows Updates > [2] Integrate WHD Update Pack > [1] Integrate WHD General Updates = it's all !!!
I don't want to build my own custom Wim file want to have option, to use any windows ISO currently I use W10 LTSC … tomorrow … $OEM$ option is great option for that case.
That's optional, but given we are in the MSMG thread.... Just reuse what you have in the $OEM$ folder and use it as a script when you boot in audit mode, so you don't even have to install anything manually Sure it still requires more time than coping an xml file and a folder, but you spend that time ONCE but you regain the time EACH time you install or deploy the image Obviously both options makes sense if you have to do a lot of installs, if you install on a single PC once every two years there is little point in both methods Everything has pros and cons, but the unattended way is a win95ish way, when it was the only viable way to automate things. In 2022 (14 years after MS released the native vhds) using anything else is just masochistic. ISOs (no matter if your way or mine, or stock) should be used just for in place upgrades.
decide to try it anyway. build my own WIM, on external ssd, now capture it. (install updates, drivers, registry tweaks, chrome only) look everything is ok …. Edit. the stupid thing also capture my xml file and can't edit because is solid ….. ( too much CPU / MEM resource to create one ,,, give up for today )
It's an imaging sw obviously it captures everything you have on the partition. Except the default exclusions (windows\system32\WimBootCompress.ini) that you can tailor for your needs Mount the wim, edit, unmount the wim (more or less the same thing you do when you have to edit an ISO) Rome wasn't built in a single day... I guess the same is valid for Jerusalem as well
You guys are talking about old school? I'm still doing application installs by means of runonceex. Brought it over from Windows XP. Cheers.
I've browsed through this thread, maybe missed it, but nowhere do I find that any or all modifications are lost after OS update. Are the removed features restored?
For Windows 11 Official Build 22000.xxx look [DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Official Build 22000.xxx (PC) [co_release] For other build Windows 11
I get an error message when I try to launch start.cmd. Launching toolkit.cmd works. Is it normal? I also get another error when I try to remove windows features.
Much better option. I've never done any VM work at home. Will have to play around with that one of these days. Loved the audit mode (Sysprep) and never knew that Windows had that feature. That part seemed to work fine as I installed all my apps and dressed up my install the way I wanted it. The only problem I had was that I wasn't sure what to do after the system shut down. Am I supposed to boot it up again? Did it create a new image that I can use as the install template image? I've watched a ton a videos but they all seemed to do everything so differently.
Has anyone got the missing packs that were on mega account? I cannot look for them anywhere else due to takedown. Thanks in advance.
You need to Boot the reference machine from WinPE or Windows install media & when booted from install media, press SHIFT + F10 to open Command Prompt. Run the following command to capture install.wim dism /capture-image /imagefile:C:\install.wim /capturedir: %drive%:\ /name:"install" /description:"install" / compress:maximum /checkintegrity /verify /bootable %drive%: where you want to save modified install.wim file say C:\