Code: ::EXAMPLES echo Default: %hname% echo Values: Name for newly opened hive. echo: echo Default: %hive% echo Values: Registry hive i.e. system, software. echo: echo Default: %hivepath% echo Values: HKLM,HKCU,HKCR,HKU,HKCC. echo: echo Default: %path5% echo Values: Path to Mount Folder 'X:\...\' reg load "%hivepath%\%hname%" "%path5%\windows\system32\config\%hive%" reg unload "%hivepath%\%hname%" :: In your case: reg load "HKLM\_test" "%path5%\windows\system32\config\software" reg unload "HKLM\_test" :: Will load to "HKLM\_test\..."
Did someone checked and untouched Win10 Installation vs. Toolkit Installation with Wireshark? I'll try it this we and hope Windows 10 babbles much fewer to Redmond.
I am not sure if anyone already mentioned, but the same ACCESS DENIED error that was happening during removal of Windows Defender package now happens with BioMetrics AND XboxCallableUI AND Windows Holographic TestRun... Could it be due to those packages being Inbox packages? Why does this happen and does it mean the package is not actually removed or just certain files not removed?
I guess I should start CMD with NSudo as Trusted Installer... EDIT: Same error even when CMD is launched as Trusted Installer. Also, at this point the image is mounted with MSMG Toolkit... Maybe that is what prevents access...
OK, so once I mount it separately and make the changes, will they automatically be saved to the Image.WIM file? Wouldn't I need to re-build it somehow?
Toolkit 7.2 does not have NetFX35 folder in Packs, so I created one, then re-created w10 folder within it, then pasted both NET Framework 3.5 CAB files in it, but MSMG Toolkit says that the folder is empty...
Yeah, I just did that and the directory/file structure is identical to the way I manually made it - no detection... I was following the newly posted video 1:1, except I also integrated drivers, the OTHER (supposedly the one that works) DirectX 9 Pack, the latest Windows Updates, and removed custom package - TestSigh bla bla that prevented DISM RestoreHealth from passing. Then I applied, unmounted, restarted PC, mounted and the video says to integrate NET Framework 3.5 at this point and I did and its not finding it...
I don't know why "restarting the host pc" would be needed but i've tested integrating dotnetfx35 in a clean 15063 iso: Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Integrating Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5########################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image : Install.wim Image Index : 1 Image Architecture : x86 Image Build : 10.0.15063.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Integrating Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Checking Whether Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is Enabled################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is Not Enabled... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integrating Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Package... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.15063.0 Image Version: 10.0.15063.0 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OnDemand-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.15063.0 [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Generating Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Integration Log Files############## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Integration Log file... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Integrating Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5########################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Press any key to continue . . . All went fine. PS, about the size of the wim. I only enabled dotnetfx35 on the Pro index of the x86 Multiple Editions iso and the difference between the original install.wim and the one with dotnetfx35 pre-enabled is about 300MB.
I don't know... I re-downloaded and did it again and I got the same result. I find that integrating ANYTHING other than updates results in problems with MSMG Toolkit. Is there any way to remove the Home version of the Install.wim and leave just the Pro? It looks like it would save a bunch of space! EDIT: I just did that with WimLib and WimLib CLC GUI! Now WIM is 3.3GB!
Nope, I did not get that good size until I used WImLib CLC. First time I just did OPTIMIZE and the size barely decreased, but then I did it again and then right-clicked on HOME and selected DELETE, it did the magic and voila - reduced size!
You do know that servicing one of the indexes inside a multiple index wim increases the size because the difference between the two indexes increases it? That's why i did a retest with a single index install.wim.
I did not select multiple... I selected "1" - I could care less for Home version! BTW, MSMG Toolkit detects NetFX35 just fine when used with original Install.wim from MS, but when I load mine - it says NetFX35 folder is empty! Maybe it has something to do with integrating that DirectX 9 ahead of NET Framework 3.5? Or maybe because I removed MANUAL SETUP? I don't even know what that is... Its one of the things MSMG Toolkit allows to remove...
Again, why are you removing/adding all kinds of stuff blindly and wonder why something goes wrong after removing/adding stuff?