1. pacoolio

    pacoolio MDL Member

    Jun 10, 2009
    Like the updates, the tool is also constantly updated. Regarding the purpose of this tool, you should read the description of the app and its features first. I hope that answers your question.
  2. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    What tool do you use that removes components and when using WU the components don't return?

    I always make it clear here that if you want to leave as you have customized your ISO, leaving Windows Update enabled is no longer an option.

    So, disable Windows Update in tweaks and when you want to update, make a new ISO and an inplace update.

    You've reduced the tool to a component remover. There are many more functions. That's very disrespectful. Just because you must know how to do the things you need, on the nail?
    Have you no empathy for those without such knowledge?

    About purposes... There is no purpose in attacking, just don't use it.
    Otherwise, as the friend above said, check the other possibilities that the tool brings.

    If English is not your native language, choose your words better so that it comes out lighter. We may have misinterpreted your message, also because the translator can make our messages short and sometimes harsh and disrespectful, I put myself in your shoes and I feel that I owe you an apology.

    But "why you use it.?" it could have been "What functions do you use more besides removing components?".
    Surely you would have responses from regular users.
  3. Alexa120

    Alexa120 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2020
    Hello MSMG I wonder why, when integrating the old calculator and after installing the assembly, the empty file is not displayed correctly in the Start menu: Windows 10 Pro 22H2 Build 19045.2364 x64 Is it the same with the latest releases of MSMG ToolKit v13/12. on earlier builds? How to fix? Thanks to.
  4. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    maybe you need to reparse it to "for what purpose you people you this tool" ?
    it sound way better … :D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    None of the stuff I remove gets reverted. There are only a handful of things that come back and if you are the someone that does remove stuff that comes back, the tool is still a good option:

    1. Build your image the way you want it.
    2. Install.
    3. Disable windows updates completely before first trip online.
    4. Build a new image if an update has something you need/want.
    5. Do an in place upgrade with this new image.

    You wont ever see the stuff you removed come back if you do this.
  6. Cred goes to MSMG Dev of toolkithelper executable . Awesome tool for building a lightweight image & with flawless results.
  7. raptorddd

    raptorddd MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2019
    #24348 raptorddd, Dec 31, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022
    sorry if it came out that way. yes not my native language. and it was kind of late.
    but you did give me a clear answer.
    this is my history back then when components were not reinstalled after an update i was learning on how to use the program . but my pc broke. this was before pandemic so i had no PC for more than 2 years. i comeback learned how to use program and found out it reinstalls removed components.
    i did use it but its takes time to create the ISO but its worth it.
    my question was or what i meant was you use it because.? even though you have to do a new iso why you keep doing it.
    i ask becuase what am looking is to get the best performance out of my CPU.
    but i wanted to know others opinion for the other users the use of the tool. privacy, remove bloatware. ect
    i did find my PC more responsive i even kept defender

    how often does microsoft sends updates.? montlhy
    when you said do an inplace update you mean after new versions like 21h1 then 21h2 or just after a cumulative update.?
    the way i set up mine was using a picture to set up msmg toolkit options i know theres is a script but i had a hard time finding the names.
    does msmg toolkit creates a script out of selected optons so you just can import script and run it.?
    the attached zip are the components ive removed.. not sure if i removed something that i shouldnt have removed.

    thank you all for your explanation..

    Attached Files:

  8. Panco1

    Panco1 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2014
    for me only micorsoft egde is back other app and staff is complety removed after windows update :)
  9. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    There is a list folder with templates for each build, for ToolkitHelper which is what does the removal process through the menus. Take a look inside the .\Bin\Lists folder.

    I see weekly updates... But I only build ISSo with updates released in the second week of the month, just like Toolkit updates are usually based on.That, being based on the updates of the second week of the month, is not always the rule.

    I use the Toolkit, because to install my system and install it for my family, and leave everything according to my security and privacy criteria (for the most rigorous I install Sparky Linux "Based on Debian Testing" after all we never 100% get rid of telemetry, and in the case of using Windows we have to limit ourselves in what we do in using the system and, keeping in mind what we are willing to share about our personal data.), I lost 6 to 8 hours on each machine.

    Now I prepare the ISO in 1h 30min, and install everything automated for each machine in 30min and everything is ready.

    I repeat this on the family machines every 6 months. In mine I do it monthly to be able to give some feedback here and to be able to make my modifications available on IMCK
  10. Bira

    Bira MDL Senior Member

    Oct 4, 2017
    #24351 Bira, Jan 1, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2023
    share about our personal data
    This guy doesn't really download lol, he taught me a lot not to download everything he sees around, to analyze well so that we don't catch a link or infected files, because we have to be very attentive thank you, inTerActionVRI
  11. mrjayviper

    mrjayviper MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2013
    I disabled/removed most of the apps except for windows defender and (associated apps like smart screen, firewall and etc) + apps that I thought were required for a windows acct.

    When trying to update/install "cumulative 22h2 updates", it keeps on failing.

    Any tips on what apps I need to keep to have a problem-free Windows update? Thank you
  12. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #24354 inTerActionVRI, Jan 1, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2023
    Ah, what I was saying there and it seems that it wasn't clear... It's that using windows we have to be aware that we are exposed.

    And we have to accept that the personal data that we make available in the system may leak. So, we should already be calm with such exposure.

    If anyone wants to ensure more privacy. Linux. And other details like vpn, tor, etc. And even then, it's never total privacy.
  13. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Even on systems with no modifications and very little in the way of software load, updates sometimes just seem to glitch out and then you are stuck.

    Best advice I can give you is that a few times a year instead of installing updates the conventional way, I build a completely up to date image and do an upgrade install.

    On top of getting you up to date, any lingering OS problems are corrected. You get to keep all of your apps and data so its a win/win ...... aside from the time it takes to make the image.
  14. OpenSourceGhost

    OpenSourceGhost MDL Member

    Feb 14, 2022
    Nope, doesn't work. I have to manually uninstall integrated VC++, which of course requires pointing to installer location that, by default (in integrated VC++), is expected to be in non-existent directory. I point them to directory with MSI files extracted from abbodi's VC++ package. Once that is done, I re-install the same exact VC++ MSI files (from the same directory) and MSI Afterburner starts working. I think the registry is somehow messed up. Integrated VC++ needs to be fully uninstalled before it can be re-installed and be functional. Simply repairing VC++ by installing abbodi's VC++ on top of integrated VC++ doesn't work.

    It should be reproducable:
    - Apply latest updates to any version of Windows 11
    - Rebase
    - Remove everything MSMG Toolkit can remove without custom lists
    - Integrate DirectX 9, VC++, DotNET 6, DotNet 7, and Classic Calculator
    - Install Windows 11
    - Install and launch MSI Afterburner

    Once this issue is fixed, it may be a good idea to include "Hide" option that hides installed VC++ package from Programs list. "Hide" option exists in abbodi's VC++ package in "ARP.cmd", which I can only use if I extract abbodi's VC++ package.
  15. DennyAmaro

    DennyAmaro MDL Junior Member

    Apr 25, 2018
    #24357 DennyAmaro, Jan 2, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
    Hi MSMG Team,
    Recently I re-download MSMG toolkit and edit Windows 11 22H2 22621.963, and I discover a few things one of them is that if someone use PowerToys by Microsoft need Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR) due the Text Extractor feature.
    But, one of the things that gets my attention is that after edit the ISO, convert to ESD, the feature Smart App Control is turned off and for new installation of Windows 11 should be in Evaluation Mode.
    I download the Image from UUPDump with the updates integrated. The lists of components that I remove, features that I disable is attached.

    And the tweaks Applied:
    Disable Automatic Download and Install of 3rd Party Apps
    [C] Disable Automatic Download and Install of Microsoft Teams App
    [E] Disable Cortana App
    [F] Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates
    [P] Enable Windows Photo Viewer
    [Q] Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework
    [R] Hide Taskbar Chat Icon
    [T] Hide Taskbar Meet Now Icon

    [V] Hide Taskbar Search Bar
    [W] Hide Taskbar Task View Icon
    [X] Hide Taskbar Widgets Icon

    Anyone knowns why the feature immediately turned off after windows installation?

    Attached Files:

  16. bala1

    bala1 MDL Member

    May 2, 2015
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. Igor147

    Igor147 MDL Member

    Oct 20, 2016
    #24359 Igor147, Jan 2, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2023
    Can I recognize these two tweaks? Thanks in advance
    [D] Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade
    [K] Disable Windows Update

    os windows 11
  18. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I used this option, but I had some problems, I thought it was better for apps to run under their dependencies.
    Maybe you don't have any problems.
    These incompatibility issues happened to me about 2 years ago.

    Disables the offer to update for the next versions of Windows. Ex: 19044 to 19045; 19045 to 22000; 19045 to 22621; 22000 to 22621, etc. I'm not saying that exactly these options occur. These are just examples for you to understand. These offers are completely adverse, I don't know what the MS criteria are for offering. But on OEM machines this is quite frequent.