Did you see this post I made a few days ago? Maybe this will help. I saw that you use short path, but is Net 4.8 or 4.8.1 up to date? You are disabling defender or any antivirus that generate some inconsistencies of denies access? Correctly Running Start.cmd does Nsudo appear for you?
Removing Components using Toolkit Helper but the screen not showing all components processing. It shows only half of them in the end of processing even it scroll up. Toolkit 13.2
hi all. I don't cry about problems here. But now something is wrong. I haven't changed anything, but now I keep getting a blue screen when I install Windows, then it freezes. It keeps saying: device not found. blah, blah, blah. I don't think it's because I'm not paying attention. At the moment I'm trying to uninstall the unnecessary stuff from Windows 22H2.19045.2604, but it's all in vain. "I haven't changed anything": here I thought, I'm doing everything the way I've always done it.
Obviously the pendrive has nothing to do with that error, is not like a pendrive is OK to install a stock image but is bad to install a customized one.
19045, i don't want to go any lower than that again. i have many programs that require the newer windows I do nothing and that's it.(back to the past, no no ) What can go wrong will go wrong... well, this too... I am sad...
Windows 22621.1343 error occurs "the instruction at 0x00007ff referenced memory could not be read" Windows there is no installation
I think you got it wrong. It's just that when you take a zip package from the UUP dump without integrating the updates to generate a 19045 and always be able to use the same ISO with the Toolkit, the ISO generated without updates is a 19041.1. You can make all the base .1 ISOs and make it available to generate the updated ISOs just by integrating the updates. When you integrate updates with the Toolkit it becomes 19045.26xx.
I'm checking the possibilities mentioned... Yes, DISM is functional for everyone, but it requires you to have elevated rights to read it. With reg.exe query there is no need for elevated rights. For me this is useful in other scripts and I'm looking for the best key to use from W7 to W11. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language This one doesn't work. Here my system is all in pt-BR so "InstallLanguage" returns the correct Installation language code but it is 416 instead of returning pt-BR and for "InstallLanguageFallback" it returns en-US. I believe that directly from the Control Panel or CurrentControlSet are the best options given the argument of the difference between the Image locale and the language option that the user is using. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached rem for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%o in ('reg.exe query "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\MuiCached" /s /v "Languages" ^| findstr.exe /I "REG_ _SZ"') do (set "HostLanguage=%%o") I have already tested this option from MuiCached key on some systems this entry is not available. Why didn't I write down which ones? But I think it was from w11 onwards. After you displayed your argument I also saw that I was getting data from "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT". So it's interesting to carry out the test in the same one I had sent before, but changing it to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. from: for /F "tokens=3 delims= " %%o in ('reg.exe query "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International" /v "LocaleName" ^| findstr.exe /I "REG_ _SZ"') do (set "HostLanguage=%%o") to: for /F "tokens=3 delims= " %%o in ('reg.exe query "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v "LocaleName" ^| findstr.exe /I "REG_ _SZ"') do (set "HostLanguage=%%o") And test the 2 below: for /F "tokens=3 delims= " %%o in ('reg.exe query "HKCU\Control Panel\International\User Profile" /s /v "Languages" ^| findstr.exe /I "REG_ _SZ"') do (set "HostLanguage=%%o") for /F "tokens=7 delims=\" %%o in ('reg.exe query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages" /s /v "LCID" ^| findstr.exe /I "HKEY"') do (set "HostLanguage=%%o") @Supern00b can you check these 3 variants on your W10, if that takes your option which is in en-US? put this line for the testing purpose echo.HostLanguage : "%HostLanguage%" pause Thnks!
Isn't the whole toolkit running as TI anyway? Obviously it returns the language code, 409 en-US, 410 it-IT and so on, that decides the general behavior of windows, say the installer won't let you to update a Brazilian installation using an Italian ISO (not even if you have some relatives in Rome ). If you are looking for the default and fallback MUI(s) you have to look to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages and eventually to other keys under MUI. those values are in xx_YY form (then there are the user 's setting given you can use different MUIs for different users.)