For 19044.1288 this shouldn't happen. I'll check it out. The AutoUnattend.xml is in DVD folder. What ISO language did you use there is some Locale language? For example: like Default Language is en-US and Locale is en-IN.
I understood. Translations generate strange intonation. And I edited the message before you had replied. Now I edited to translate a part that was missing to translate. You haven't stepped on any nerves, no. heheheh Just thought you might have wasted some time. But then when the MSMG makes the final changes, you make your changes. The expression "Stay calm" in Brazil is a natural expression. In English "Stay calm" or "Calm down", I already noticed that it sounds incisive. And I don't know how I could say it any other way. Maybe say something like, "don't worry about it now."
A line of code is missing, but that doesn't interfere with the script's operation. So it's already fixed. However it didn't just affect the LTSC you mentioned, the message was being displayed for whatever was used. I took the opportunity to add information about which SPBuilds are supported based on the Build being read. I'm just waiting for your autounattend.xml to be sent, so I can check what's going on. Has anyone else had issues with autounattend? Can you send me print of the Unattend menu Info?
But it's supposed to have <!-- opening and --> closing the comment. so it should not be read when the xml is called. In the past the problems were related to settings for components that users removed. I removed those settings. And regarding that, everything is working, now the error is another one. It may be related to wrong language detection. But I have to wait for the friend to send me his autounattend. What is your host's language? Sends a printout of the displayed data that appears in Option F of the Unattended menu. It might give me useful information.
This is how the XML started with the original 13.4: <!--************************************************* Installation Notes: ------------------- This "Autounattend.xml" file works for both installation modes: Legacy BIOS-based (MBR) and UEFI-based (GPT). This method will show the UI (User Interface): in the INDEX (Windows Editions) selection, disk configuration (partition settings) and user account. If you need to set preferences for automating disk partitioning, you need to make a Autounattend.xml file for each installation media: 1) For MBR mode (based on legacy BIOS) 2) For UEFI-based mode (GPT) This is due to the specific differences required in the configuration for each of the partition tables. **************************************************--> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> There is ------------------- (double hyphen) below Installation Notes:, and also, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> comes only after them. <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage></SetupUILanguage> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UILanguageFallback>en-US</UILanguageFallback> <UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> I guess this is what you needed (copied from the same xml). I did not try with this corrected .XML as I actually only fixed it now - I was using some random stuff from the web to make it work back then, but generally I do not like the idea of hardcoded user setup when CloudHostExperience is removed, so I am looking for a workaround to have CloudHostExperience removed, but also make OOBE work - so far without success, but I have been looking into other things during past 2 weeks, so for now it is only on my TODO list.
The parsing error from Enluaphelis' screenshot should refer to this kind of content, as I was also getting the error for the first line with this kind of content, and even validators will refer to the same line, so I am confident that these are the issues people are facing.
I created an autounattend.xml but sadly it works only with 19041.XXXX build even after removing all components, when EP(21H2/22H2) update integrated in base ISO it stuck at blank screen as mentioned by MSMG after username login screen
I did it on 19044.1288 LTSC 2021 as well. Autounattend didn't work. Gonna send my autounattend.xml in a 20 minutes by @inTerActionVRI request.
The "double hyphen" I was thinking you were talking about was the one that ends the comment with the "greater than" character -->. This is correct, you have to end the comment like this. I'm going to put spaces between the hyphen and test.
@inTerActionVRI Hey, here is my autounnatend + screenshot with the settings I used (a link was there)
He also said to restart the computer once when this occurred. Did you add the UndockedDevKit component to the list for removal? In this case the autounattend works. The issue is because of the above removed component.
I also forgot to mention that I remove literally everything in the remove section. That is because I use replacements and workarounds for the things that would break.
Nope in my case with 19041.XXXX Yup every possible components which can be removed via ToolkitHelper.exe were removed I don't think so the issue arise in my case whenever I integrate EP update in base ISO
Open-shell, otherwise "Critical System error" screen will pop-up whenever windows icon is click & restarting the system doesn't help either