In LTSC I believe all of the original localized ones, brings this SFC ghost error. I already tested it with pt-BR, es-ES and it-IT ISOs. @MSMG, in ToolkitHelper the component for "VCLibs140UWP" is "VCLibs140", so this need to be changed in the Toolkit.cmd or in ToolkitHelper. from: VCLibs140UWP= to: VCLibs140= and from: VCLibs140UWP% to: VCLibs140%
The focus is usually on component removal. But you can ignore all the parts that need to support specific builds and just use what's part of DISM. So you can only remove UWP apps and a few other things. Not the wide range available in the menus, nor the List of ToolkiHelper packages that facilitates the removal of the components present in the Menus. But at least you can use any ISO downloaded directly from MS. It's simple. Same update files. Facilitated by third-party download applications. You know what to download. But for many in the UUP there is the right list. There are threads here on the forum, and Enthousiast posts updated lists for each build, pretty much every week. The person chooses. Personally, I don't see the point in going to the catalog to download each file. I made the script to download and place in the correct folders inside the Toolkit WHD. When I started, MSMG had been around for years and it taught me a lot of what I know. I learn from everyone here. I'm sorry but anyone who wants to customize something has to learn about the tools they will use. I just didn't say LTSC wasn't supported. But in this version, only Enterprise and IoT Enterprise are supported, which are the LTSC. But WHD is the same thing it will just integrate in the right order. If it's not working right now, it's something new with the latest updates. hheehehehehe Windows 10 from line 12992 to 13084. Windows 11 from line 13084 to 13211.
I don't use the Toolkit to integrate updates. At this point I am just assisting in debugging, because there is definitely a bug. Yeah, it is quite easy if you know where to look for. By the time you replied I was down the rabbit hole enough to know this. From what I can tell, the following part is not executed or something goes wrong at least (I am still at debugging): if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if exist "%Temp%\Updates\*.cab" ( Inside this block there would be the inner .cab extraction, which also handles the SSU for Windows 10, as expected. I should have some results soon. Additionally, at the beginning of the script you define Temp variable. I recommend not using this name, because it is already part of the default environment variables, and you are overwriting it.
Okay, so the above is not being called, because this is the part which gets processed actually instead: :: Extracting/Copying Windows/WHD Updates .CAB files to Temporary Folder if "%UpdateType%" equ "WUpdates" ( if exist "%Updates%\*%ImageArchitecture%*.msu" expand "%Updates%\*.msu" -F:Win*.cab "%Temp%\Updates" >nul if exist "%Updates%\*%ImageArchitecture%*.cab" %XCopy% "%Updates%\*.cab" "%Temp%\Updates" >nul ) So this obviously is not doing the same as the part from lines 12992 to 13084. SSU is not extracted. Furthermore, if I understand correctly, this is the part that integrates the updates actually for WUpdates: if "%UpdateType%" equ "WUpdates" call :AddPackage "%InstallMount%\%%i", "%Temp%\Updates" Here you could go by doing a check if SSU*.cab, integrate that first, anything else can come later. But the whole folder is being referenced by the current command, rather than a specific file, so of course things could get out of control if you are not explicit. I copied to the %Temp%\Updates folder before this command is called, and the KB update is being processed first, which will fail due to image version mismatch, and then the SSU update is performed successfully. So you need be in control of what is being executed. If you want to force people using WHD updates, remove this option and the "problem is solved".
Yes, but only in the script session. I got used to using TMP_. MSMG has already said that it has plans to refactor this part and unify things. I don't know what's the point of keeping both options. About the problem there is something recent. That didn't happen. Tomorrow I will test on 19041.1 to check with the WHD Update option. Now... Bed and sleep.
The oldest version that I was checking was 13.3 and it is doing the same exact thing with regards to the WUpdates extraction part. The reason why people were not reporting issues is most likely that older updates require older Servicing Stack version, which might have been part of the system already, e.g., 19044.1288, and SSU requirements do not change that often, even if there is a newer version released (update.mum might require an older version as a minimum). And since people were using random images with an updated version, this could very well fit the bill. Additionally, if you get you UUP integrated source, you would not even use this functionality of the Toolkit to begin with. Technically speaking it does not matter what option will be there in the future, however, currently this option is bugged, that requires additional effort (integrate SSU before any other update). Up to you if you want to spend effort on it, however, a working extraction method already exists for the WHD option of W10 and W11, which could be pretty much copied as-is. A small tweak should be considered then for the add package part to handle SSU first, and the rest any way, and that is about it as far as I can tell. Pretty much no effort with your skills even so. Good night, good rest, and have a nice weekend.
Hi @MSMG sfcdetails.txt[Extract] Code: 2023-08-13 03:04:35, Info CSI 00000111 [SR] Repairing file \??\C:\Windows\System32\\NarratorControlTemplates.xml from store Spoiler: RemovePkgsList.txt EdgeChromium SpeechRecognition WalletService WindowsMail OneDrive Narrator Cortana ECApp Edge EdgeDevToolsClient MapControl NarratorQuickStart PeopleExperienceHost SkypeORTC WindowsMixedReality WindowsReaderPDF WindowsStoreCore XboxCore XboxGameCallableUI 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather CalculatorApp Camera CommunicationsApps FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ScreenSketch ServicesStoreEngagement SkypeApp SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StickyNotes StorePurchaseApp Wallet WindowsStore XboxApp XboxGameOverlay XboxGamingOverlay XboxIdentityProvider XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxTCUI YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo
When changing Screen Buffer Size's Height from Toolkit, somehow it also changes Toolkit color settings from Default to "Black - Bright White"
Hello! "[A] All tweaks" option in "Customize" menu does not work, so we had to select every tweak one by one.
Is there a way to have a custom packaged Windows 11 desktop (non-UxTheme) displayed automatically after a clean, unattended install? Copying *.deskthemepack files to the MSMG "UxTheme" folder doesn't seem to work, nor does trying to shell execute the *.deskthemepack file from the $OEM$ folder.
You can fix it by yourself
For personal organization, I rename the updates, downloaded from Microsoft Catalog, like this: Update KB123456789 (Windows 10 x64).msu. Since MSMG Toolkit has errors with long names (this is a huge >>>Windows problem<<<, which I hate, including not supporting : and ?), I renamed the file in KB123456789.msu format. From the beginning, I believed it was a name error and was already thinking of leaving the original name with SHA-1 hash. Thank you very much for helping me. I have been testing the installation for a few days now and it is perfect. I extracted the .msu file from the July update and put the .cab files in the update folder as you said. It worked normally. I installed Windows on Disk A:\, instead of C:\, enabled compression and also enabled CompactOS getting a Windows 10 22H2 Pro x64 installation, updated to July 2023, using less than 5 GB of storage on the SSD.
Only when removing some specific Components. Not for integrating things. Use the specified supported ISO Builds. Read about it in changelog.txt in your Toolkit folder. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v2004 (v10.0.19041.1) & v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2/v22H2 (v10.0.1904x.3208 [KB5028166]) Source OS. EDITED: @tempdrive1 informed that you will get some issue when integrating updates in 19041.1 (maybe some other build.1) through Updates option. Use WHD Updates option.
This issue can affect any Windows build for which the update has newer requirements than what comes with the image you are trying to integrate it into. Basically the WUpdates (selecting [4] Windows Updates) code part in Toolkit.cmd needs to be adjusted to extract SSU from the update you are trying to integrate. And when the integration part takes place using the DISM command, you have to make sure that SSU comes before anything. You must change the code (I have given some indications on how to) as it is destined to fail for the intended integration process. If, for any reason, you need help with it, happy to provide some feedback on it. I have also given a workaround option for that (you extract SSU*.cab into the corresponding Updates subfolder and let the integration process complete for it before putting the intended update in the folder for integration), and it is already confirmed that it works. I also recommend to let users use any naming convention, since DISM will not integrate unsupported updates anyway, and people could accidentally name the wrongly (e.g. downloading x86 update but saved as x64 filename), so this check is only worth so much.
MSMG Toolkit v13.5 - Windows 10 22h2 I tried remove all components. Removing of CloudExperienceHost breaks installation after reboot (setup part). Maybe help using of unattended.xml file. Spoiler: MSMG said: Note: have added some new components for removal, the below components removal also comes with issues which the user needs to deal with. ClientCBS - Will remove the user experience pack, breaks Input App, Windows 11 Start menu and Screen clipping. For Windows 11 v21H2 it will restore the Windows 10 Start menu, Explorer and Taskbar., also can restore some resources files for some system apps. CloudExperienceHost - Requires a full unattended installation without internet connectivity and requires SkipMachineOOBE enabled in unattended xml. If removing this component then do not add OOBE updates to the image. InputApp - Breaks the touch input application, touch keyboard functionality. ShellExperienceHost - Breaks Start Menu and taskbar fly-outs popups for battery calendar, clock, sound, network, action center for Windows 10 v17763-v18363 Breaks Taskbar fly-outs popups for battery calendar, clock, sound, network, action center for Windows 10 v1904x and Windows 11 StartMenuExperienceHost - Breaks Start Menu, for Windows 11, a error dialog will appear on first boot, once the Log-out button in the dialog box is clicked it will logout the OS, then the user needs to login to fix this error. This is due to Windows 11's default show Start menu on logon option, if anyone finds a tweak to disable it, will add to the removal process. UndockedDevKit - Will remove Setting -> System -> About window page. when this component is removed alone without the above components the windows Setup completes properly else it will get stuck with a blank screen at the setup completion stage, then the user needs to reboot once to fix it. So haven't added this component in the Toolkit's removal menu, if the user want to remove it then they can use the list or manual method.
Done similar testing, no issue other than screen stuck at blank screen at the end of setup during installation