This is what @mxman2k share to me to fix this issue Code: REM Rename Registered Owner/Winver To Users Name. [ W10+/Server 2016+ ] Section. You have to delete the reg entry first to be allowed to re-enter new details. REG delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "RegisteredOwner" /f >nul 2>&1 REG add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "RegisteredOwner" /t REG_SZ /d "%UserName%" /f >nul 2>&1 I used this regedits in my custom unattend.xml & it worked out
I understood. But from what I read in the code. I think the result when creating a new user, through windows. When you check the new user there will be Haris. Just testing to find out. But I remain with my hypothesis. That's why I asked you to create another user. Just to prove it and eliminate doubt. This makes it even simpler to implement the fix through the toolkit via tweak instead of putting it in unattend.
No. But you can test it too. Use %%UserName%% instead %UserName%. Just create a user with the name TESTER. Logon with the new user. And see if the user name will change in place of "Windows user". That's all we need to know to know if it is necessary to correct the code I placed.
Inside the exe there are the .cabs dedicated to each OS. No idea if integrating the cabs alone is enough, that's a question for @abbodi1406 @MSMG or @inTerActionVRI It's the original installer, so obviously not.
I remembered seeing this script inside the folder. But I'll check if it's from an older version I have or if I'm somehow mistaken. Sorry!
From what I saw and understood, in the codes there is an extraction of cabs from within exe packages and msu packages, and then each relevant cab is installed. But there is always more. So my knowledge is short and based on what I learned from their scripts.
@acer-5100 @inTerActionVRI Thank you for the kind support. I hope someone chimes in so that I can move forward with the integration.
@MSMG Remove remoting components, remote assistance. ...friends or techincal should be friends or technical
I was on my cell phone and saw the image at a glance. The Script I mentioned is in your Packs folder. Also, I wasn't clear when I made the recommendation.