Hi, I'm having a bit of a "philosophical" problem I'm using MSMG Toolkit to customize one of the latest Windows 10 versions obtained via "UUP Dump". I'm not giving any specifics because I want to keep this message short and maybe expose it fully later if I get someone's help on the matter. The point is: I am doing a massive removal but, as an example of recent results I'm getting, let me just speak of one "thing" -- I am removing Windows Defender except Firewall. Well... when I load my initial ISO image, the script tells me I have to use DISM method to remove packages. So I follow this advice, and remove a bunch of packages relateds to Defender. Resulting ISO is fine, but I find A LOT of references in Windows registry about, say, SecurityHealth, and there's a menu left for that functionality, a taskbar icon, etcetera. Now... I repat the whole process but when removing Defender I use ToolkitHelper method instead. Resulting ISO is bigger BUT there's not a single instance of SecurityHealth in the registry. Also, no menu or icon residuals left. Can someone help me understand what's going on? What method should I use then? And... what are ToolkitHelper's changes done to the registry? Could I just apply them via registry patch after to removing packages via DISM - which maybe would give me the best of both worlds result? Thanks for any help you can provide. If someone is interested in helping me further I can give a more detailed explanation with every change made -- and they are A LOT.
inTerActionVRI, ''...Does this happen to everyone of you too?'' I have a similar situation) Therefore, I’m looking forward to the new version of this tool...
when integrating drivers what is the difference to place them in boot/recovery or installation media.?
@raptorddd You just need to add special drivers to your installed image. There is almost no need to add special hardware drivers to setup boot image or create a recovery image unless your PC needs, say, a SCSI, SAS or other special hardware driver in order to boot or start up. In a recovery or boot environment a PC mainly needs mouse, keyboard, monitor and hard drive access and most modern versions of Windows provide that out of the box.
to simple disbale windows update, just disabled USOSVC ( or Update Orchestrator Service) you still can update app from MS store, but you cant update your windows.
Just a supplement of information: Autoruns is part of the SysinternalsSuite that was acquired by MS a long time ago.
You have to provide a supported ISO to not get the "Not supported" message. To do this, just create a UUP dump ISO without integrating updates. You will get an ISO 19041.1 then you add the updates through the Toolkit and use the methods provided through the ToolkitHelper. Or an ISO with exactly the supported updates 1904x.xxxx, described in the ChangeLogs.txt file. The ToolkitHelper Methods are: by ToolkiHelper list and the method through the 8 sub-menus (Remove Components Menu). So, they only work for supported ISOs. Yes, anything related to the removed Component should also be removed. But there must be workarounds to keep other dependencies functioning.
So is the message simply coded to look at the specific version number? was from the latest update. Since then it's now 1904x.3324 -> 1904x.3633 Does that mean the latest build would trigger the message but the older 3324 would not?
Is the latest Toolkit_v13.6.7z archive broken for anyone else? It ends up with 27 errors when unpacking, error "Unsupported compression method", latest 7-Zip v23.01.
Guys what iso i need to download to be supported in latest toolkit i want windows 10 22h2 but it says it isn't supported(i downloaded by microsoft creation tool)? file name is: Win10_22H2_Polish_x64v1.iso
Even if it works fine, byte size of collective files inside archive and after decompression is different.
Which download site are you getting the file from? I never had a single error when extracting the archive with 7-Zip v23.01.