1. tempdrive1

    tempdrive1 MDL Member

    Aug 29, 2021

    Binary testing means you select half of the options and see if things work or not.
    Based on the outcome, you keep repeating the halving on the path where the issue comes from.
    So, for instance, if at selecting first half of changes still have issues, you halve those changes and narrow it down from that group with keeping half of the changes of the group after each test.
    If you do not have issues after applying half of the changes, it should be coming from the other half, so you do this process for them.
    It is really fast, and very rarely should you have parts in both groups where only using them combined breaks something.
    I did this some months back when I had search issues in Start Menu (then someone reminded me that he already reported it some pages back actually).

    I would be happy to help you out with that, would need to have your source image and exact steps you are doing, which I am sure you mentioned already, but it's difficult to recover the proper information at this point.
    It does not take too long, even though the removal works rather slow with the Toolkit.

    Since I absolutely have no idea what you were doing (basically TL/DR), my guess is that (if you are using Component removal from the menus) it's originating from System Components, and the testing should be focusing on them.
    Backup, Storage related entities sound suspicious to me.

    Keep in mind that there are like 15 active members here, and from what I can tell, only you and I use PowerShell in a serious manner.
    Command line (cmd) should not be involved at all if you can call PowerShell, so that only adds more options for failures, even though the effort is appreciated.
    Also, posting bugs that you are already aware of does not help (quoting issues that I spotted immediately).

    My last image is from v13.3 and I did not notice any issues to be honest - thought I am not using these specific commands, everything seems to work just fine.
    We had one guy from India some months back, where he thought he removed something, but it turned out he had ISP problems and Web pulling commands he used from a downloaded script were getting Timeout.

    If you are using an "unsupported" image, the Toolkit will do unexpected things - since it is closed source, I must assume it works on certain patterns for each version, hence it needs to be updated, which is definitely not optimal, nevertheless the efforts are still appreciated.
    And no, pure version match is not enough, Edition needs to be correct as the Toolkit is seems to have data hardcoded for it.
    (I did promise an alternative method for applying updates several months back, but I was also having ResetBase issues, and wanted to sort out them by having a stable image before publishing anything, which has not happened to this date and I am about to get back on the project and testing around January 2024.)
    We are playing around with a Black Box with our own (non-standard?) input and we are barely in control of the output, it's a miracle we have such high success rates actually.

    Your problem is not as difficult to solve as you think, try what I suggested above (hopefully ELI5 enough, otherwise Google maybe) or let me or others help you, but we need your image and exact steps for sure.
  2. tempdrive1

    tempdrive1 MDL Member

    Aug 29, 2021

    Allow me to post a workaround that seems to give you what you need as far as I could understand reading back.
    It seems that my old image is also broken for such commands and thus I could find the component myself actually - the system where I apply updates already restored the broken components, so they work there.

    I did seem to find other, native commands that still work on the broken system and should give you what you are after, you should give a try to the following commands:

    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk

    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume

    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskPartition

    Let me know if these do not cover what you are after.
    Should these commands be good enough, I can find the component myself if you do not wish to spend time on it yourself.

    Update: hope it is nothing new, but the commands will give you more detailed output when you pipe Format-List * after them.
    Feel free to use aliases, I prefer using the fully-qualified command names.
  3. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    @tempdrive1 All good. I've got the script using diskpart now. Works like a charm.
    Maybe one day, when I have some time, I'll try and track down why PS storage commands don't work.
    I need to move on :)
    Now, I'm trying to figure out why office clicktorun is filling my c:\windows\temp folder with 100's of telemetry log files.
  4. MrNico98

    MrNico98 MDL Junior Member

    May 9, 2023
    #26604 MrNico98, Nov 23, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
    If I use MSMG TOOLKIT for debloat Win11 22h2 iso and after debloating it, I applied the update to win11 23h2 with DISM, would the debloat remain?
  5. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014

    P.S CU updates will return bloat as well.
  6. MrNico98

    MrNico98 MDL Junior Member

    May 9, 2023
    No for?
    Return only app?
  7. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    Return everything.
  8. MrNico98

    MrNico98 MDL Junior Member

    May 9, 2023
    So to debloat the 23h2 iso you just have to wait for an update? There is no possibility otherwise right?
  9. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    Yes, wait for an update.
  10. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I have not yet implemented the use of removal menus with DISM for Online use (I understood what you said, as installed Windows).
    I think it's better to make a dedicated tool for this.
  11. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009

    As far as I know, when updates are applied, the components that return are those that were removed through menus 1 to 7.
    Menu 8 (Windows Apps) components are not affected by the CU application. Unless something has been changed in the latest updates.
  12. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    Yes, you are correct.
  13. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    I dont think all components will return likely very few like defender and such or not even and it depends on what update you will apply. For example myself installed debloated 22h2 621.2283 then to fix dism resetbase installed kb5032190 major update for 22h2 not even defender was reinstalled and it was removed earlier with toolkit all i could see new was backup app in start menu, could be that if i updated to 23h2 i would get some apps reinstalled.

    best way is to try it doesn't take much myself happy with 621.2283
  14. MrNico98

    MrNico98 MDL Junior Member

    May 9, 2023
    #26614 MrNico98, Nov 24, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2023
    Does anyone know how to activate ReFS from bootwim? Can the Toolkit activate it? on win11 23h2 canary
  15. tempdrive1

    tempdrive1 MDL Member

    Aug 29, 2021
    For those of you few who might still be interested, removing Storage Spaces from Remove System Components Menu will break certain PowerShell CmdLets, such as Get-Disk, Get-Partition and Get-Volume by not getting any output returned for either of them.

    You can still access the underlying information by using WMI ojbect classes (e.g. Win32_LogicalDisk, Win32_Volume and Win32_DiskPartition.

    I wanted to see if I use package list removal for StorageSpaces (as found in RemovePkgsList_W10_10.0.1904X.txt) using DISM rather than ToolKit, however, it said that it was already removed:

    ####Removing Windows Components Using Package List#############################

    ===========================[Install.wim, Index : 1]============================

    Removing StorageSpaces Package...

    The specified package has already been removed...

    I have never been using package list removal before, so I might have done something incorrectly, but basically I wanted to see if the breakage originates from ToolKit method, or if using native DISM commands results in the same.

    The source image I have been using was 10.0.19041.1.vb_release.191206-1406_amd64fre_client-multisku_retail_en-us-CCSA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV5.iso to conduct all tests.
  16. PhantomMaggot

    PhantomMaggot MDL Novice

    Nov 14, 2017
    I finally bought parts to build a new PC and put my 4790k machine into retirement.
    Gonna go ahead and install 11 on the new rig. Will MSMG let me get rid of that requirement to have a Microsoft account?
    I also saw in the sticky that 23h2 wasn't in the supported list? Reading back it seems like I'll need to wait on an update.
    I removed a lot of stuff from 10 that never came back, Cortana, trash in the menu, ETC... Will that stay gone in 11 or will it consistently come back with updates?
    I miss windows 7 -_-
  17. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    you dont need ms account to install win11, get yourself win11 22h2 clean it with msmg toolkit install then update to 23h2 if some apps come back you can get rid of them manually
  18. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    incorrect information last poster!
    for windows 11 untouched iso media, a microsoft account is required to install windows 11 home SKU.
    removeing the 2 components that have OOBE at the start of there names will remove this issue.
    oobe network connection flow is one of the component names.
  19. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    well why would anyone come to this forum to install untouched iso ? i think he was talking about msmg treated win iso

    "Will MSMG let me get rid of that requirement to have a Microsoft account?"

    yeah he was talking about msmg patched iso
  20. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    I pointed out the relevent component names that should be looked for to forfil there request.