1. thetank18

    thetank18 MDL Member

    Oct 23, 2019
    #26881 thetank18, Mar 30, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
    %SelectedSourceOS% in the code seems to be defaulting to "\" for some reason. It should be "w7". %PackageServicePackBuild% seems to be just an empty string, and somehow deleting "6.1.7601".

    Just for context, this is Windows 7 RTM, which isn't supported. Will upgrading Windows 7 to SP1 before applying language packs be safe?
  2. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  3. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  4. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I'm sorry I didn't see this question.

    I don't know. You said that your autounattend solves a problem by removing the "CloudExperienceHost" component.
    What I saw different in your autounattend that can be changed when creating the autounattend using the Toolkit is the order I mentioned.

    I even find it interesting that you do the tests, as you have the exact environment, and the exact modifications you made to your ISO.
    Therefore, there is no room for someone else to carry out the test, creating an ISO that would give us different results, but which will leave that doubt in our heads saying: "were the procedures the same as those that Haris did?".
  5. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  6. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
    I'd already have a discussion with @MSMG about this issue(Blank screen) long time ago, either it is related to 'CloudExperienceHost' or 'UndockedDevKit component when removed from an offline image,', not remember correctly which component cause this, even @MSMG encountered the same in his testing.
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  7. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Not the way you show with the sysprep folder, because you will only point to an Edition Index in the unattend.xml file.
    If it were possible to integrate unattend within each index, in the panther folder or something like that, it would be possible, as you could choose which edition to install. But the unattend.xml created within panther is recreated based on the autounattend.xml available in the iso.

    So, no issues.

    Now that you say it, I remember that.

    Thnks for testing it!
  8. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    hi all,
    could someone tell me if msmg toolkit v13.6 works with the folowing windows iso file?
    and this iso?
    no updates have been added.
    thank you for your answers in advance everyone.
  9. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I know it supports 19044.1288 LTSC 2021, if this is an original ISO, it must be this 19044.1288.
    All original "LTSC 2021" ISOs came with ghost sfc error. So it's not a Toolkit problem.

    You do not need to remove components from the "Windows Apps" menu (this is the 8th menu). These components are not present in LTSC.

    With the latest Toolkit changes, I don't know if some of the new components added to the ToolkitHelper "Windows Apps Menu" for removal, are present in LTSC 2021.
    Maybe someone knows more about this and can respond more appropriately.
  10. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
    I think you didn't go through my unattend.xml in the previous post; it's meant only for the OOBE phase of Windows OS installation. Regarding the Sysprep folder, I tried the following path: /sources/$OEM$/$$/Panther/, but I encountered an error during installation. That's why I've provided the below path for unattend.xml: /sources/$OEM$/$$/System32/Sysprep/. I suggest you test it yourself with a multi-edition ISO.
    Yup, order doesn't matter.
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  11. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    thank you so much for your swift reply!
    if i'm onist with you,
    the only 2 people whomes opiniuns I currently trust are yours and @haris_mdlf69
    i'm not that fussed with user app removal to be fare,
    am more interested in system app removal this image will be used in a vm you see,
    so updateability of the image I don't care about at all.
    so if it's possible windows update component will cirtenly be removed.
    the reason I asked about ltsb 2015, is it uses less system resources.
    I am not fussed about serviceability, updateability or if an image is supported by ms or not.
    just need a windows platform that is speedy fast for what I need.
    latter versions of windows are laggy sluggish etc.
    my machine is from 2013, it has 750 gb hdd, 8gb of system ram in full.
    and an i3 processer with 4 cores.
    hence me trying to slim crop speed up an image for my usecase.
    I thought I would tell you why I was asking.
    I will install sed image using a talking windows pe due to removal of accessibility.
    I may just apply the .wim to the disk of the vm.
  12. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Yes, I saw it, but I didn't notice it was the complete file.
    I thought you had just placed part of the xml code, in the order I had commented to do the test.

    So yes... Without the settings pointing to specific Edition, I believe it can work for multi-edition images.
    As soon as I have time I will test it.
  13. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    But I was talking about the specific version of LTSC that is supported by the Toolkit. LTSC 2021 19044.1288

    Yes, I understand that you want a very lean option for an older PC.

    But I believe that what would make a big difference for you would be to personalize the services.

    We have to have an option for this.

    @Bira and I are working on it.

    We don't want to leave problematic options available for the user to deal with.

    However, we are doing it in a way that services are obtained from the image that is being customized.

    And display the complete list of available services, with their name and description.

    When it's ready to test I'll let you know. There are already people waiting, it's been a while.
    The scheme of dealing with system services is complicated, because when deactivating a service it is also necessary for the dependent services to be marked for the user to see. This way it is possible to avoid breakage problems.
  14. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    this service disableing option utility sounds ausom!
    I can't wate.
    thank you and your co helper for createing such a utility.
    should I assume this will be standalone?
    or will this be integrated in to the toolkit?
    thanks for this again sir @inTerActionVRI
  15. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    the only 2 people whomes opiniuns I currently trust are yours and @haris_mdlf69
    you can trust me too ok?

    so if it's possible windows update component will cirtenly be removed.
    not wise idea esp in windows 11 as update services are needed to fix dism errors online and i did that many times. also for winget to work and msstore

    latter versions of windows are laggy sluggish etc.
    theyre not actually my windows 11 tweaked lots of tweaking works better than ltsb 2015. I been running my own tweaked win 11 on i5 750 from 2009 gtx 660 8gb ram and had no isses no slow downs or blue screens
  16. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    No, it will be a sub-menu of IMCK's Customize Menu.

    Because it will act directly on the Image, not on the system.

    But it's good to be able to use it on the system, in order to test the problems of deactivating some services.

    So, there's still a lot of work to be done on that...

    It certainly won't come out in the version that I will make available after the release of MS updates on the second Tuesday of the month (the week after April 10th).
  17. raptorddd

    raptorddd MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2019
    off topic.. do you know if uup converter script from adbbodi can integrate gpu drivers. i have already ask and got no reply from him. use winpe or os.?
  18. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    You need to get the drivers using DISM export, on a system where the driver is already installed. Then you can test. Including through the Toolkit or IMCK.

    Integrating directly through executables, I believe it is not possible.
    You can also look at driverpack or something similar that has drivers packaged for download.