Most distros are derivatives. And they are only derivatives so that someone can show off their customization work. Many people want something functional and ready. Many want to customize it their own way. If you want a Windows-Like Linux, just use any base distribution and use the appropriate Desktop Environments for that. Below is the list I recommend: KDE Plasma LxQt LxDE Bungie Cinnamon And others... Xfce and Mate (Gnome2-Like) can become Windows-Like, but you have to customize the DE. Gnome, Unity, etc., may not be Windows-Like. But they all have the necessary features. In short, you can choose a base distro and keep changing the Desktop Environment. But it's better to see how other people's customizations in distros turned out (live USB, YouTube videos, Linux distro emulation site like "distrosea") and install the empty DE so you can see what it's like. KDE is very complete, but it also requires a bit more resources from the machine. A few years ago it was more noticeable. Today, not so much. OpenBox is really light. We should go participate in the Linux threads here on the forum instead of doing it here on the MSMG thread.
In linux something like MSMG, for customizing iso, can be "cubic": works very well, for me. P.S. [ok, you are right: stop write about linux, here ]
Is this a turning point? A thread in a formerly Windows-focused forum, discussing Linux as if Windows can no longer be trusted or rehabilitated? RIP Windows. Yeah!
corse windows can't be trusted, this is why we have tools like msmg toolkit and others, to remove the aspects of the opperateing system that we don't want for good or for ill, we make our own swords which we impale ourselves on when iso genneration happens
This issue is related with outdated 7zip, winrar, bandizip, etc. Just keep your 7zip updated. This should work. I hope it works for you. If not, try to download toolkit again from some of the links available on 1st thread post.
Hi There . . . Have experienced since Recall reactivated by Microsoft my System more Sedate use permanently more Power on the PSU also the Windows Explorer have long delays for Interactions even my System is not Recall Compatible . . . after study a little byte tryed 2 different Options to handle that. ( Used with all Current known Regedit Entrys for Disable Recall + Copilot) Option one with NTlite to mange Recall is deactivate Recall in windows Functions that seem not have the right effect . . . side Effect for Windows Install is that the FileExplorer is changed back to the Windows 10 Version without Tabs. Option two with NTlite was Disable/Remove Component Windows Copilot User Experience that also is Discripet as Copilot + Recall . . .side Effect System Responce more Quick Explorer have less Delay Powerdraw on PSU is Reduced Windows Explorer is Changed Back to Windows 10 Version without Tabs . Doing Clean Install make change File Explorer back to Windows 10 Version without Tabs . . . doing inplace Update/Upgrade lets File explorer Intact if the version before is OEM. AnyOne else have made Similar Experiences ?
no issues at all no recall copilot and other crap but im on 11 22h2 22621.2283 and whatever updates microsoft would like me to install on my pc saying you need security updates to protect your pc i say no thank you i will stick to 22h2 22621.2283.
Are there any updates expected for the ToolKit? I ask because when I recently installed Windows 11 v22631.3447 from an image created from this ToolKit, Windows updated to v26100.1742. After the update, all the removed apps were automatically reinstalled again. It seems the only way to stop this behaviour is by disabling the internet connection during installation, however the update will surely land through Windows Update.
Use MSMG Toolkit to disable updates. Or use the Sordum disable window update tool or similar app, post install, with a good firewall to stop probes from MS servers.
Don't you think that disabling WU will make Windows vulnerable to threats? If I use my Windows version for a long time without fixing a new version with the latest security every now and then, I don't think I will be secure no matter how careful I'm using my computer.
I don't think this is related to recall. it's RemoteProcedureCall, not RemoteProceduRecall. It's also available on older Windows builds that are not known to have recall installed. Anyone know what the correct way to completely remove recall is? The Windows SystemApp MicrosoftWindows.Client.AIX is definitely part of it as it had a reg entry under the key UserExperience-Recall in Component Based Servicing\Packages. Does uninstalling UserExperience-Recall completely remove it?
Well since 7 I been disabling wu Defender and security and never had any virus on my pc because I make sure apps I install do not ship with a malware. For gaming movies torrents word after effect use windows for banking bills messaging calling use android phone with stock os.
If you're talking about Windows 11 build 26100.1656 if you try to remove aix from 24h2 you will get package pending removal and WU will fail to install updates. So again only disabling aix on 24h2 won't cause problems. Also if you disable aix and then install future updates it will enable itself and even without installing updates still may enable itself.
Hi folks, Does anyone know how can I obtain Portable Devices drivers from win 11 ISO or installed system in order to integrate into win 11 LTSC N or Win 11 24H2 Pro N? Or could anyone make a pack for Win 11 like MSMG did for LTSC 2021? Thanks in advance