No, I won't have W10 downloading (3GB+) and installing a new OS every 6 months and I won't risk having back all the junk that comes with it. Also I won't disable updates because I need the security patches. Once these issues can be reliable solved, will considering the switch. Until then, it's LTSB for me. Cheers.
ok I respect your opinion but if you make job with Toolkit v8 alongside with W10 1709 and when installed configure group polices correctly maybe you can understand me
Try disabling any security programs you might have. I use Avast and if I have that running whilst using the toolkit I get the same error message to. But when I have Avast disabled the toolkit works flawless.
Thanks, Ok I will try this Iam doing the same as mentioned by op on first page to remove, but still got the same error without adding updates too.
Now facing new problem --------------------------------------------- - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. C:\ToolKit-v8.0\Mount\Install\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\SCHEMA.DAT{47a6a184-a514-11e7-a94e-ec0d9a05c860}.TM.blf - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. C:\ToolKit-v8.0\Mount\Install\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\SCHEMA.DAT{47a6a184-a514-11e7-a94e-ec0d9a05c860}.TMContainer00000000000000000001.regtrans-ms - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. C:\ToolKit-v8.0\Mount\Install\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\SCHEMA.DAT{47a6a184-a514-11e7-a94e-ec0d9a05c860}.TMContainer00000000000000000002.regtrans-ms - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
probably going to lose any progress you've made, but reboot your computer - that should kill any processes using those files. I do find it odd that you'd encounter file in use errors, though. Did you run MSMG Toolkit using the Start.cmd? or the Toolkit.cmd? Start.cmd uses NSudo to run MSMG Toolkit as TrustedInstaller, which should give it access to any and all files whether or not in use.
Have you tried v8.0? I keep using v7.7. And now the Enterprise Edition also receives feature updates so no option to avoid them. You can delay feature updates at most in 1 year (even with group policies as far as I know). And in 2 months we have the 1803 version.
No. 1607-14393 is the only worthy version that actually supports normal FullScreen in games without problem-causing overlays that began appearing with 1703. My only beef with LTSB is Edge. MSMG Toolkit can actually do both - integrate it onto LTSB AND it can update it somehow. Updating LTSB with Edge integration when OS is already installed will break Edge as OS will refuse to update something LTSB is not supposed to have (Edge). From what I gather, MSMG Toolkit uses some hack to update Edge. Is there any way to write a batch script that would use the same hack for on an online/live installation? Is there any way to make a list of updates for MSMG Toolkit to use and most importantly, provide an order, in which OS is to be updated?
yep you are correct; I think that 1 year is sufficient for wait next version so we can use the same system entire year until we go to open source and M$FT stay alone sad thing
Hi bro well sorry but I disagree when I make of 2016 LTSB I never had issues with any game and my monitor is LG IPS LED 23MP55 same when playing games as Valentino Rossi, Formula 1 2015 or any other is very strange; and related to Edge I don't understand what is your issue because when make job with Toolkit V7.9 (2016 LTSB) I also remove Edge because I don't like it so when I open firefox and open some website of M$FT them always OFFER if I want make install of your browser Edge lol then I simply click in NO concluding if I don't understand correctlly your issue please PM then us can speak a lot to solve right
Using the dhjohns post, change the first 2 rows to the number of indexes that have been mounted and to the path where the MSMG Toolkit is on your PC. Save as a .cmd and run as administrator. The prerequisite is to have the images already mounted with the Toolkit. Below :RegCmds you can add other reg commands. Spoiler Code: @echo off :: Number of indexes set ImageCount=1 :: Toolkit path set "ToolkitFolder=D:\Toolkit" set "InstallMount=%ToolkitFolder%\Mount\Install" :: Checking administrative rights %windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" >nul 2>&1 || ( echo "Run as Administrator" goto :Quit ) if "%ImageCount%"=="1" ( call :MountReg "%InstallMount%" call :RegCmds call :UnMountReg ) else ( if not exist "%InstallMount%\%ImageCount%" ( echo There are no %ImageCount% indexes mounted. goto :Quit ) for /L %%i in (1, 1, %ImageCount%) do ( call :MountReg "%InstallMount%\%%i" call :RegCmds call :UnMountReg ) ) echo. echo Done. goto :Quit ::----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Functions ::----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :RegCmds :: Add the reg commands before the "goto" command reg add "HKLM\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE" /v "DisableVoice" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1 goto :eof :MountReg :: Mounting Registry for Offline Editing reg load HKLM\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE "%~1\Windows\System32\config\software" >nul reg load HKLM\TK_HKLM_SYSTEM "%~1\Windows\System32\config\system" >nul reg load HKLM\TK_HKCU "%~1\Users\Default\ntuser.dat" >nul reg load HKLM\TK_HKU_DEFAULT "%~1\Windows\System32\config\default" >nul goto :eof :UnMountReg :: Un-Mounting Image Registry reg unload HKLM\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE >nul reg unload HKLM\TK_HKLM_SYSTEM >nul reg unload HKLM\TK_HKCU >nul reg unload HKLM\TK_HKU_DEFAULT >nul goto :eof :Quit echo. echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul goto :eof
I think you mis-read what I said. I also have no issues in games with 2016 LTSB. It's the last Windows to include PROPER FullScreen mode without overlays. I want Edge for Netflix 1080p streaming, which requires either Edge or IE, but playback seems a bit choppy in IE...
Some questions: - Does anyone know if using NSudo 5.3 instead of the included 5.2? - Once full image is updated, MSMG Toolkit 8.0 can no longer remove some packages, such as some Hyper-V packages, probably due to version change? Could MSMG Toolkit update those or maybe place them in some custom package list for removal? - Any updates on that C++ Redist package I failed to create on my own? It would be nice if MSMG Toolkit would integrate Speech-removal feature
some problem in msmg. whd downloaded folder structure and msmg whd structure have differences and i can not properly locate updates for win 7.also for windows 10 whd structure in msmg is wrong. and any method to install defender updates?
- Better to use NSudo v5.0.1707.31 and earlier or 6.0 R1 because in v5.2.1710.26 and 5.3.1801.11 there is a bug where not all privileges are enabled. - I was thinking today to start trying to make the C ++ Redist package In the changelog there was no mention of adding support for integrating Win32Calc into RS3. Did you test that? And in the Packs\Win32Calc folder there is no package for RS3/build 16299. I know there is a method of adding packages from different builds but I do not know how to find the topic where this is described.