1. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    It`s work.
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  2. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Thanks, I downloaded v8.0 and checked the code the Toolkit uses the RS2 pack to integrate into RS3 (If build greater than or equal to 15063).

    if "%ImageBuild%" geq "15063" call :ApplyImage "%Win32Calc%\Win32Calc_RS2.tpk", %PackageIndex%, "%InstallMount%\%%i"
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  3. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Is your question relevant to this topic?

  4. Super Spartan

    Super Spartan MDL Expert

    May 30, 2014
    No bro, just wondering because I keep saying people saying that they installed LTSB and I would certainly like to do that as this Fall Creators Update is like the buggiest Windows 10 build ever.
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  5. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    You can't! You need to be a company, and buy a whole shïtload of keys!
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  6. daveo76

    daveo76 MDL Expert

    Nov 9, 2009
    Using toolkit 8.0 to remove Windows Components from WIndows 10 Insider Build 17074.1002. Doesn't give me any options to select what to remove. Just goes straight to saying "Finished Removing Windows Components"
  7. daveo76

    daveo76 MDL Expert

    Nov 9, 2009
    For first time today I decided to integrate Windows Sidebar from this toolkit 8.0 and after I installed Windows 10 16299 on vmware the Windows Sidebar came with default gadgets but didn't came with a option to install 3rd party gadgets
  8. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
    Comparing that WIM to my own Calc32 WIM and it's identical, and mine works on RS3. You won't have any problems applying that to your RS3 build.
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  9. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    ToolKit 8.0 does not support last Insider Preview build 17074.
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  10. daveo76

    daveo76 MDL Expert

    Nov 9, 2009
    I know that. I never expect MSMG to fix Insider problems.
  11. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #5691 Windows 10 User, Jan 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
    Now the Store, Photos and Calculator apps disappeared from the start menu after I reset them (the Store app wasn't opening) and after I tried reinstall them through PowerShell it said it couldn't recover it since the Firewall service was disabled. I removed the Firewall with NTLite in a live install although it still appears in services.msc but can't be activated. Maybe removing the Xbox.TCUI app with NTLite made the Store app disappear from the start menu after some time (which is strange) and/or made the reset app function make disappear the Photos, Store and Calculator apps. I also can't open Edge, although it still appears in the start menu (the Xbox.TCUI might have something to do with this). I also tried reinstalling it through PowerShell but I had the Firewall service problem again.

    In another PC after the live install modification I have the Input Indicator in the taskbar and if I disable it and restart explorer.exe or the PC it comes back! I can't install new apps through the Store (it gives me an error) and apps like Adblock Plus and Tampermonkey stopped working (and I can't install them again) and they don't even appear in Edge's extensions! Also, in spite of having removed Windows Defender and Mixed Reality I still have them in the start menu and I can't reset it. If I click them the Store opens and now I have a new start menu entry which is ms-resourcesroductName below Other.

    EDIT: I used the PowerShell command in the PC in which Adblock Plus and Tampermonkey stopped working and not only they weren't reinstalled but now I can't open the Photos, Edge, Calculator and Store apps! If I try to install one of them through PowerShell I have the Firewall service being disable problem that I had in the other PC although this time this service doesn't even appear in services.msc! If I reset them they disappear from the start menu like in the other PC and in the Apps & Features list the Photos and Calculator apps are in english and not in my native language! If I try to set defaults by app the Settings app gaves an error and closes! Since these apps weren't working I removed them with CCleaner but they still appeared in NTLite so I removed them in there!

    EDIT 2: Why do I have so many NET.Native. apps and two VCLibs. apps in this PC (at least in the other one I don't have so many NET.Native. apps and I only have one VCLib. app)? May I remove the ones which don't have the most recent version?

    EDIT 3: I removed the NET.Native.Framework.1.3, NET.Native.Runtime.1.3 and NET.Native.Runtime.1.4 apps and kept the NET.Native.Framework.1.6, NET.Native.Runtime.1.6 and VCLibs.140.00 apps, created the ISO and installed it in a VM with Hyper-V. I was able to open Edge bot not download its extensions and couldn't open the Photos and Store apps. The Photos and Store apps were in english and so not in my native language and Windows Search wasn't working.

    EDIT 4: I kept the NET.Native. apps and removed the VCLibs.140.00 app, created the ISO and installed it in a VM with Hyper-V. I was able to open Edge bot not download its extensions and couldn't open the Calculator, Photos and Store apps. The Photos and Store apps were in english and so not in my native language and Windows Search was working. I restarted the PC and now for some reason Windows Search stopped working.

    EDIT 5: So, I removed IE and Adobe Flash Player for IE with NTLite and didn't integrate the update for Adobe Flash Player and it didn't break the MMC Extended View so the information in NTLite of its removal breaking it is wrong and Windows Update didn't detect new updates (regarding Adobe Flash Player). I didn't choose the "remove non-essential editions" option and the boot.wim in "image process queue" and it take less time to create the ISO (46 minutes and 12 seconds against 60 minutes and 28 seconds) and it is smaller (2.32 GB against 2.40 GB). Isn't it strange? I hope all the things were succesfully integrated and removed. I didn't have confirmations steps when I didn't choose those options but this time when I chose them I only had one instead of two like before and for some reason I only had one boot.wim instead of two like before below each thing in "image process queue". However, Internet Explorer along with other things somehow appear in Optional Feature History unlike before so I'll keep removing IE with MSMG ToolKit. Will I break something if I remove the Manual feature repository? And what if I remove Adobe Flash Player for IE through a live install after installing its updates? Will I break something if I remove the Manual feature repository? And what if I remove Adobe Flash Player for IE through a live install after installing its updates? Would they be removed along with it? Why does the ISO created by NTLite work in Hyper-V since this is the free version? Is it possible to download apps folders after the apps were removed (in my case by mistake) by NTLite and reinstall them? I set some things to be removed by NTLite but they weren't removed since I still have them after installing Windows 10 and now for some reason when I click the DVD drive it isn't ejected. Now I can't start OneNote 2016. It says that I need to install Desktop Experience and it's the first time it says this. I don't remember removing this but maybe something that I removed also removed this. It says for me to go to Programs and Features but I don't find it there! I don't even have Windows Server!

    EDIT 6: Well, it looks like the latest program was caused by removing the Snipping Tool with NTLite and so I must keep it, which is annoying! Now I can't use the upgrade install after clicking in setup.exe! It automatically does the custom install!

    EDIT 7: It looks like it was caused by the autounattend file created by NTLite so there's no way to keep it but also to have the possibility to do an upgrade install? Now after downloading a file in Edge it automatically closes!

    EDIT 8: It looks like it was caused by the Windows Push Notifications Service removal. I only removed the Action Center inside it and I didn't have the problem. If I drag the Hyper-V Manager shortcut to the desktop it's in english and not in my native language but if I drag it a second it it's in my native language. I removed Biometrics in another PC and now I can't install it's driver no matter what I do. Sometimes when I write something in the Start Menu nothing appears but after I delete it and write it again it appears. I set Telemetry to Basic and NTLite said it's set to Security, one of the colors is not set to default like I did and the legacy symbolic links weren't removed. How can I remove the lock screen with NTLite?

    EDIT 9: I can now open OneNote after removing the Snipping Tool with the latest NTLite version. After all, I was wrong. NTLite says removing the IE Engine will break the Extended View, not removing the Internet Explorer UI. Anyway, I only removed the latter and I still had the problem at the time. It looks like the Lock Screen was removed by a new option in NTLite's latest version. Now for some reason I can't go to some sites for supposed security reasons in Edge even after disabling it's SmartScreen! I don't know what causes this but I always have a folder called Documentos ("Documents", in Portuguese) created (I guess by some program), alongside the original "Documentos" folder which has that original icon. I also had a folder called "Documents" created somehow, which led to some problems. Also, I had a default0 folder under the Users folder.
  12. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    right dude, one little mistake maybe :p
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  13. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yep 100% correct :D
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  14. mgherghina

    mgherghina MDL Novice

    Oct 7, 2016
    how can i add microsoft edge if im using LTSB, i cant find a link to get the edge component ... I understand how to actually add it in after
  15. chantszhim

    chantszhim MDL Member

    Feb 10, 2010
  16. chantszhim

    chantszhim MDL Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Just use DISM to deploy the Edge package with its Language Packs, then mount the registry file from System32\Config\SOFTWARE and use NSudo to add the following so that Windows Updates will not break it

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TEMP\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-EnterpriseEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0]
    "InstallClient"="DISM Package Manager Provider"
  17. monkey5i

    monkey5i MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2014
    MSMG ToolKit 8.0 can't remove "mixed reality portal" app from win10_16299.192
  18. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    Need to use build 16299.15.
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  19. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
    Usually I ignore these posts, because I notice you never take anyone's advice, but at this point I must comment that it's been months since I first saw you post on here with extremely newbish problems (you had a post count of '2' at the time) and you continue to have the same problems despite the fact users have given you sound advice ad nauseum.

    First off, to use two different image tools, where both use completely different methods for component and system object removals, is a fantastic way to render your OS absolutely worthless. NTLite uses various APIs with the main GUI as the wrapper for them, and MSMG uses regular DISM with the additional tools in the BIN directory, with no wrapper. Hence why NTLite does a much more thorough job at cleaning-up removed object system-links than scripts that simply use DISM and 3rd party tools.

    MSMG and NTLite are completely unaware of each other, and as such, are also unaware of what each others' script/program did or did not do to an image. Because of this, one or the other will likely override any changes made by the previous program/script, and with its own values (be they registry, GPO, namespace, etc.). It'd be like taking your car to get its motor tuned at one shop, then immediately going to another shop to get it tuned again - the settings are not going to be consistent and you are not going to have an optimal tune. You need to use either NTLite or MSMG and then do the rest of your optimizing when the image is online because neither of them offer full offline optimization that is entirely end-user controlled. This is why I write optimization scripts, using cmdlets and modules, with PowerShell, utilizing .NET and C# wrappers.

    And months ago you had a conniption when you could not properly get the insanely easy (though not recommended by me, personally) Install_WIM_Tweak.exe to work (we're talking 2-3 commands here) and it was because you were using that alongside CCleaner, and now you're doing it again.

    CCleaner is not designed for the full or proper removal of protected packages, be they Provisioning Applications Packages or Components. They state this verbatim on their website, forum and within their software, and yet you take no one's advice, including the developers of the program itself, and continue to use it for purposes it's not designed for, and then you wonder why you have problems.

    You're also removing packages required for some of the programs you're having problems with, and you wonder why there are problems with your build? Hint: Just because something CAN be removed, does not mean it SHOULD be removed.

    And honestly, the questions you asked have been regurgitated across these forums hundreds of times: Adobe Flash and IE removal will not "break" anything, as IE itself is an OnDemand Package and Adobe can be re-installed, too.

    It's also very easy to reload apps. I've posted PShell code on here that force-update and recursively locate the manifest + license files for removed apps and reload them onto the system, and I've also detailed how to side-load apps across various threads.

    I honestly do not mean to come off as obtuse but seriously you ask the same questions repeatedly - all of which have been answered numerous times - and you constantly have problems due to the haphazardly way you try to customize your installation. And you do all this despite sound advice from numerous people countless times. It's evident that instead of using the search feature, you presume it's other users' jobs here to correct very basic (and quite honestly absurd) mistakes that affect no one else other than you. As a matter of fact, if you were having legitimate issues that were within reason, I'd gladly supply you with my own personal (and proper) scripts that I supply others who ask, but I do not add child-proof labels on them so I can't very well help you in that area because just like when you used Install_WIM_Tweak with CCleaner, making no precautionary backup of the working online system, and then blaming me for your removal issues, I am certainly not supplying you with something you will try to use in tandem with other software, further devolve your OS' capabilities, and then try to blame me for your own impatience.

    It's your PC/laptop/device; it's no one else's. Read and learn how to do things and then take things slowly. When you're unsure about something, then you ask about it, but please give it a rest already with these novels you write with issues that you have when you've been given proper advice for in the past but refuse to acknowledge.
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  20. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    Before running the ToolKit program, I advise you to check the rights to the Mount folder.
    Faced a problem when deleting some components received a message that denied access or the component being deleted is occupied by another application.
    Checked on version 8.0 and W10 1709 x64 host OS.
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