1. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #5701 Windows 10 User, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
    Is it possible to install apps after they were removed by NTLite?

    Actually, they are different problems. It's you who doesn't understand. Sorry for not being a expert unlike you.

    I didn't have a choice since each one couldn't do (and still can't do) all I wanted and each one even after using just one of them still had problems. It looks like it is you who never take anyone's advice and the problems are not the same but different ones. And what's the problem of using CCleaner? Perhaps I couldn't use that Install_WIM_Tweak.exe because my PC froze or didn't you read? I never read that information about CCleaner because I didn't find it and in case you didn't read what I wrote if they just disappearead from the Start Menu I'd be happy. Whose purposes are those? Say them.

    And how can I know which pckages are needed if nobody tells me? So, you wanted me to read hundreds of pages just to know if I could remove it? Where are those threads? How could I know that they existed? Anyway, I followed a guide to install them that way and it didn't work (and just after using one of those tools, before you ask).

    Maybe because you didn't understand those questions, many of them are different and they were not answered and even after using just one of the two tools I still had problems (and even after using only Install_WIM_Tweak.exe or CCleaner). If they only affect me why are there guide to solve some of my problems? It is you who refuse to acknowledge what I wrote.
  2. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Tools like NTLite make you tempted to remove everything that the program allows because by logic if something is there it is safe to remove but the truth is that many components to be removed generate side effects that are not documented. Removing the Internet Explorer UI for example also removes the Extended View MMC (extended view in services.msc, gpedit.msc...) this is not warned to the user being that it is only a simple entry in the registry which in my opinion could be maintained. Only 6 days ago this was moved to IE Engine.

    NTLite's approach is to remove everything that is possible related to a component without worrying too much about keeping other things working. So to use this you have to have a minimum of knowledge of how each component works and relates to others to have common sense in what it will remove or not and have the patience to try several times with various combinations of things removed until you find one that do not break down essential functionality.

    It is possible to use in conjunction with MSMG Toolkit but have to know what to remove with each and preferably always use NTLite in the last step.
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  3. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Remove only packages that you know what they are for.
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  4. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    well I already tell hundred of times that here in one thread ONLY for MSMG Toolkit, I don't understand some users insist in mixing things this simply annoy all users; I think is better these users open one dedicated thread ONLY for NTLite or same go to NTLite forum instead ;)
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  5. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #5705 Windows 10 User, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
    Yes, I discovered that and because of me they fixed that but they still say that it'd break Extended View MMC but now there are entries in Optional Feature History after removing it and because of that I still remove it with MSMG ToolKit because I don't have them.

    I have to have a minimum of knowledge or the creators have to know what they are doing and write what will happen after each component removal? This si ridiculous! That's what I've been doing for months but I always have problems.

    Then you are denying what the other user said about not to use both tools?

    Ok, but that's what I did with some and I still had problems just by running some PowerShell scripts, let alone using CCleaner, NTLite, MSMG ToolKit or Install_WIM_Tweak.exe (together or separately) and it is still told that the fault is mine.

    So, I'd have to read each page to read what you write? Anyway, I explained my programs in the MSMG ToolKit thread and in NTLite's forum long time ago but to no avail.
  6. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    hmm maybe one little of sense is not bad for anyone;)
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  7. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #5707 Windows 10 User, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
    Are you talking about the creator of a tool not writing what are the effects of a component removal? I guess a normal user shouldn't know what each component removal may cause.
  8. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    #5708 AeonX, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
    I had problems with Optional Features but removed several things I do not know what was the cause. But I'm being more conservative because no more patience with this cat-and-mouse game with Microsoft :p

    WinReducer can remove IE + IE Engine without problems with extended view and Office installation working as long as you use the Protect Presets. However the sfc /scannow command encounters some errors however it is possible to install cumulative updates according to the author.

    Yes I think certain things are predictable like MMC Extended View and can be avoided but some things run out of developer control because it has no way to test all possible environments and combinations of features.

    The biggest problem I think is that Windows is not fully modular like Linux where you can remove components without affecting others as long as you maintain dependencies if they are being used by other resources. With each new build Windows becomes less modular :(

    Not necessarily denying it. I have said that it is POSSIBLE to use the 2 tools together but this is not ideal I avoid doing it myself but for example removing those 3 packages below using RemovePkgsList.txt in MSMG Toolkit is harmless and unrelated to anything I remove with NTLite:

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  9. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Even more annoying is to see repeating the same sentence without anything to add to the topic. Whether or not they are related tools because they have similar functions and commenting on it can generate insights and help in some sense. We are on a public forum if you do not like a post simply ignore or report to moderators who should judge whether a post is appropriate or not.
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  10. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    I stopped using WinReducer because in Hyper-V it froze in that install part which has a black screen and a white loading spinning circle.

    Well, it is for you. I wouldn't know removing IE caused this unless I tried it and it was thaks to me they added that information but they fixed that and they still kept that information.

    I told you that after removing some things with PowerShell scrips (like the Photos app) after doing a clean install with an untouched ISO I had problems so is it my fault (let alone after using two or more tools to remove some things)? I think I wasn't understood.
  11. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    If you use WinReducer only to remove IE you will not have problems regarding other components I can not state why I have not tested. But anyway I've kept IE in my tests. Apparently removing IE causes Windows Update to download more data than without removing it then it is possible that some files will be restored by the updates.

    Try not to remove everything in one step. Do not remove some components that you think may be causing problems until you get an error-free image then remove them one by one or 4 by 4 until you find what causes the problem. Use only one of the tools to have a comparison parameter.
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  12. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    Well, I don't know since I used it for the last time some months ago.

    That's what I've been doing with MSMG ToolKit and NTLite alone and together. In my case even removing a simple app like the Calculator through a PowerShell script broke Windows.
  13. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    :eek: Then there is something wrong with your Host OS because I can remove all the apps with no problems. And as far as I know Calculator is not necessary for any other features. App removal is similar across all tools, either Dism/Powershell (MSMG uses Dism) or via NTLite/WinReducer.
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  14. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    That's what I've been saying since the beginning but you guys all blame me! My PC froze after trying to decrypt an .ESD file, among other things, and no one helped me and even made fun of me after I asked what I was doing wrong! Also, these problems happened in other PCs which also had a clean install with an unthouched ISO and I didn't remove a thing with CCleaner, too.
  15. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yep I can make this only wait
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  16. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
    Your reasoning does not logically follow, as every single (every single) "problem" you have have copious amounts of remedies by many of the knowledgeable users on this forum across a plethora of threads. Moreover, your problems always follow the same routine: You mixing optimization programs and scripts in conjunction with software like CCleaner. Those of us who actually do make working, serviceable and fully-functional images did not wake up one day knowing how to do it - it's trial and error; however, part of the trial and error is learning from mistakes and instead of constantly posting for help that has already been given, you brainstorm and you improvise.

    Expertise and ineptitude are not mutually exclusive. Moreover, I am not an expert, but I do know how to figure things out and in turn, help others who encounter the same issues down the road. Every sound piece of advice I offer people for problems are due to the fact I've had exactly the same problems, but just like life, you learn by doing, not by asking.

    I would truly like to offer you advice to help you, and get you in the right direction as to what you should be aiming for just a "master image" that you can then use any time to further optimize to your liking depending on your requirements. Unfortunately, however, I repeatedly see the same issues posted by you, despite good advice that has been afforded to you by many of the generous users on this forum, which makes it logical to infer one conclusion: You do not want to learn how to do any of this at all and would rather have others give you personal How-To's. No one on this forum has time for that nonsense.

    So if you ever decide you truly want help, and help you will use, you are free to message me at any time and I will reply to you. I am glad to help anyone out, no matter who it is, but what I'm not willing to do (and I doubt any others are, either) is waste time offering the same advice on how to go about correcting issues to someone who will not take that advice.

    In any case, good luck with your issues.
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  17. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    It looks like you refuse to read the part where I say that after doing a clean install with an untouched ISO and using some recommended PowerShell scripts to remove apps like the Photos and Store ones I still have problems, let alone use them alongside those tools you mention! I did follow what you said and it didn't work but you simply don't care. It's you who doesn't want to know that I did all your advice and it still didn't work.
  18. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Seems no one else is experiencing this. In case it's not re-produceable it's hard to recommend any fixes :thinking:.
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  19. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    What is really nice about MSMG's toolkit is that anyone can open the command file, and study the code. Study the code, and read the thread postings. This is how you learn, and by the way, I don't use NTLite. I also write my own scripts for my own customizations so that when I clean install an IP it is mostly what I want from first boot.
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  20. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Bugs are reproducible, unwitnessed human error is not. I have modified multiple OS images with the toolkit and have 0 issues all the way from a 775 based system to a X99 based system and next month I will be installing a modified image on an x299 system, I can already tell you that I wont have any issues with that either.