Excellent work MSMG is priceless. Personally I would recommend you, separate structures, in different scripts ... Win 7, Win8, Win 10 Rs1, Rs2, etc ... Applying more effort to the modern ... The rest is obsolete or soon will be. A big hug and congratulations for such an effort. PS: Sorry for my English, I use a translator.
Hi, A little error I've found : Sticky Notes don't works (present in start menu). You can click on it, it'll open but 1 second after, close without any error or message... I've tried without deleting Telemetry and it's working properly. Have a good day ! And thanks for your work !
You removed telemetry right? it was already reported that when you remove telemetry, causes some problems.
Hi! great program! I have a problem, I cannot output the audio thru the HDMI, the video no poblem, but audio its not working, only working in the computer any advice? thanks
Very unlikely to be related to the toolkit. The only time I have seen this problem it was related to a chipset that did not have official audio over HDMI drivers for windows 10. Manual installation works for this issue.
Hey! I almost finished my windows 10 1803 customization, everything went fine with no errors and according to the readme but I couldn't integrate the NetFX471 package. Or i just misread something.. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1. - installed on the host ✓ The content of the NetFX471_W10.7z is extracted into the Packs - Packs\NetFX471 ✓ Is it supposed to appear in the Integrate\windows features menu or what? In my case there's nothing. I don't get it.
Hey there! The toolkit is awesome - thanks so much! I tried getting my info by reading through previous posts, but I got a little confused, so maybe could clarify something for me... I'm getting the error 0x800736b3 when running windows update from a modified redstone x64 windows 10 version (created with latest msmg version 8.6.7). So, it was said that removing telemetry (which I did) is causing this - is this info correct? Somebody reported that running sfc /scannow would solve that for him. But what exactly is "fixed" by running this command? Are all the things I excluded from the windows installation via msmg installed right back this way? If so, is the only way to keep a minimal windows version to start the procedure all over again and to keep telemetry this time? Thank you so much!
have an issue want to inform you... I can't run Adobe xd in my win 10 1709 modified by msmg toolkit. Its says the following .dlls are missing.. CONCRT140_APP.dll VCRUNTIME140_APP.dll vccorlib140_app.DLL MSVCP140_APP.dll any help 'll be appreciated.
I usually use Visual C++ AIO (Now I'm using Visual C++ AIO 13.01.2018). You sure that the problem is due to visual C++ ?