hello friend dart w10 sh1 doesn't mach where first page... seems "9f4210ca87b7f19657f8a3246000e7c840ea7654" which one is true
Thank you, but which branch in the registry should be removed so that the upgrade to windows 1803 does not occur?
How can I do both? But regarding the first thing, I don't want to do that (or like I said before, setting its file permissions) after installing the OS (I think that's what your saying for me to do) but being able to edit its content without having to set its file permissions beforehand like previously (when I was able to remove the UAC with NTLite in a previous Windows 10 version). Now when I try to save this file after doing some changes in its content it prompts me to create a new document when previously it didn't happen and saved with no problems without asking me a new name for the document. Even when I didn't have this problem I couldn't remove certains files and folders without setting its file permissions but at least I could save the changes I made in this file (I guess this happens and happened with other files, at least .txt ones) without being asked if I wanted to create a new document after saving it.
theres no bad updates in the past. its a clean image. i do want to remove ie because i get annoyed having to manually set the default browser. do you have any suggestions on how to set the default browser to chrome after installation unattended??
Problems with 9.0 and 1809. Windows Update cant install drivers. Nvidia driver cant install manually (error). Open explorer.exe (Win+e) not work (error).
Does that mean it's not suitable? ru_windows_10_consumer_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_26d25101 [17763.1]
I've removed this, everything listed above works fine except drivers via WU (I always disable it anyway).
I have disabled cortana via "Customize" tweak. I have NOT unistalled microsoft store. Why start menu freezes and i cannot search anything unless i disable my GPU? Why Store crashes when open any app page? Thanks for helping
I removed First Logon Animation with MSMG ToolKit and created an ISO and after extracting and loading its contents within NTLite it is set off but I can set it on, which I guess shouldn't happen (and it looks like it is an app in the first and a setting in the second).
First logon animation is only a registry setting. I mounted offline registry so my command is this: Code: reg add "HKLM\HKLM_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v "EnableFirstLogonAnimation" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f I mounted using the following command where %MOUNT% is my mount directory. Code: reg load HKLM\HKLM_SOFTWARE "%MOUNT%\Windows\System32\config\software"