yes, the november iso (oct v2) i removed all in every menu in msmg (i always do this) i block updates and install my drivers manually so i have no issues, will keep testing, so far those are the only bugs the no default browser, and a black screen in the first fresh boot (you control alt supr and it shows the desktop)
As soon as you (and others) stop asking. I myself would want to know this, but it has been said many times that there is no ETA, so stop asking useless/stupid/annoying questions, be patient and just wait.
its a followup bugfix release, he has responded in the past like within a few days, or a week or a month. stop asking me to stop asking alright as ive not been disrespectful in any way. im not asking to release when its not ready, just trying to figure out whether to KEEP IE or wait... because that part's pretty or totally broken right now. the intention is not to have the new release out ASAP but rather know whether to work with old or wait for new. its nothing about impatience, that'd be just your assumption. so stop making useless/stupid/annoying assumptions/assertions.
reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v DisableOSUpgrade /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f I had a question, I used this tweak, but still There is a search for updates to 1803
Don't you know how software development works?? The amount of testing and troubleshooting needed to create this means an estimate is simply not possible to make until it is almost upon you, and ever then it is a bad idea. You can't estimate how long it takes you to do a task you don't know you have yet.
Do you? I write my own software at times and I do know how hard it can get. There's a fine difference being persistent about getting a new release out when it still needs working on and trying to get a grasp of how soon the IE fix can be made so that decisions can be made, which I was clear to mention in brackets. Use your puny brain a little to differentiate between the two. If he's to release a new version within 2 days, I might as well wait than make a new image now, only to make it again within 24 hours. I'm not forcing any release out of him. It's not like he has never responded to questions of such. So, I'll ask again when I feel like it.
Good morning. is it possible to insert in the ISO, the function of Cortana that searches in the PC and not in the WEB, like LTSC 2019? I found the registry keys to be entered manually, it would be preferable to insert them in the ISO. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;Cortana Disables Web Search [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search] "BingSearchEnabled"=dword:00000000 "SearchboxTaskbarMode"=dword:00000001 Thank you
This this and this 1,000 times over! MSMG 9.1 or whatever the next version is called will come out when it's ready. Be patient it's not like as if the world is going to explode if it's not released this very second. And MSMG owes none of us anything to be honest so be thankful MSMG is sharing his work with us.
Hi It should be noted that in contrary to version 8.8, version 9.0 does not include an option to remove Hyper-V.
I asked about that a while back and msmg said it's coming but needs a fair amount of work to implement.