Many people asked, and here is my list of the apps/components I removed using MSMG Toolkit v9.2 on Windows LTSC 2019 v17763.107 and everything is working flawlessly, with no errors after running SFC! Here's what I removed: - AssignedAccessLockApp - BioEnrollment - MapControl - ParentalControls - PeopleExperienceHost - QuickAssist - RetailDemoContent - SkypeORTC - AssignedAccess - CustomerExperienceImprovementProgram (CEIP) - EdgeDevToolsClient - FaceRecognition - GameExplorer - InternetExplorer - LocationService - Paint - SmartScreen - SnippingTool - UnifiedTelemetryClient - WindowsDefender - WindowsMediaPlayer - WindowsMixedReality - WindowsPhotoViewer - WindowsReaderPDF - XboxApp - XboxGameCallableUI I want to remove a couple of others if possible but I came across some errors and still need to find out which works and which break the OS. I might need some help from you guys if you don't mind. So I want to remove these additional packages/components, can you guys confirm which ones work and don't? Or in theory would work and would not? - AADBrokerPlugin - ContentDeliveryManager - SettingSync - EaseOfAccessThemes - FirstLogonAnimation - KernelDebugging - MultiPointConnector - RemoteAssistance - WindowsErrorReporting - WindowsToGo
- AADBrokerPlugin - ContentDeliveryManager - SettingSync - EaseOfAccessThemes - FirstLogonAnimation - KernelDebugging - MultiPointConnector - RemoteAssistance - WindowsErrorReporting - WindowsToGo I've removed all of these, except remoteAssistance, no problems so far. Windows 10 1809 V2, spanish edition. Tested Professional and SL versions. Warning: Removing InternetExplorer will make impossible to install any application or game that requires it. So far i've confirmed that any autodesk, bentley and intergraph software will be unable to be installed on any windows installation without MSIE. (these are specialized software. Normal users will probably never care about them.)
Thanks for the heads up for IE. However I just tried removing those apps/components and got SFC errors, also my Windows update seems buggy. I'm sure it's not all of them that are creating this issue but rather 2 or 3 of them. Now I just need to find out which ones... I narrowed down the app/components from that list and decided to only remove ones that are towards privacy. I am going to test these ones: - AADBrokerPlugin - ContentDeliveryManager - SettingSync - MultiPointConnector - RemoteAssistance
Is there are way to maintain the Windows Search function after removing Cortana? I know I can download a shell replacement but I'm one of those freaks that actually likes the Windows 10 shell and Start Menu. I'm currently writing this from within the altered OS (testing) so if there's a fix I can do within the OS rather than altering the installation files again, I'd prefer that. Thanks.
Most likely no, it's all one distribution package. I'm not certain, but I've read that in 1903 release search function will be separated and independent from Cortana. 1903 release is out, so need to be checked. Let's wait for @MSMG to confirm or deny.
That's a shame, but I'll keep my ears out just in case there is a way, and if we're lucky MSMG gives us some info.
I think I read that MS wants to split the two apart. If this happens you will get what you want natively.
Is it possible to use RemoveAppsList.txt or RemovePkgsList.txt to remove the following: If so, what do I need to put in which file and how do I tell the ToolKit to use both lists?
In V9.1 using the non-refresh iso of ltsc 2019 , not sure if its the same .iso as the one you used , i got clean sfc scan error when not removing the 3 components below DeviceLockdown UnifiedTelemetryClient WindowsMixedReality also, i noticed a lot of the components you didn't bother removing like adobe flash player lol