Using the below files and method I am now receving an error when checking my install with sfc /scannow ISO: 17763.379.190312-0539.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO SSU: windows10.0-kb4493510-x86_9e3f2ba44fbf4f486ee3d57427b735c736459873.msu CU: windows10.0-kb4493509-x86_47af6f3f17da14a289340b880c88eeb27723c7ec.msu Spoiler: Method Extract ISO (1 > 3) Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images) Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B) Apply updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 3) Cleanup (6 > 1) Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 1 > 8) Remove Onedrive, People, Connect, Skype (4 > 1 > 2 > H/J/K/P) Remove Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 3 > 1/5/6/7) Cleanup (6 > 1) Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 5 > 2/4/7) Apply changes to image (6 > 2) Rebuild (6 > 1) Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4) Make ISO (7 > 1) I don't recall seeing sfc errors when using 17763.253.190108-0006.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO, so perhaps v9.2 is not compatible with the current 17763.379 image? Going to use the Toolkit on 17763.253.190108-0006.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO with the above method, SSU and CU and report back.
Yes, you are right, there are some problems using Toolkit 9.2 with .379 refreshed image. Apart from the issue with sfc errors, I and couple of other users have an error with one package when try to remove Metro Apps. Look at couple posts back. So I am wondering how do you managed to create the image itself with no errors
Can you show me which errors you get and where you got your ISO from? As mentioned in my post here, i get errors with 17763.253 in the form of message boxes. This is caused by ToolKitHelper.exe and I have made MSMG aware of this. My en-gb Enterprise ISO image was built with ESD Decrypter from here using ESD files available here
ISO I have used was built also from ESD - 17763.379.190312-0539.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENTCONSUMER_RET_x64FRE_pl-pl and en-us. Error I got is also in the form of message box, trying to remove all Metro Apps, exactly like you. I didn't know that this is caused by ToolKitHelper, You mentioned that you get errors with .253 also. Me too. It follows, that it impacts refreshed images. At first, I was using and creating images from original second 1809 release and didn't get any errors.
Tested using the same SSU, CU and method mentioned above with 17763.253.190108-0006.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO image. I still get sfc error, so the problem is with SSU, CU or the method.
I'm talking about 1809 and msmg has said numerous times that he made the toolkit to support 1809 non refreshed image (17763.1). I don't know anything about earlier versions. I'm guessing that means use refreshed images at your own risk.
Somehow I missed your post. I will try with 17763.107.101029-1455.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO that I have and report back.
It happens when the toolkit tries to use a package registry file,loads it and tries to modify it. For what i can see, the message can be ignored, since the installed OS is fully functional and all the removed apps were correctly removed (including asimov, debug kernel, xbox crap and all metro apps), and did a dism cleanup after installing and everything is ok. Still testing the OS on bare metal, but looks good to me. Using "Win10_1809Oct_v2_Spanish(Mexico)_x64.iso"
Again, using the CU, SSU and method that I used previously, 17763.107.101029-1455.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO gives me sfc errors after being worked with the Toolkit. So perhaps the CU and SSU updates are causing the sfc errors? More testing tomorrow.
Please elaborate. I, like a few others here, just came across the same error. I was attempting to add the KB4495666 cumulative update to my custom AIO disc...
Sometimes we have to be like parrots repeating things. Oh well. - Version 9.2 solved several issues as compared to 9.1 and added multilang support, if working with 1809 images you should use 9.2. - Aadbroker and contentdeliverymanager can be removed without issue and won't trigger SFC errors - There will be no support for 1903 images until it has been released officially and MSMG has added support for it. - If you use refreshed 1809 images you'll be asking for trouble. Use the first released (17763.1) image and work from there. You will be most likely integrating updates anyway. Cheers.
My apologies. I thought MSMG would have already been working on support via the slow & fast-ring releases. I'll be a little more patient!
Bloatware (SHOULD NOT BE IN LTSC!) - PeopleExperienceHost - QuickAssist - RetailDemoContent - XboxGameCallableUI These are actually all present in LTSC and can be removed without issues. Also, I would do the .Net 3.5 online, as it prevents resetbase. Furthermore, the clean SFC is enough for me, I can work with that. You didn't state the language used, assuming US-En? Cheers.