1. makisxxx

    makisxxx MDL Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Ok guys I'm getting frustrated.every time I use msmg tool after build 14393.0 my sync settings are missing.verification of ms account is missing too after I log with my msaccount.
    I remove some useless apps I integrate netfx 3.5.some drivers and hotfixes.that's it.no telemetry or other services are removed.still.what I'm doing wrong?
    P.S. Iso is fine without toolkit.also can you tell me what is save to remove from iso without messing up the os?
    Hyper-v,OneDrive,demo retail,Windows home image? Safe to remove??
    Thanks' :confused:
  2. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    As far as I know you can't remove the home image as their are related but I could be wrong :tea:
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  3. makisxxx

    makisxxx MDL Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Well I did removed the home image.but even if I keep it , the sync settings with my account are grayed out.also there is no verify account button.on top of all this settings it says in yellow letters"SOME SETTINGS ARE MANAGED BY YOUR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR". I'm logged as administrator btw
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The red text is there because you've set some of the standard privacy settings to non standard and/or removed stuff what is needed for the synchronization.

    @endbase: you can remove the Home index, only the xml will be edited and core package gets removed from wim.
  5. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    @makisxxx Hi dude, well first I think that you at least already read MSMG Toolkit.pdf (still need better instructions principally to new users this job MSMG are working a lot so I'm sure that in new version with GUI all is solved; therefore all users don't need make several posts asking your doubts so wait your release) ok
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  6. makisxxx

    makisxxx MDL Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Well I remove only some apps like 3d builder etc.also I integrade some drivers that's all.but don't know why it removes my sync settings.that happens after 14393.xx

    @tiger sure but I'm using this toolkit long time now but only after 14393 I get this sync issues.before was fine
    @enthousiast I removed only some apps.telemetry etc now keept.but still no sync
  7. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    How do you manage to remove stuff without the installation asking for more and more space? I spent hours and 5 attempts at creating a butchered ISO image without nasty Store-related stuff and the resulting WIM file is still larger than the original AND the installation keeps asking for way more space than official ISO asks for - won't install on a 30GB partition...
  8. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    Yes the WIM gets bigger because you didn't export it to a new WIM.
    But even with the larger WIM where everything is removed with MSMG I can install fine in VMWare with a 20 GB virtual disk, so I don't know what you did with your ISO.
  9. lomticksoftoast

    lomticksoftoast MDL Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    #1609 lomticksoftoast, Apr 15, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
    This is a 'love letter'
    Thanks you guys for giving me the final 'push'!
    I finally 'took the plunge' and created an MSMG Toolkit 6.9 modified version of LTSB(N) 2016.
    Amazing!! Smooth! Totally Windows 7 like with 'snappiness' nearing XP levels.
    You guys are not the only people on this forum celebrating LTSB, but your gentle push was what I needed to free myself from being a Windows 10 (and MSMG Toolkit) beta tester (sorry MSMG)!
    I was 'feeling a bit anxious' waiting for MSMG Toolkit "7.0" and/or "MSMG GUI version" to really get Creators Update 'right.' Now I am free!
    MSMG Toolkit 6.9 is completely glitch-free on LTSB 2016. All the bugs for this era of Windows 10 are knocked free from both MS and MSMG!
    It's super easy to add store back in (if you want to).
    You are free let windows update do whatever it wants (unless you want to muck about with it).
    I'll happily help out debugging whatever tool MSMG finally creates--Toolkit or GUI toolkit. However, now I'll be doing that exclusively on a Virtual Machine. I'll run my host machine on LTSB 2016 and then LTSB 2018 and then LTSB 2020 and on from there ...
  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Why did you decide to use the N version?
  11. lomticksoftoast

    lomticksoftoast MDL Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    I don't know your process, but here's my advice (for what it's worth ...)
    Are you trying to integrate updates?
    Wait for the MSMG GUI version! I know that this is not going to be the popular position to take, but most of the 'bloat' problems I've seen on this forum are caused by adding updates incorrectly. There was a marginally clear multi-step process on here before the 'hack' wiped this thread clean, but even then it was goofy. I'm hoping that the MSMG GUI (when it comes) will make integrating updates and then generating a small ISO effortless.
    whenever I'm testing different builds and re-builds of MSMG ISOs, I start fresh each time.
    Delete or rename "Tookit-xxx" folder, extract a brand new Toolkit folder and start again.
    After you've finished Removing Win Components/Advanced Windows Components and before(!) integrating addons like Dot NET 3.5 ...
    Clean the Image.
    • Leave the MSMG terminal command panel open.
    • Open a second fresh administrator command terminal.
    • Make the following code specific to your machine: Replace "ToolKit-xxx" with whatever name and location you have for your folder ...
      Dism /Image:C:\ToolKit-xxx\Mount\Install\ /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
    • After the code completes, close the second command panel.
      Note #1: This is the same code you would need to apply again & again after adding every update if you want to try and integrate updates
      Note #2: This code will fail if you try and use it after integrating Dot NET 3.5. You'll get a warning like "pending something something"
    (3b) Go back to MSMG and "Integrate Addons" like Dot NET 3.5, etc.
    (3c) Apply Changes to the WIM Images (6, 1)
    (3d) Now! ... This is the key to the kingdom ... your going to ...
    Compress the WIM
    If your source was an ESD file then use the built-in MSMG step "Re-BuiId Source WIM Images" (6,3). This usually works great on its own!
    However, if your source was an ISO, skip "Re-BuiId Source WIM Images" (6,3) and compress the WIM using Imagex.
    My method works great, but it is slightly tricky ...
    Leave MSMG panel open
    • Browse to your C:\ToolKit-xxx\DVD\sources folder
    • Find and rename install.wim as 'big_install.wim'
    • Leave the sources folder open
    • Open a second fresh administrator command terminal.
    • Make the following code specific to your machine!
    • Make Code Specific by
    • Pick the correct binary (x86 or x64) (x86 compression works on x64 machine)
    • Replace "ToolKit-xxx" in three places
    Compression Code (x64 binary shown. Change to x86 if you need to):
    C:\ToolKit-xxx\Bin\x64\imagex /compress maximum /export C:\ToolKit-xxx\DVD\sources\big_install.wim 1 C:\ToolKit-xxx\DVD\sources\install.wim
    • Run code (in the second command panel)
    • After code completes, close the second command panel
    • Now ... Super important!! Go back to the 'sources' folder and delete 'big_install.wim' This will be the larger '.wim' file compared to your newly compressed 'install.wim'
    • Do not fail to do this or MSMG will happily build your new ISO with both WIM files in it! You'll then wonder why your ISO is HUGE!
    • Return to MSMG and build your ISO
  12. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    After I choose my username, password and password hint the setup says "Something went wrong". If I choose the Ignore" option I can proceed without any problem..
  13. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    I used the N versions when I was in the Enterprise or Pro versions because it comes with less apps related to media (photos, videos, etc ...) but with LTSB I did not see need. Also the N versions do not install the necessary drivers to access the memory of cell phones on the PC so I definitely decided to avoid the N versions.
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  14. lomticksoftoast

    lomticksoftoast MDL Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    Yes, I had heard that ... and i tested it just now and ... you're right!
    Not a big deal...
    I'll see if I can rip the drivers out of another W10 PC or see if the MS pack I mentioned in my last post fixes this issue.
    If I have to, I'll just reinstall with the non-N version.
    Thanks for reminding me to check that, AeonX.
    I only just installed the OS and put on a few bits, so it's not the end-of-the-world if I have to reinstall the regular LTSB version ...
  15. Puremin0rez

    Puremin0rez MDL Senior Member

    Nov 24, 2010
    It lacks MTP drivers which is the issue you're having with your phones, not to mention the N version having no codecs breaks a ton of video content websites.

    TLDR: N is not worth it if you consume any sort of media on your device
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  16. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
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  17. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yay dude I don't know why users think that installing N versions take some advantage and after discover that something don't work as expected; users need before search what N versions have and why N exist I think is more easy than install and have futures issues but all is experience so don't repeat another time of course ;)
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  18. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    @lomticksoftoast thanks for the feedback :)

    Mobile drivers are essential should not be removed in my opinion.
    In Linux you do not need any drivers because the support comes via the kernel.
    It seems that Microsoft is trying to force us to use the Feature Media Pack or the conventional edition of Windows at all costs.
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