What you expect when using Insider Builds. Those are not stable and many scripts don't work well with Insider Builds.
I saw your changelog theres WSL/RS2 version but does it apply to RS2 itself or... .is it meant for some other versions/editions
...Hi MSMG I do not want rewrite the script because i could cause a mess here, could you fix the script in removal defender and re-upload the toolkit again?...Thanks!
Must confess, I also hoped for the 7.0 version to be the GUI toolkit. But now it seems it is still in the early stages. Oh well. The commandline toolkit is OK to work with in the meantime. Cheers.
Thanks Kuroda , the same problem with me while removing Defender and thanks to MSMG for this perfect utility
@MSMG whats is the difference on component removal on the option 4 2 have to remove the store too on windows 10
Removing Store, and XBox, then going in to Advanced Windows Components removal, and removing Store Associations does not totally remove everything in Enterprise 16184. There are still download tiles in the Start Menu which must be unpinned manually.
there is a fix for fefaultuser0 in this toolkit? because on creators updated modded iso this user show again
Save with .cmd extension, then run as admin. Code: SET UserToRemove="defaultuser0" REM 'CALL' check registry subroutine check for existance and remove. FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('REG query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"^|find /i "s-1-5-21"') DO CALL :ChkRegistry "%%a" GOTO :Finish :ChkRegistry REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Results of ERRORLEVEL are: REM 0 -- If UserToRemove is found in the registry then run rest of script. REM 1 -- If UserToRemove is NOT found in the registry then exit script. REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('reg query %1 /v ProfileImagePath') DO SET UserProfilePath=%%g FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%e in ('echo %UserProfilePath%') DO SET ProfileName=%%e FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%f IN ('echo %ProfileName%') DO SET ParseRegistry=%%f ECHO %UserToRemove%|find /I "%ParseRegistry%" > NUL IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO :Finish REM Remove that user... RMDIR "%SystemDrive%\Users\%ProfileName%" /s /q REG delete %1 /f >nul IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\Users\%ProfileName%" GOTO :RetryDirRemove GOTO :Finish :RetryDirRemove TAKEOWN /F "%ProfileName%" >nul TIMEOUT /T 2 >nul ICACLS "%ProfileName%" /GRANT *S-1-1-0:F >nul TIMEOUT /T 2 >nul RMDIR "%SystemDrive%\Users\%ProfileName%" /s /q :Finish REM End of script...
I replaced all 12 instances of "rd /q /s call :TakeFileFolderOwnership" with "rd /q /s" without quotation marks , but MSMG gives startup error as R23 stated in his last message. This doesnt seem to be the right solution , i think
Maybe 12 lines. It does`t not matters. I use standard Windows Notepad for replace. Maybe UTF-8 coding page incorrect?