Tested again on 19042.789 Mounted source (boot.wim, recovery.wim, install.wim). Integrated DaRT, then I integrated kb4577586, kb4586876 inside the WHD folder. Applied , saved and unmounted images. Still the same. The size increased from 4 GB to almost 8 GB. How is it possible? Or must I first integrate Dart, apply, unmount, mount again to integrate the KB's?
@MSMG Hope you don't mind me asking, but are there any updates before today's updates are later released on "patch Tuesday"? I plan to test the new updates once officially released tonight, so am trying to ensure that I am best prepared as the post from @kandido makes me think that there is perhaps an update due to be released from you.
Indeed, patch Tuesday was when I made that post. Re-reading my post I realise I wasn't entirely clear - I mean update to the ToolKitHelper to support the 19042.804 patch.
hi there, @MSMG, would it be possible to have a folder in the toolkit archive where you are able to deposit any apx files that you say download from store.rg-adguard.net? and a option in the integrate menu which will scan sed folder for apx /m6 packages that will be integrated? thanks, Majid Hussain
People who use the Custom Toolkit, I found a small bug in one of my changes. There is a line missing to put an opening parenthesis. do a search for this line: Code: for /d %%z in (de-DE, en-GB, en-IN, es-ES, es-MX, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ru-RU, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW) do ( from: Code: for /l %%i in (1, 1, 2) do ( echo.=============================[Boot.wim, Index : %%i]============================= echo. if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" ( if "%ImageBuild%" geq "15063" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "17134" ( for /d %%z in (de-DE, en-GB, en-IN, es-ES, es-MX, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ru-RU, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW) do ( note the absence of the opening parentheses in this line... if "%ImageBuild%" geq "15063" This is breaking the code when integrating language packs. Since nobody reported it, the better. Because nobody suffered from the problem, to Code: for /l %%i in (1, 1, 2) do ( echo.=============================[Boot.wim, Index : %%i]============================= echo. if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" ( if "%ImageBuild%" geq "15063" ( if "%ImageBuild%" leq "17134" ( for /d %%z in (de-DE, en-GB, en-IN, es-ES, es-MX, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ru-RU, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW) do ( just put a space and parentesis like this " (" without quotes. I divided long menus into parts for better viewing. And I made other big changes. Everything in test! In the next version of Custom mixed with the next Official Toolkit, everything can be more dynamic. May the tests be successful. I believe that I will need Beta Testers to check the functioning of some functions. I have no storage space to test several editions and all packs. From the tests I did where I had folders without packs, there was only the presentation of missing file messages in the folder. This is OK. However, I have to know if there was any interference in the implementation of the packs, due to changes in the general code. List of tested beta Custom Toolkit Features Integration: Language Packs W7Games Dart NetFX35 NetFX48 NET5 Dedup WinToGo PowerShell7 OpenSSH DirectX9c Sidebar VCRuntime Status: pass. Tested in 18363 and 19041. Then, there will be a need for feedback from you related to the other builds. Wait, more news. @edw9pat, you need to read the main post, readme.txt and the menus you go through within the Toolkit. There have been changes in the removal system. first you select what you want to remove, then you need to go back and choose an option to start the procedure. It's intuitive. if a "+" sign appears it will be kept, for "-" it will be removed. This is shown in the component selection menu itself. Right when this is implemented for integration, intuitively everything will start with the "-" sign and whatever is marked as "+" will be integrated.
@MSMG Sorry to bother but I am building a 20H2 Edu image with the latest v11.2. In instructions it says "WHD Update Packs" (underline emphasis mine) -- when I use WHD it just downloads MSU and CAB files to the appropriate version folders (19041 etc). Do I just copy the 19041 files into the same place and tell it to apply, and that's it? Or am I supposed to download a pack from somewhere else? EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out - yes, I just copy the downloaded files all to that 19041 folder, and it just took them and was happy.
I used the mentioned versions of Windows 10 in red font and the same problem I cannot remove the bloatware from Windows 10
That would be called a "User Error". Although i'm sure that with all the useful information you included in your post, like log files, steps taken, etc., someone with uncanny psychic abilities will be able to come along and help you at some point.