because it is friend for some reason I simply could not "understand" the way that works the younger versions and with the experience obtained with version 10.1 I think I should not exchange for another that at least for me does not work correctly are only my Two cents ... EDIT: see my new install that I make today afternoon Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.17763.1852] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
@Yanta The question was: Nothing about: CloudExperienceHost is a System App relative to Accounts and it's really hard to remove PROPERLY. I know only AutoSettingsPS can do it. But it's a complicate software, not a few lines to insert... Other debloating apps / scripts or don't have such option or put this app into "non-removable" section, do not touch it (to avoid PS errors) and speed-up other debloating operations.
Sorry, I assumed the fact that I posted a powershell command might lead one to think I was trying to do this from a command line. I had seen several posts here saying that it could be done and did not make it out to be that difficult. Not that this will make any difference, but absolutely everything I do is done from a script I have written. Everything past, and everything in the future. My bad. Sorry.
Why? Shcheduler and Autologgers - the easiest part of the game. • Scheduler (CreateObjectTask) Code: schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\CloudExperienceHost\CreateObjectTask" /Disable If no access, then launch cmd/PS via PowerRun and do it. (Before it was OK even without PowerRun). • Autologger (CloudExperienceHostOobe) Code: reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\CloudExperienceHostOobe" /f
Hello everyone, sorry for being a noob in Customizing Windows 10. I ran the MSMG Toolkit and debloated a Win 1909 Pro Iso and tested it in a VM without DISM or SFC errors. I wanted to use the AIO-Debloater to strip extra features on my debloated ISO (previously stripped by MSMG) as recommended by @ingviowarr : However, I can't figure out how to run the .cmd file to edit the ISO. Any README file or instructions could help.
@loweistudio See Chapter 2.1) and put 2 files (cmd & iso) into the corresponded folders. Run cmd (as Admin) and follow the 4 screens that will appear one by one. Just select / unselect items (Ctrl+LMB) according to my screenshots.
Thanks for your swift reply @ingviowarr I did put the custom files in their respective folders but when i start the .cmd script, i get no response from it! I tried to apply everything you said in your post but it seems i'm blocked on this step.
@loweistudio Ensure your current Account included into Admin group. Look at the classic User Management: Run -> lusrmgr.msc
I am indeed administrator of my account. Could you send me ,by any chance, a screenshot of your folder and its organization ? Where you run the script off. It might be coming from me ,doing something wrong with the pasting of files.
D:\ISO\W10AIO-Debloater_RaiyvaN2MDL.cmd D:\ISO\ISOsource\*.iso Aslo run from Explorer (64-bit), not from some "File Manager" (32-bit) Or may be it's a VM ?
I use XYplorer but never had problems running scripts off it. The script i uses is the updated version "W10Debloater.cmd". My structure looks like this: MSMG Toolkit > Iso > bin (included with the script) MSMG Toolkit > ISO > ISOsource > debloatedwin.iso MSMG Toolkit > ISO > W10Debloater.cmd
Oh, brother. I'm also an old user of this Software masterpiece (yes, true "Software", from the big first letter in this case). BUT. REMEMBER: 1) Never launch such scripts from 32-bit apps. For example, AutoSettingsPS will not work from XYplorer (32-bit), but will work from Explorer (64-bit) 2) You have spaces iside the path. Get rid of this. Example: Use "MSMG" instead of " MSMG Toolkit" 3) Make folder names as short as you can. Example: Use "MSMG" instead of " MSMG Toolkit" 4) Just copy everything (just 2 files - script & iso) into the new locations on the disk, like I show to you above. Now you are cool hacker.
I ran it from the explorer shell but it did not work again for me. The script just starts and then the window disapears quickly ; so it's wrong on my end. But where?
Pl discuss Debloater Script on its own thread related to updated debloater script by its dev. it has some modifications . msmg will be angry if his toolkit fans including me will discuss irrelevant stuff here on his thread. i hope my request will be considered.
Last post on this case: i did manage to make the script run by deletting the former instance (with Unlocker) then extracting the Toolkit and copying the files. Thanks a ton @ingviowarr for the precious help. And sorry @mdl052020 it was not my intention to hijack the thread.