@MSMG Found an error in the menu. Spoiler After integrating the fonts: ,press any key and return to the menu again: and after choosing yes or no, we return to the menu:
It's very good that you found out the reason. Thank you for sharing the result. Well, given that the Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov) and Windows Error Reporting are among the components that most users of Toolkit and other similar tools most likely want to remove from the system, here we will have to choose who needs what more.
I am forced to use the registry keys, even if in the custom section “RemovePkgsList.txt” I entered "SkypeApp"
Good morning. I ask a couple of questions. 1- It is possible to insert files (.exe, .bat, .reg) and in which section is it possible to insert them? 2- I used the RunonceEx procedure for years that I enter directly in the ISO, Is it possible to insert this procedure in Toolkit? Thank you
MSMG, Are you planning to add registry tweaks to disable telemetry? It should be said here that the utilities for disabling telemetry work only for the installed system. I mean, if you turn off telemetry before installation (offline editing of the registry), the system will install a little faster.
i have downloaded feature updates ISO from uupdump 19042.867 I want to integrate CU in it with msmg or mui10 Shoud i download CU ISO 19042.867 again then copy only all cab files and SSU ? i have to adde multilangual too
i know about w10ui question is what steps needed .shoud i download CU iso in addition of Feature update iso ?
Then you will have two separate ISOs, one with the du updates integrated and one without, that is the only difference between feature update (contains DU for Setupmedia) and cumulative update (doesn't contain the DU for setupmedia on uup dump. Download a 19041.1 ISO, integrate the languagepacks and next integrate the latest updates, or the ones you want.
thanks you are close to clarify it when i crated feature update iso .where to get updates to integegrate i though they are inside CU Iso . so i need to download CU iso and then copy only cab ssu files for integrating ? msmg and aboodi told me i have to integrate CU .. i am speaking only about uupdump scenario
It supports Win10.0.19043.962.21H1... Tested right now, also the Dedup pack, doing just a litle trick...
W10MUI is not part of the subject of this thread, LPs work for all 1904x builds but it's not advised (will work though) to integrate LPs in .xxxx builds but use the 19041.1 build and after LP integration you can update the image. W10MUI can do both in one run.