Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Ahhh, you hit the nail on the head bro. Login as SYSTEM and maybe it will install correctly. You can do this from script. PM me if you need. ;)
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Thanks for testing 2012 R2:) Hmm it seems to be the R2 versions that are doing odd things!

    Will re-think on a new strategy... But for now think it time to get some zzzz's its gone past midnight and i know its an hour more for you i think, many thanks for giving the MRP beta a test, it may end up only a few server editions that can be themed correctly, once i can get 2008 R2 worked out it may help with other SKU's.

    i will find another job position, fingers crossed, may be a while, as jobs are hard to find in the town where i live, although i might have a part time position at a local computer shop :)
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I'm a good detective bro lol

    Will PM you tomorrow as i'm about falling asleep at the keyboard, been a long day was up at just after 4am after 3hrs at most sleep, hate my sleep patterns at times.
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #204 mxman2k, Dec 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Having researched build versions etc. Here is my findings... (may not be 100% correct on build numbers).

    Vista       = 6.0 - 6000 / SP2 = 6.0 - 6002
    7           = 6.1 - 7600 / SP1 = 6.1 - 7601
    8           = 6.2 - 9200
    8.1         = 6.3 - 9200 / UD1 = 6.3 - 9600
    10          = 10  - (various as it evolves).
    Server Editions
    2008        = 6.0 - 6001 (Vista kernel)
    2008R2      = 6.1 - 7600 / SP1 = 6.1 - 7601 (W7 kernel)
    HomeSvr     = 6.1 - 8400 (Home Server 2011 - W7 kernel)
    2012        = 6.2 - 9200 (W8 kernel)
    2012R2      = 6.3 - 9200/9600 (W8.1 kernel)
    2016        = 10  - (W10 kernel)
    As Server 2008 (non R2) is Vista based this is probably why the background not set, as like Vista its probably stored in a DLL. Likewise with the other Server SKU's, a flag can be set so that they use the right branding method, (hopefully).
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  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Based on my previous post , have made a few tweaks to the beta project so that it will detect what kernel is used if a Server SKU is being installed, it's all still experimental/theory and some progress is being made.

    Not a lot of extra code been added to cover Server Editions mainly a kernel version check then a flag set to what section to go to next.

    As the Edition names are unimportant for Server branding that very long list of SKU names is no longer required - phew!

    The way I have planned and wrote the new code is that any future versions of Windows 10+ etc, adjustments can be added or removed easier as the project becomes more modular. The added benefit is if some parts cannot be done via OOBE stage, then the add-on module can be utilized to do extra tasks later on.

    Once i can download copies of Server 2008 and 2008 R2 i can then interrogate what it is doing that gives it so much hassle to brand properly.

    However the changes to the beta might shed some tiny glimmer of light what is going on behind the mask of OOBE.
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  6. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    I will send you a script by this weekend when I have more time. I got ya brother. ;)
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I went to my friends house and downloaded Server 2008 R2 SP1. :p

    In testing my script, it detected the kernel ok but as always a gremlin sneaked in and removed a vital '=' after a SET variable and caused a glitch so as a catch all error section it carried on and didn't theme.

    At least the error was caught and bypassed everything branding etc.
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161219-R36-BETA [MRP/MDL]
    Files present and extracted successfully.
    NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected.
    OEM's folder detected.
    OEM's folder structure seems OK.

    OS Installation Date: Mon 12/19/2016

    16:33:29.98 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 version found.
    16:33:30.16 ServerStandard Edition/SKU installed.
    16:33:30.16 Build Version: 7601.17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
    16:33:30.18 Server SKU detected, branding may fail to integrate properly.
    16:33:30.18 Server Kernel Version: []
    16:33:30.18 Error, Server Kernel Version not supported.
    16:33:30.49 Cleanup registry entry added.
    16:33:30.49 Installation script has completed.
    16:34:40.52 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR.
    16:34:40.52 Device not connected to the Internet, online license check failed.
    16:34:46.23 License Status: Error, not licensed.
    16:34:46.23 UserTweaks.cmd present attempting to apply.
    16:34:46.23 UserTweaks.cmd completed.
    16:34:54.23 Cleanup script has completed.
    The clue was the line above the bold one, it didn't show the 6.1 what it should of been so was easier for me to pin point the missing = :)

    Anyway not deterred i have redone the decompile and installing it all again as i type. Probably another 45mins wait and all the messing about with a secure password blah blah. I still forgot to DISM edit desktop experience feature, ah well will see what happens and what errors appear.

    @apologized will send another PM with new Decompile.exe the last one the gremlin got to it so deleted it.
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  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #208 Mr.X, Dec 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I feel kind of excited with improvement and steps forward dealing with Servers that I want to collaborate with you bro.
    I don't have any Server iso btw but I can download them (hopefully). So which version, a sneaky one, to try?
    I want to have it in Spanish, again hopefully I find it as I've never dealt with them...

    Searched and found one, sneaky one:

    adb37d770406f12387778b6021b49361b6590ded* es_windows_server_2008_r2_standard_enterprise_datacenter_and_web_with_sp1_x64_dvd_617398.iso
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    It's a challenge to get Servers themed, but as you know i will have a good bash at trying, rare i give in, as my late friend once said, "If something is built by a human no matter how intricate or hard it was, there will be another human to take it apart bit by bit to find out how it was done."

    Regarding which SKU, well as long as it not Server 2003 lol. :p

    It not really matter as such, apologized has most covered, i have Server 2016 and now 2008 R2 SP1 to thrash test.

    Home Server 2011? that is 6.1 (w7 based) as if any user was going to have a server as such instead of a NAS, then HS2011 might be the one.

    It is whatever one you can download bro. They are strange beasts, (almost typed breasts ffs), maybe those too, coz they definitely can go t's up!!

    Server 2016 (W10 kernel) is quite nice as you get a choice of desktop experience after you say i don't have a key on the installer/setup. That themes but some odd things don't, lockscreen and sometimes the log-on screen goes back to default grey?

    PM me when you decided and i will give you a link to download the decompile beta. :D
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I go for Server 2008 R2 SP1 ES, downloading as I type this :D
  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #211 mxman2k, Dec 19, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
    Ok bro :)

    Damn gremlins really got it in for me today!
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #212 mxman2k, Dec 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  13. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    #213 apologized, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    srv2008 :
    -service theme not running & no theme
    -no background
    -script not appeared
    -no lockscreen

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161219-R36-BETA [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure seems OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 20/12/2016 
     1:35:41,16 Windows Server (R) 2008 Standard x86 version found. 
     1:35:41,21 ServerStandard Edition/SKU installed. 
     1:35:41,21 Build Version: 6002.18005.x86fre.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830 
     1:35:41,21 Server SKU detected, branding may fail to integrate properly. 
     1:35:41,23 Server Kernel Version: [6.0] 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS PRODUCT NAME   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS MODEL          : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS VENDOR         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS SYSTEM MNF     : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 BASEBOARD MNF     : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID/VER       : [DELL] 
     1:35:42,66 Defined DELL [#8] manufacture found for possible Vista/Win7 activation. 
     1:35:42,69 VM Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMWARE resolved as DELL [#8]. 
     1:35:42,69 DELL [VMWARE] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     1:35:42,69 No PIDKEY available in MRP database for this Edition/SKU. 
     1:35:42,69 Force theme text file not present. 
     1:35:44,19 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
     1:35:44,21 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     1:35:44,21 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     1:35:44,21 User.bmp replaced.  
     1:35:44,22 Error, user.png replacement failed. 
     1:35:44,22 Error, user-40.png replacement failed. 
     1:35:44,22 Aero theme replaced. 
     1:35:44,27 Error, aero theme replacement failed. 
     1:35:44,27 Error, img100.jpg replacement failed. 
     1:35:44,27 Theme replaced with $OEM$.theme.  
     1:35:44,27 Info folder created. 
     1:35:44,28 Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     1:35:44,47 Cleanup registry entry added.
     1:35:44,47 Installation script has completed.
     1:36:56,43 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR. 
     1:36:57,71 License Status: Error, not licensed. 
     1:36:57,71 Cleanup script has completed. 

    we should run theme service manually and choose it from the list


    same as srv2008 except that there's lockscreen and no theme service on services.msc

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161219-R36-BETA [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure seems OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 20/12/2016 
     1:02:41,10 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 version found. 
     1:02:41,13 ServerStandard Edition/SKU installed. 
     1:02:41,13 Build Version: 7601.17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850 
     1:02:41,13 Server SKU detected, branding may fail to integrate properly. 
     1:02:41,15 Server Kernel Version: [6.1] 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS PRODUCT NAME   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS MODEL          : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS VENDOR         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS SYSTEM MNF     : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 BASEBOARD MNF     : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID/VER       : [DELL] 
     1:02:42,71 Defined DELL [#8] manufacture found for possible Vista/Win7 activation. 
     1:02:42,71 VM Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMWARE resolved as DELL [#8]. 
     1:02:42,71 DELL [VMWARE] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     1:02:42,71 No PIDKEY available in MRP database for this Edition/SKU. 
     1:02:42,71 Force theme text file not present. 
     1:02:44,21 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
     1:02:44,21 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     1:02:44,21 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     1:02:44,22 User.bmp replaced.  
     1:02:44,22 Error, user.png replacement failed. 
     1:02:44,22 Error, user-40.png replacement failed. 
     1:02:44,22 Aero theme replaced. 
     1:02:44,25 Error, aero theme replacement failed. 
     1:02:44,25 Error, img100.jpg replacement failed. 
     1:02:44,25 Theme replaced with $OEM$.theme.  
     1:02:44,25 Info folder created. 
     1:02:44,25 Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     1:02:44,53 Cleanup registry entry added.
     1:02:44,53 Installation script has completed.
     1:03:14,78 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR. 
     1:03:15,38 License Status: Error, not licensed. 
     1:03:15,38 Cleanup script has completed. 

    srv2012 :

    -theme service running not applicated
    -no background
    -script appeared
    -no lockscreen

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161219-R36-BETA [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure seems OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 20/12/2016 
     0:31:49,95 Windows Server 2012 Standard x64 version found. 
     0:31:49,98 ServerStandard Edition/SKU installed. 
     0:31:49,98 Build Version: 9200.16384.amd64fre.win8_rtm.120725-1247 
     0:31:49,98 Server SKU detected, branding may fail to integrate properly. 
     0:31:50,00 Server Kernel Version: [6.2] 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS PRODUCT NAME   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS MODEL          : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS VENDOR         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS SYSTEM MNF     : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 BASEBOARD MNF     : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID/VER       : [DELL] 
     0:31:51,70 Defined DELL [#8] manufacture found for possible Vista/Win7 activation. 
     0:31:51,72 VM Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMWARE resolved as DELL [#8]. 
     0:31:51,72 DELL [VMWARE] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     0:31:51,72 No PIDKEY available in MRP database for this Edition/SKU. 
     0:31:51,72 Force theme text file not present. 
     0:31:53,17 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
     0:31:53,17 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     0:31:53,17 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     0:31:53,17 User.bmp replaced.  
     0:31:53,18 User.png replaced.  
     0:31:53,18 User-40.png replaced.  
     0:31:53,18 User-200.png replaced.  
     0:31:53,18 Aero theme replaced. 
     0:31:53,20 Error, img100.jpg replacement failed. 
     0:31:53,20 Error, $OEM$.theme replacement failed. 
     0:31:53,20 Info folder created. 
     0:31:53,22 Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     0:31:53,39 Cleanup registry entry added.
     0:31:53,39 Installation script has completed.
     1:34:12,55 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR. 
     1:34:21,49 License Status: Error, not licensed. 
     1:34:21,49 Cleanup script has completed. 

    srv2012r2 :

    same as srv2012 with lockscreen applicated
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161219-R36-BETA [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure seems OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 20/12/2016 
     1:01:52,57 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard x64 version found. 
     1:01:52,61 ServerStandard Edition/SKU installed. 
     1:01:52,61 Build Version: 9600.17415.amd64fre.winblue_r4.141028-1500 
     1:01:52,61 Server SKU detected, branding may fail to integrate properly. 
     1:01:52,62 Server Kernel Version: [6.3] 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS PRODUCT NAME   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS MODEL          : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS VENDOR         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS SYSTEM MNF     : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 BASEBOARD MNF     : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID/VER       : [DELL] 
     1:01:54,47 Defined DELL [#8] manufacture found for possible Vista/Win7 activation. 
     1:01:54,48 VM Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMWARE resolved as DELL [#8]. 
     1:01:54,48 DELL [VMWARE] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     1:01:54,48 No PIDKEY available in MRP database for this Edition/SKU. 
     1:01:54,48 Force theme text file not present. 
     1:01:56,18 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
     1:01:56,18 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     1:01:56,19 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     1:01:56,19 User.bmp replaced.  
     1:01:56,19 User.png replaced.  
     1:01:56,20 User-40.png replaced.  
     1:01:56,20 User-200.png replaced.  
     1:01:56,20 Aero theme replaced. 
     1:01:56,22 Img100.jpg replaced. 
     1:01:56,24 Error, $OEM$.theme replacement failed. 
     1:01:56,24 Info folder created. 
     1:01:56,25 Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     1:01:56,41 Cleanup registry entry added.
     1:01:56,41 Installation script has completed.
     2:04:42,06 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR. 
     2:04:43,64 License Status: Error, not licensed. 
     2:04:43,65 Cleanup script has completed. 

    we should install desktop experience during OS Install if we want to successed on branding and app the themes
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #214 mxman2k, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Wow apologized you have been busy! :eek::worthy:

    The theme service is *easy* to turn on , the Desktop Experience is a feature, that can be turned on by:

    dism /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:DesktopExperience /NoRestart
    Something like that can be added as a 'add-on' module but obviously would take a moment or two to install it and have to be the last command issued because of the reboot needed, unless the /NoRestart option is added then you would need to reboot later to get the feature active.

    Hopefully getting close to a solution of sorts...

    Have edited the script to do the theme turn on if it stopped/disabled but unsure of theme service is not available until the Desktop Experience feature is installed first.

    It may be a case of the add-on creates a runonce script, that when the PC is rebooted after everything else has installed, it should in theory have all the theme/branding logos in place. Doing this way would save the long winded method of editing the WIM/ESD and all the indexes within to add the DE feature which would take ages to do.

    If the above theoretical way - online dism install feature then theme service switched on would save a LOT of time.

    Today I will have a play about with the DISM and theme service and write the extra code in and do a test. Either method would make the install take a bit longer on Server SKU's but *IF* it works then we have a workaround for those pesky Servers!
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #215 mxman2k, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Well the test bunked out, found out that you have to DISM install inksupport BEFORE the desktopexperience!! Also theme service is not present unless the DE is stalled first. This is going to be fun i can see lol.

    I tried to use DISM during first script, but because it crashed it aborted the branding section of the script. Ah well - test 2...


    2nd try, stuck on Setup is preparing your computer for first use... Have rebooted VM , left it alone for ages, don't get past that bit. :( So DISM during oobe stage is a no go.

    As shown in log it stuck at the DISM stage.
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161220-R37-BETA [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure seems OK. 
    OS Installation Date: Tue 12/20/2016 
    13:16:25.96 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 version found. 
    13:16:26.08 ServerStandard Edition/SKU installed. 
    13:16:26.08 Build Version: 7601.17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850 
    13:16:26.08 Server SKU detected, branding may fail to integrate properly. 
    13:16:26.18 Server Kernel Version: [6.1] 
    13:16:26.18 Attempting DISM to add InkSupport and Desktop Experience feature... 
    Looking like the features InkSupport/Desktop Experience may have to be performed on a offline WIM :(

    OK Re-think and move DISM to add-on stage... 3rd try...
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  16. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    already search for doing dism command on offline wim but no luck to find out how to ?
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  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    well 3rd try, partially sucessful!

    After MRP has installed and you have set the password and logged in, the server manager page opens.

    Looking at add features it will say you need to reboot, reboot - it will configure the inksupport/DE during shutdown/reboot.

    Log in.

    Open services.msc turn on themes service (from disabled to automatic then start service).

    Open setting where theme selection is, click on the theme (my example MSI) and the theme is all there.

    Tested on Server 2008 R2 SP1
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  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #218 mxman2k, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Here is a rough idea how to edit the WIM.

    @echo off
    REM Set Drive and Index variables to the drive location and the index to the index number to 'edit'.
    REM Copy the INSTALL.WIM to the WimToEdit folder.
    SET Drive=D:
    SET Index=1
    MD %Drive%\WimToEdit
    MD %Drive%\WimToEdit\Mount
    SET mountpath=%Drive%\WimToEdit\Mount
    Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:%Drive%\WimToEdit\install.wim  /index:%index% /MountDir:%mountpath%
    Dism /Image:%mountpath% /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:InkSupport /FeatureName:DesktopExperience
    Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:%mountpath% /Commit
    However the MRP does install the InkSupport & DskExp. You just have to reboot after the desktop appears after logging in the first time.

    The only thing then is to turn on the Themes service and set to automatic. I cannot do this via MRP add-on itself as the features are not activated and therefore the Themes service does not exist until they are activated by the reboot.

    Then go to Personalize and select the required theme.

    I could add the themes service bit via the cleanup runonce script , it will get auto-ignored if the service is running on normal non server OS's so that wont be a problem.

    SO hopefully if that theory works , then after the first reboot, {after the first log in}, it would then activate the features required.

    It *should* then technically work on all Server SKU's. Without editing any WIM's. (Might be a dream but who knows it might just work!).

    At least have made progress, DISM will not work under oobe, well not to install server features anyway. So that was moved to add-on. I will now add the turn Themes service to the Cleanup script which is ran when the reboot/log off is done.

    The only manual step to do would be to select the theme manually via Personalize. Far better than 4 steps!

    @apologized let me add this themes bit to the Cleanup script and i will PM you a link to the new beta decompile. ;)

    edit - PM sent :D
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  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    4th test results...

    Server 2008 R2 SP1 installed. No editing of WIM, just added $oem$ to sources and re-saved ISO.

    Installed Standard (Full) top of selection.

    Created password - you don't get a choice to ignore it on a Server install!

    Desktop appeared after logging in. No full theme. After a while the server management window will pop up, close that and you may be asked that a reboot is pending, Yes to restart - (Or if nothing appears, click the start orb and select restart). The pc will start to reboot, you will see 'installing features' message, leave it to do its thing as this is the Ink and DE features being installed.

    The pc may reboot a couple of times to complete the tasks.

    Then once you log in, the theme will still be default grey/classic.

    Go to Personalize and select your theme. It will then set up and all logo's backgrounds etc will appear.

    This is the best i can do for now, at least it now works on R2 2k8 which it was a pain before. Only the step to click on the required theme, you could even use the Windows Basic one instead of the Classic as standard.

    Will research a way to add to the script to auto select the OEM theme.

    But for now it looks like one Server now brands. In theory the others will too...
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  20. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    #220 apologized, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
    worked on R2 2008 and 2008 (with missing lockscreen)
    on 2012 it's mess :confused: again dism stopped after 1st boot i can upload dism log to find why it's stopped
    on R2 2012 also not working

    i found what's needed i think :
    on server 2012-2012R2
    DE need other features to be enabled :

    3-Server-Media-Foundation (on dism command should write : ServerMediaFoundation)
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