Hi-Lite Colorization : Disabled - Default Color will be used by theme in use. <-- have sorted that mistake for W7/8.x [SCKV7] Samsung [#08] SLIC Un-listed found for possible Windows 7 OEM activation. <-- will check that part out, something picked wrong variable i think! Considering it says No SLIC Table present. Samsung, like HP/Compaq and Lenovo are strange Brands they seem to have a life of their own!
Sorted the variable flag if no slic detected, it no longer should display that '[SCKV7] <brandname> [#08] SLIC Un-listed found for possible Windows 7 OEM activation' line in error. Had set the variable AFTER that line and not before so it displayed the text by mistake. Cosmetic but confusing non the less! Thanks to @Dubioza Kolektiv that little glitch has now been sorted.
MRP v94.0 Baseline as been uploaded and the 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. Spoiler: Summary - Quite long! + Quite a lot of new wording will be seen in the project.log etc. + Updated the Insert PID.txt key advanced routine, will now properly check if the PID key can be used to activate or just used as installation of a Edition only. Windows setup does most of the pre-checking before MRP is even run, so if the key is invalid for the Edition list then Setup will abort. The project will check the key's validity for use to be activated and if not you will be given a reason. If there is an error preventing use of the Pid.txt's key such as invalid in some way etc then the key will be ignored and if SLIC, MSDM or HWID can be activated then they will take preference. The routine is quite complex and to prevent errors later on, the action to void the result if any problems was taken to prevent errors. Remember a PID.txt's key is NOT normally used to activate and a bit of a work-around has been done to attempt this so if anything could prevent the routine from working then it will auto ignore any key present in the PID.txt file for any form of activation. + Also some new error checking for the advanced option 'Insert MSDM early routine', it will now inform with a 'Reason:' line if Server installed, Pid.txt, retail.txt is detected, 'Reduced Function Mode' is active or if no MSDM table found/invalid. If no 'error' reason is shown then the insert MSDM routine will take place and the key will be saved and info shown about it in the project.log at that area instead of later in the Add-On Manager stage. This will only show if you have used that advanced option. + For Windows OS's that use SLIC's this routine has been enhanced and a little glitch if a SLIC table was not present but MRP still shown a line about a un-listed slic detected is now fixed. + Removed the words 'tweak' and 'options' from the list of what's been applied/enabled etc. + Now if a DMI conflict cannot be resolved it will now mention it in the log. For some reason it was not showing that line of text if this happened before, fixed now. + Updated the OEM activation section for Windows Vista/7 and Servers based on those kernels nothing major just a little tweak with some extra info shown if needed for those routines. + Added three new options under Win8.x/10 General: 1} Disable 'Look for App in the Store to open this file'. 2} Prevent Store Apps from automatically updating. 3} Allow Apps from: Anywhere, Prefer Store or Store Only. + Added Script within 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\Windows8.x-10_General' folder to allow the Store to automatically update Apps if required later. + Added two new options under Win10 Kernels section: 1} Set all Internet connections to Metered for Windows 10 RS2+ kernels. This also has a slight benefit that may make Windows Update wait for you to download/install manually any updates. 2} Advanced Option: Disable Windows Defender. This will leave the firewall part in place, two services are left running to allow this to happen, they use little resources and best left alone. You can disable them manually but you may encounter problems later. Also if this option is used then to revert it later may not be possible so think if you really need to disable it! + Updated License Reason Codes and text. + Config Creator updated to v5.1 with the new options. To use the Advanced Options just run the config creator as Administrator. + WinTel.cmd has been updated, added some new Telemetry firewall blocks, not complete list but a starting point. WebRTC leak fix, SmartScreen and 'Compatability Telemetry Runner', {CompatTelRunner.exe}, has been blocked too.
Query Tool v60.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post has been updated with new download link, password and hashes. Same as QT59 but with updated Reason Codes. Plus a small code tidy up.
Nice to see the conflict resolution working perfectly on the HP/Compaq DMI's I can see one or two may get it wrong but it is a complex routine and may not always be 'perfect'
[NOKCA] Note: OEM SLP Key/Certificate will not be processed. Reason: No OEM-SLP Key available. it should of said 'No SLIC Table' but it's only cosmetic, will sort that for next release. The routine is still needing a few adjustments. [SCDET] Note: SetupComplete was detected. [NOTES] This file is system ran beyond MRP's control. I take it the Loader was used in SetupComplete.cmd and the PC wasn't rebooted before the QT was run as the saved report says 30 days Grace.
Likewise on the HP 255 G6 Notebook -- KMS was used via SetupComplete.cmd ? So the message below was shown. [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed [OSLRC] License Status Reason Code: 0x4004F040 [OSLRT] The product was activated but the owner should verify the Product's Use Rights. This is one of the new Reason Codes in action.
it also depends on the ISO itself. If it a Gen2 one then MRP will malfunction because of whatever they add to their images. MRP and the QT only report what the OS returns nothing else. If there is tampering of tokens/activation files then it will show that it detected it. MRP will show the activation status at the time of running/install. Nothing has been changed in that regard, only the Reason codes have been extended to cover other activation statuses.
That is something i cannot change, but the search indexer is off if you used that option, check Services.msc you should see Superfetch and windows search is disabled. Remember the PC must have a reboot cycle for the options to set properly.