The new GUI output window for Query Tool is nice is't suppose to report partition size as 40 GB, although it's really 37 GB?
The drive size values are due to the limitation of SET /A being 32-bit only. It's just a bit of eye candy and i mention in the log that it is approx values. Will find a way around the limitation with either vbs or other programming language, i avoided using PShell one it slow and two not all OS's may have the PS applet.
After about 4 hours of installing 7 over and over have, (hopefully), fixed that reason message about no SLP key when in fact it was no SLIC table! Now the Win8.x tests begin...
The routine to obtain the drive info is simple but the maths are the problem, had to twiddle the division to get the values to look 'almost' right. lol Spoiler: Drive Size Routine (Test Script) Code: @echo off set "volume=%SystemDrive%" For /f "UseBackQ Tokens=1-2 Delims==" %%A In (`WMIC LogicalDisk Where "DeviceID = '%volume%'" Get FreeSpace^, Size /Value`) Do If "%%B" NEQ "" Call Set _%%A=%%B Set /a "_FreePercent=(%_FreeSpace:~,-6% / %_Size:~,-8%)" Set /a "_FreeSpace=(%_FreeSpace:~,-6% / 1079)" set /a "_TotalSize=(%_Size:~,-9%)" IF Defined _TotalSize echo Information For %systemdrive% - Total: %_TotalSize% GB , Avail: %_FreeSpace% GB {%_FreePercent%%%} - Approx Values. echo. pause Tried to match the values to what Windows reports when you right click a drive and select Properties.
Have struggled with Defender disablement on Win8.x, no matter what i do it wont disable! *edit* sorted now. Now on to W10 testing....
Testing another way for w8.1 Defender, not sure if it will work... If this does then MRP 95.0 is completed. Finally! Windows 7 (and SLIC based OS's) All OK. Windows 10 All OK. Windows 8.x OK apart from Disable Defender but this work-a-round might be the key to success or another failure. Will find out in about 20 mins as this HDD is about shafted after all this installing today.
Forgot 8.1 installs a bit faster than 7 Yes!! Windows 8.x Defender is now disabled! that took some sorting out!! This App is turned off by group policy.
Finally the wait is over! MRP 95.0 Baseline has been uploaded and 2nd post download link, password and hashes have been updated. Spoiler: Quick Summary + Added two new W10 options: 1} Do not allow updates from other PC's. - Prevents WU from using other PC's on Internet too i think. 2} Set Diagnostic & Feedback to Basic and Never. + Fixed a cosmetic glitch on SLIC based OS's where if no SLIC table present it would give the reason about SLP key instead of No SLIC table. Did not affect MRP but looked a bit out of place. + Adjusted the Project.log output to remove the Applied:, Enabled: and Disabled: prefixes on any options and have new headers to separate them. + Have moved the 'Disable Defender' advanced option to Windows 8.x/10 General tab for the Creator and in the MRP code base as now you can also Disable Defender for Windows 8.x. Note: The 'Disable Defender' option is disabled for Servers, this is by design. You can handle that by the Server Dashboard in a better way. + Fixed a glitch with Store when set to 'StoreOnly' it would default to 'Anywhere' now works correctly.
hmm odd... the QT should revert to the old style 'dos' display if something goes wrong. that is if a AV/defender grabs the GUI exe. The GUI is language independent - it just displays the text like notepad would.
Just rechecked the code, i think i know what went wrong. I had a clean up routine that also cleared the text file that the gui would display, but because i missed a line that removed all *.txt files it also removed the display text, Will upload this version (62.1) shortly -- it should now show the GUI unless a AV has grabbed the reader program.
Ok Query Tool v62.1 uploaded, 2nd post updated with new download link, password and hashes. Hopefully sorted the glitch that the GUI not show on Windows 7 (maybe other OS's). No other changes done from 62.0 QT. Still the last line saying something about unexpected 0. I have no other computers with Win7 right now. Tomorrow I will try on a different one. Some kind of a debug switch would be helpfull.