@mxman2k may i ask what wmic get command is used to gather the '#14 License Status..' error code value?
Code: set "slp=SoftwareLicensingProduct" for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%A in ('"wmic path %slp% where (Name LIKE '%%Windows%%' and PartialProductKey is not null) get LicenseStatusReason /format:list" 2^>nul') do set "statusreason=%%A" The statusreason returned is a decimal value which you can convert to hex using the exitcode trick call cmd /c exit /b %statusreason% set "SR_Hex=%=exitcode%" The QT/MRP parses a ini file with the numbers to then obtain the text to display.
Yeah, was the missing link. Wasn't sure if that dec is converted to hex here, thanks for clarification .
The dec numbers can get quite large so converting to hex makes managing them a lot easier lol 1074066433 -> 0x4004F401 => Digital/Store License. I have almost 500 reason codes in the database, granted not all are used but it covers majority of the 'reasons' from invalid keys, tampering, kms problems etc. If you wish i can pm you the list i have so far.
QT 62.5 has been uploaded, 2nd post updated with new download link, password and hashes. Spoiler: QT 62.5 Summary There are now two versions within the QT archive/folder. You can use either they both give same saved results. + MRPQTGvxx.x.exe is the new GUI version, you are asked if you wish to use the new GUI or the old display. If the GUI reader is missing -- if an AV removes it then the QT will auto switch to the old display method. Also the GUI checks what OS is installed and adjusts the font. Experimental at moment. Consolas for Windows 10 kernels and all others will use Lucinda Console if neither can be used then it will try another font then give up and show a message box that it failed to find a suitable font to use. Your saved QT report should still be saved to your desktop. + MRPQTNPvxx.x.exe is the Notepad version. + The QT now will display the last 5 digits of the product key in the saved report, this is to help with KMS or other issues for other threads on MDL. + Updated Reason Codes database.
i done the two types to see which works best, i prefer the GUI one (just got to make sure it works properly on all languages). At least people can have a choice
Using your MRPQTG or NP v62.5 with new GUI results in alot of errors ERROR Description = Not found or ERROR Description = Invalid message/description Also <null> message and an error code right after choosing display mode Laptop is a Packard Bell EasyNote TE69KB
strange code not changed much from 62.4 AV interfering ? Defender being its usual self and removing files?