The Theme colors are set by the TitleBar/Hilite Color Options usually, but if those are not used the theme manager should use the default colors of the theme, but i am sure M$ have changed something as the ColorizationColor parameter does not fully correspond to the actual color listings anymore. I think it all to do with the 'Hero' and acrylic stuff on Windows 10. On OS's below 10, it may be something they modified in the Updates? I really do not know.
As we know m$ like to change the goal posts and it sometimes not easy to work out what has been changed and how to compensate for those changes. As i mentioned above, working out the new 'ColorizationColor=0XC4RRGGBB' colors is not as easy as it used to be. For example, what was a light blue (classic default color) might end up as bright pink on some OS's! Until i can work out that side better, as long as the colors can be changed to your preference in PC Settings/Control Panel that is all i can suggest.
You may be right. Even if I set up TitleBar/Hilite Color to grey only Title Bar and Hilite Color is grey. Any other part of Windows theme is blue as usual. It is no big deal - I can manually change it in Control Panel as you said.
After another 3 hrs of coding, have added the new options into MRP... Testing will begin later. Having the 'Extra' tab helps with expanding the General All OS section in the Creator as it almost reached full capacity.
Due to Windows 8.x having some odd issues with the 'The PC' context menu, PC Settings and Windows Update will not be available for 8.0/8.1 OS's. All the other Context Menu options work. Blame m$ for that. Have updated the Creator with extra info about them.
MRP is now in v97.0 RC 1 stage, Internal Testing is done. Just any fine tuning and spelling to be sorted now.
added Will have to remove a few wallpapers of the 1,2,3... numbered ones on the not so much used brands to keep the MRP archive below 42mb or will end up with a 100mb download! I will upload the full size one with all the new wallpapers added as a separate download once all complete so none are lost. Only the one in the MRP archive itself will have the lesser amount of wallpapers.
MRP v97 has completed RC tests and has been changed to Baseline. Will upload and update download details shortly...