ComputerName Script as attachment, rename to .cmd from .txt to make it work. Needs to be ran as Administrator (it will check and tell you if it not). It will ask you what name to change it to, it does not backup original name. As i said it may or may not work on all OS's. Use at your own risk.
Sysprep i am not the one to ask, i too have strange things happen using that mode. Also as mentioned in the readme's if you are creating/using your own answer/unattended type file then i cannot offer any support.
I'll give it a try and let you know if it works. Should I put it in the Scripts folder? Thank you for your effort.
The ComputerName script is to be ran manually AFTER Windows has been installed and you are at the desktop, it is not for use within MRP as it will be ignored, or if you force it to be used by renaming the file then your install of the OS may fail as you might not see any question being asked due to how oobe stage works. --------------------------------------------------The autounattend.XML file created via that website, or one you create yourself manually, is to be placed in the root of the ISO or USB - NOT in the scripts folder or any other folder. If you choose the option(s) to Skip 'machine OOBE' or 'user OOBE' then MRP may NOT be ran because you tell setup to bypass those stages. Using autounattend.xml is really for advanced users who know how to adjust the install to how they require such as IT managers, (or OEM manufacturers), who manage a large amount of computer installations. You need to understand what effects each part does as you can end up with a screwed up install! This is why i do not want to go into giving support for that area as it can get very complicated and each one can be different depending on what the user wishes to accomplish. Plus it will clutter this thread with things outside the scope of the project. It may be wiser to ask your questions in the Scripting section of the forum for those with more experience of the autounattend.xml to answer.
Added Show 'Network' icon on desktop as an option under the Extra's tab in the next Config Creator. Tested code in MRP and it shows the icon. However if you have 'Network Discovery' turned off it may not show the icon. Not sure if this is a OS 'bug' or a design 'feature' but most times it should be shown.
If I'm doing a CLEAN install of Windows 10, where would I change "Network Discovery" if it's turned OFF? Thank you
it depends, usually you will soon know when you click on the Network icon it will inform you that it is off. Usually when connecting to the internet the first time it will ask if you want the PC to be discover-able on the network. Open Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Network and Sharing Center > Advanced sharing settings. If you cannot turn on Network Discovery you may need to check certain services, -- type services.msc in the search/run box and press enter/click services app to open Services Manager and check if the following services are started and set to Automatic. DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, UPnP Device Host. Then check again to see if you can turn it on.
Hmm, after seeing the huge context menu on a virgin install, i'd prefer those as fly-out-sub-menu . Since they are very useful why not bundle them in a TWEAKS menu ? Spoiler
Will take a look at moving them to a submenu. The no network icon on Win 8.1 - not sure why it not appear. Win8.x has some very odd quirks in the user interface.
Have moved the This PC/My Computer's Context Menu stuff to a submenu called Tools. Took a bit of working out how the 'subcommands' reg entry worked and the way to create the 'string' variable. Also due to the way it works the entries will all be in English, if i tried to not put any name then the entry would not show. It acts different to the other way ie the big context menu list which Windows would substitute the entry name translated. A rough idea is shown in the picture attached. Ignore all the other items as i was testing the Tools>Submenu, you can see the way it will look. - Will sort the alphabetical order as it not in A,B,C...Z ordering. *edit* Sorted in right order now. See OrderedVersion picture.
Indeed . The initial solution would make the explorer/Total Commander context menu on my system go out of boundaries on my main machine .
I sent off T2 beta for testing, but I am already testing T3 The only difference between T2/3 is memory information added, (like the QT about bit type/max capacity etc), and a bit of rewording here and there. W10 the submenu looks same as the Win7 apart from 'Windows Settings' shows as well, (if you have selected that option).
Took a bit to work out how to make the menu1;menu2; etc work and remove the last ; when any option is selected. No FOR loop in sight all done with SET and some fancy coding lol.
well i not going to add any others to the submenu so 12 won't be a problem as only 9 max will be present.