Or this ? - but it shows correct. Quirks of language. Plus there is a slight restriction in the GUI itself which i preset, as all text on screen is placed at pixel level and each option has a width 'limit' within the tab window. I may redesign the GUI at some point to be wider to allow better placement, but for now it does the job.
Regarding Daylight Saving... Code: REM Disable Automatic Daylight Savings Adjustment - 1 = Off / 0 = On Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v "DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >NUL 2>&1 That can be added into Oobe.cmd above the DEL /F /Q "%0%" >nul line for example: Code: :CLOSE Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v "DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >NUL 2>&1 DEL /F /Q "%0%" >nul
@vze2mp9g or anyone interested in altering the Time Zone via command line, (or batch scripting). Code: REM Set Eastern Standard Time with Daylight Saving OFF TZUTIL /s "Eastern Standard Time_dstoff" Added to Oobe.cmd would look like: Code: :CLOSE Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v "DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >NUL 2>&1 TZUTIL /s "Eastern Standard Time_dstoff" DEL /F /Q "%0%" >nul That hopefully will set the Time Zone parameters the _dstoff suffix also switches the daylight saving to off, the reg entry above it tells the OS not to undo the DST change later. Important note: If using the _dstoff parameter there must be NO space between Time and _dstoff !! Plus the Time Zone name must be within quotes " " Spoiler: List of valid Time Zone names Dateline Standard Time Samoa Standard Time Hawaiian Standard Time Alaskan Standard Time Pacific Standard Time Mountain Standard Time Mexico Standard Time U.S. Mountain Standard Time Central Standard Time Canada Central Standard Time Mexico Standard Time Central America Standard Time Eastern Standard Time U.S. Eastern Standard Time S.A. Pacific Standard Time Atlantic Standard Time S.A. Western Standard Time Pacific S.A. Standard Time Newfoundland and Labrador Standard Time E. South America Standard Time S.A. Eastern Standard Time Greenland Standard Time Mid-Atlantic Standard Time Azores Standard Time Cape Verde Standard Time GMT Standard Time Greenwich Standard Time Central Europe Standard Time Central European Standard Time Romance Standard Time W. Europe Standard Time W. Central Africa Standard Time E. Europe Standard Time Egypt Standard Time FLE Standard Time GTB Standard Time Israel Standard Time South Africa Standard Time Russian Standard Time Arab Standard Time E. Africa Standard Time Arabic Standard Time Iran Standard Time Arabian Standard Time Caucasus Standard Time Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Standard Time Ekaterinburg Standard Time West Asia Standard Time India Standard Time Nepal Standard Time Central Asia Standard Time Sri Lanka Standard Time N. Central Asia Standard Time Myanmar Standard Time S.E. Asia Standard Time North Asia Standard Time China Standard Time Singapore Standard Time Taipei Standard Time W. Australia Standard Time North Asia East Standard Time Korea Standard Time Tokyo Standard Time Yakutsk Standard Time A.U.S. Central Standard Time Cen. Australia Standard Time A.U.S. Eastern Standard Time E. Australia Standard Time Tasmania Standard Time Vladivostok Standard Time West Pacific Standard Time Central Pacific Standard Time Fiji Islands Standard Time New Zealand Standard Time Tonga Standard Time Syntax : TZUTIL /? /g /l /s "TimeZoneValue[_dstoff]" Parameters: /? Displays usage information. /g Displays the current time zone ID. /s "TimeZoneID[_dstoff]" do not type [ ] in the parameter this is just to show it is optional. Sets the current time zone using the specified time zone ID. The _dstoff suffix disables Daylight Saving Time adjustments for the time zone, (where applicable). /l Lists all valid time zone IDs and display names. The output will be: <display name> <time zone ID> As it would be a huge code addition i will not be adding this as an option within MRP - the code shown above for use within Oobe.cmd should suffice for those that wish to alter the Time Zone outside of Windows Setup.
I thought it as only spelt that way on British English OS's Either way I will leave it as it is in the Project/Creator -- basically means the same thing. Saves confusion with multiple spellings.
Just to let you know that your OOBE script worked. Just one minor tweek? I would like to have Daylight Saving set to ON. What would I alter to set Daylight Saving to ON ? Thank you.
Code: :CLOSE Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v "DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f >NUL 2>&1 TZUTIL /s "Eastern Standard Time" DEL /F /Q "%0%" >nul Sets TimeZone and turns daylight saving on (if available for the country/Time Zone). or if not setting Time Zone but want Daylight Saving enabled... Code: :CLOSE Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v "DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f >NUL 2>&1 DEL /F /Q "%0%" >nul
not via oobe no - there is a script within the Misc_ExtraScripts folder (general), which can change the device/computer name. But do not attempt to use that script during setup or you will probably have a failed install! It is not designed to be used other than run manually AFTER the os has been installed. Located within the MRP archive (or extracted folder): \Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\General_All_Kernels\ChangeComputerName.cmd
It's discussed here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...support-and-chat.24902/page-1061#post-1458736 & https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...support-and-chat.24902/page-1062#post-1458908
Okay, are you saying that I CAN use Are you saying I can use the script ChangeComputerName.cmd ? If so, should I put it in the SCRIPTS folder and it will run? Thank You.