Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Thank you for testing using the WIM/ESD method. :)

    Had lost my internet for a while, was typing a reply and i didn't notice the red X through the lan. lol

    I know that way is for the more advanced users who know there way around DISM etc, but it nice to know it will work as intended.
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  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #362 Enthousiast, Jan 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
    Knowing on how to use DISM simple commands (mount/unmount commit), should be the basics to learn before one even touches servicing/modifying windows (IMHO) ;):D

    May i ask a quick question to verify if this automaticly is excluded on win 7 installs?

  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #363 mxman2k, Jan 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
    The Server side add-on uses DISM to enable the required features.

    Quite simple once you got the right names for the features to enable.

    The only 'hardest' part was what order to do them in to not get errors. :)

    Another powerful command is WMIC, comes in handy when finding DMI and various other bits that MRP uses, also it is language neutral which helps a lot.

    The F8 part is only for Win8.x/10, it is only used, (unless REM'd out), when W8.x/10 detected. Otherwise it is ignored for other OS's.
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #364 mxman2k, Jan 13, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Had one bug report Pm'd me earlier today, nothing that will crash the project, just an error message that does not put the time stamp on, that will only appear if you use the Force_Theme text file and not have the OEM's present.

    ie Error: Cannot use forced theme as no OEM's folder present.
    I won't name and shame the person, but why delete the OEM's.7z file and then use Force_Theme in the first place? :confused::rolleyes:

    Anyway have now fixed that. :D

    Also a few little changes done as can be seen in the spoiler below - highlighted in bold.
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170113-R51s-Internal-Testing  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    Enhanced Debug Mode: Activated. 
    > Detecting if a Solid State Drive is present. 
    > Checking OEM's Folder Structure.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 13/01/2017 
    16:26:36.37 > Checking installed OS name. 
    16:26:36.42 Windows 10 Pro x64 version found. 
    16:26:36.45 > Checking installed OS Edition/SKU. 
    16:26:37.04 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 
    16:26:37.04 Build Version: 14393.693.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [Aspire X1301] 
    #2 CS Model          : [Aspire X1301] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [Acer] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [Acer] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Acer] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [ACRSYS] 
    INFO: Standard HDD Detected - {Experimental}. 
    16:26:44.29 > Detecting installed OS language. 
    16:26:44.31 Detected installed OS language 2057 [809h]. 
    16:26:44.31 > Checking 'Drive Name' LblDrv flag. 
    16:26:44.37 'LblDrv' flag was enabled, 'C:' will be renamed to 'Windows_10_Pro'. 
    16:26:44.37 > Checking DMI for manufacture information. 
    16:26:45.04 ACER [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
    16:26:45.04 > Checking BIOS for MSDM Key. 
    16:26:47.07 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
    16:26:47.07 > Branding Section Part 1. 
    16:26:47.07 Force theme text file not present. 
    16:26:47.31 > Checking DMI for Model Name. 
    16:26:47.34 Model Name - 'Aspire X1301' detected and applied.
    16:26:47.34 > Branding Section Part 2. 
    16:26:47.34 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
    16:26:47.35 > Windows 8.x/10/Server 2016 Account Picture Management Section 1.
    16:26:47.35 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
    16:26:47.37 User.bmp replaced.  
    16:26:47.39 User.png replaced.  
    16:26:47.40 User-40.png replaced.  
    16:26:47.42 > Windows 10/Server 2016 Account Picture Management Section 2.
    16:26:47.42 User-32.png replaced.  
    16:26:47.42 User-48.png replaced.  
    16:26:47.42 User-192.png replaced. 
    16:26:47.42 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
    16:26:47.57 > Theme Management Section. 
    16:26:47.57 Default aero.theme has been replaced to use ACER for theme. 
    16:26:47.60 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
    16:26:47.65 > Transfer Theme Files Section. 
    16:26:47.65 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
    16:26:47.67 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
    16:26:47.67 > Deletion of obsolete files. 
    16:26:48.03 MRP Branding script has completed.
    16:28:57.23 > MRP Add-On Module in progress. 
    16:28:58.49 > Checking if device is a 'default' Virtual Machine. 
    16:28:59.17 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    16:28:59.67 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
    16:28:59.73 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
    16:28:59.73 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
    16:28:59.90 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
    16:28:59.99 > Checking BIOS mode if Legacy/UEFI and drive type is MBR/GPT. 
    16:29:08.23 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    16:29:08.24 > Checking Online Status. 
    16:29:08.24 Device not connected to the Internet, online license check failed. 
    16:29:10.12 > Checking if Device is activated/licensed. 
    16:29:14.01 License Status: Not licensed. 
    16:29:14.04 > Checking if 'UserTweaks.cmd' present. 
    16:29:14.04 'UserTweaks.cmd' present, attempting to apply. 
    16:29:14.04 UserTweaks.cmd has completed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Enhanced DeBug Mode deactivated. 
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    I am not going to release this version for a while, unless anyone wants it desperately as there is very little altered at this time. PM me if you really, really want it.:p

    The only changes are:

    Fixed the error msg as mentioned. Rare you would see that anyway!
    Added the OS installed language, pinched the code from the QT. :sneaky:

    Odd rewording of some parts.

    Other than those little changes it is identical to 50s.
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  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #365 Enthousiast, Jan 14, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Did a few tests with MRP:

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170108-R50s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: zo 15-01-2017 
     0:32:21,62 Windows 10 Pro x86 version found. 
     0:32:22,15 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 
     0:32:22,15 Build Version: 14393.693.x86fre.rs1_release.161220-1747 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [P35-DS3R] 
    #2 CS Model          : [P35-DS3R] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [GBT] 
     0:32:25,26 'LblDrv' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
     0:32:25,98 GIGABYTE [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     0:32:26,73 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
     0:32:26,73 Force theme text file not present. 
     0:32:26,96 System Product Name - 'P35-DS3R' detected and applied.
     0:32:26,96 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     0:32:26,98 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     0:32:26,98 User.bmp replaced.  
     0:32:27,02 User.png replaced.  
     0:32:27,02 User-40.png replaced.  
     0:32:27,04 User-32.png replaced.  
     0:32:27,04 User-48.png replaced.  
     0:32:27,05 User-192.png replaced. 
     0:32:27,05 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
     0:32:27,38 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 
     0:32:27,44 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
     0:32:27,48 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
     0:32:27,49 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     0:32:27,80 MRP Branding script has completed.
     0:37:29,10 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
     0:37:29,64 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
     0:37:29,84 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
     0:37:29,85 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
     0:37:30,12 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
     0:37:37,21 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
     0:37:40,50 License Status: Licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170108-R50s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: zo 15-01-2017 
     0:03:04,11 Windows 10 Home N x64 version found. 
     0:03:04,22 CoreN Edition/SKU installed. 
     0:03:04,22 Build Version: 14393.693.amd64fre.rs1_release.161220-1747 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware7,1] 
    #2 CS Model          : [VMware7,1] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [INTEL] 
     0:03:11,17 'LblDrv' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
     0:03:11,66 Defined VMware [VMware] manufacture found. 
     0:03:11,66 VMware [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     0:03:13,42 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
     0:03:13,42 Force theme text file not present. 
     0:03:14,07 System Product Name, not detected. 
     0:03:14,08 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     0:03:14,11 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     0:03:14,11 User.bmp replaced.  
     0:03:14,19 User.png replaced.  
     0:03:14,20 User-40.png replaced.  
     0:03:14,22 User-32.png replaced.  
     0:03:14,22 User-48.png replaced.  
     0:03:14,22 User-192.png replaced. 
     0:03:14,22 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
     0:03:14,41 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 
     0:03:14,50 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
     0:03:14,53 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
     0:03:14,58 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     0:03:14,76 MRP Branding script has completed.
     0:06:11,17 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
     0:06:11,68 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
     0:06:11,75 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
     0:06:11,75 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
     0:06:11,90 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
     0:06:23,36 BIOS Mode: UEFI, Partition Type: GPT 
     0:06:26,08 License Status: Licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170108-R50s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: za 14-01-2017 
    21:17:47,16 Windows 10 Enterprise N x64 version found. 
    21:17:47,33 EnterpriseN Edition/SKU installed. 
    21:17:47,33 Build Version: 14393.693.amd64fre.rs1_release.161220-1747 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS Model          : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [INTEL] 
    21:17:54,72 'LblDrv' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
    21:17:55,22 Defined VMware [VMware] manufacture found. 
    21:17:55,22 VMware [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
    21:17:56,69 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
    21:17:56,69 Force theme text file not present. 
    21:17:57,13 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
    21:17:57,15 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
    21:17:57,16 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
    21:17:57,18 User.bmp replaced.  
    21:17:57,24 User.png replaced.  
    21:17:57,24 User-40.png replaced.  
    21:17:57,26 User-32.png replaced.  
    21:17:57,26 User-48.png replaced.  
    21:17:57,26 User-192.png replaced. 
    21:17:57,26 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
    21:17:57,55 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 
    21:17:57,60 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
    21:17:57,66 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
    21:17:57,71 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
    21:17:57,90 MRP Branding script has completed.
    21:34:15,19 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    21:34:15,58 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
    21:34:15,63 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
    21:34:15,63 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
    21:34:15,79 Normal removal of 'defaultuser0' folder failed - retrying...  
    21:34:15,82 Forced removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
    21:34:25,18 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    21:34:28,63 License Status: Not licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #366 mxman2k, Jan 14, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
    :D thank you.

    I have noticed on some Editions that on the 'defaultuser0' folder, the forced removal method comes into play. All MRP does is takeownership of the folder and attempts to remove it a 2nd time which luckily i have not seen fail, yet!

    With 51s i have gone though the database and de-capitalized all the brand names, so instead of GIGABYTE, MRP will say Gigabyte, ALIENWARE -> Alienware etc, looks less 'in your face'.

    You can tell i have been bored. :p

    Not until i am happy with the changes will i release 51s. As no major edits have been done i see no reason to put out a beta as some things may get changed back. Damn OCD!!!
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  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #367 Enthousiast, Jan 15, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Few more tests:

    All installs that show licensed are activated by HWID.

    Used ei.cfg (otherwise Enterprise N 2016 LTSB will show an error when EULA should have shown during initial setup):
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170108-R50s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: zo 15-01-2017 
     1:13:31,55 Windows 10 Home N x64 version found. 
     1:13:31,69 CoreN Edition/SKU installed. 
     1:13:31,69 Build Version: 14393.693.amd64fre.rs1_release.161220-1747 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [P35-DS3R] 
    #2 CS Model          : [P35-DS3R] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [GBT] 
     1:13:35,16 'LblDrv' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
     1:13:35,96 GIGABYTE [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     1:13:37,09 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
     1:13:37,09 Force theme text file not present. 
     1:13:37,59 System Product Name - 'P35-DS3R' detected and applied.
     1:13:37,59 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     1:13:37,62 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     1:13:37,62 User.bmp replaced.  
     1:13:37,65 User.png replaced.  
     1:13:37,66 User-40.png replaced.  
     1:13:37,68 User-32.png replaced.  
     1:13:37,68 User-48.png replaced.  
     1:13:37,68 User-192.png replaced. 
     1:13:37,69 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
     1:13:37,87 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 
     1:13:37,91 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
     1:13:37,94 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
     1:13:37,96 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     1:13:38,30 MRP Branding script has completed.
     1:19:42,22 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
     1:19:42,77 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
     1:19:42,84 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
     1:19:42,84 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
     1:19:43,30 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
     1:19:52,20 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
     1:19:57,77 License Status: Licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170108-R50s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: zo 15-01-2017 
     1:55:59,21 Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB x64 version found. 
     1:55:59,52 EnterpriseSN Edition/SKU installed. 
     1:55:59,52 Build Version: 14393.693.amd64fre.rs1_release.161220-1747 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [P35-DS3R] 
    #2 CS Model          : [P35-DS3R] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [GBT] 
     1:56:03,09 'LblDrv' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
     1:56:03,77 GIGABYTE [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     1:56:04,95 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
     1:56:04,95 Force theme text file not present. 
     1:56:05,42 System Product Name - 'P35-DS3R' detected and applied.
     1:56:05,42 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     1:56:05,51 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     1:56:05,51 User.bmp replaced.  
     1:56:05,54 User.png replaced.  
     1:56:05,56 User-40.png replaced.  
     1:56:05,57 User-32.png replaced.  
     1:56:05,57 User-48.png replaced.  
     1:56:05,57 User-192.png replaced. 
     1:56:05,57 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
     1:56:05,74 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 
     1:56:05,79 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
     1:56:05,84 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
     1:56:05,85 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     1:56:06,17 MRP Branding script has completed.
     2:00:18,21 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
     2:00:18,52 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
     2:00:18,57 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
     2:00:18,58 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
     2:00:18,83 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
     2:00:27,21 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
     2:00:31,04 License Status: Not licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #368 Enthousiast, Jan 15, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Last test for yesterday (same iso as before):

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170108-R50s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: zo 15-01-2017 
     2:44:17,78 Windows 10 Pro x86 version found. 
     2:44:18,26 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 
     2:44:18,26 Build Version: 14393.693.x86fre.rs1_release.161220-1747 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS Model          : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [INTEL] 
     2:44:24,04 'LblDrv' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
     2:44:24,50 Defined VMware [VMware] manufacture found. 
     2:44:24,50 VMware [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     2:44:26,41 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
     2:44:26,41 Force theme text file not present. 
     2:44:27,84 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
     2:44:27,84 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     2:44:27,85 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     2:44:27,85 User.bmp replaced.  
     2:44:27,95 User.png replaced.  
     2:44:27,98 User-40.png replaced.  
     2:44:27,98 User-32.png replaced.  
     2:44:27,98 User-48.png replaced.  
     2:44:27,99 User-192.png replaced. 
     2:44:27,99 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
     2:44:28,20 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 
     2:44:28,25 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
     2:44:28,28 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
     2:44:28,28 Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 
     2:44:28,48 MRP Branding script has completed.
     2:48:17,18 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
     2:48:17,52 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
     2:48:17,56 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
     2:48:17,56 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
     2:48:17,81 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
     2:48:24,18 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
     2:48:27,90 License Status: Licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    I love i always get a HWID activated win 10 pro in vmware (clean install, new vm) :D
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #369 mxman2k, Jan 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
    My VBox VM is HWID activated for Pro, i thought it would be lost after a format/change of my main pc, then importing the old .VHD to the freshly installed VirtualBox. But it still has kept its HWID!

    I knew Vista/7 would keep its 'activation' as i have DMI edits in the config file and a slic.BIN file in the folder.

    For W8.x/10 only MRP does a online check, (very simple ping to, only if it can't get a reply it will output the not connected message. That is why sometimes it is not shown on the log, not a fault, a design feature lol.

    One thing i have observed about the Digital License, if a computer is activated and then not used for a while, not sure of the amount of days, when you boot up the computer after that time it will say Windows is not activated.
    You then go online and it then reactivates so in theory the DL seems to be similar to using a MAK key. :confused::g:
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  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It's more like the old OEM (systembuilder). A friend of mine has a laptop with HWID activation and he uses it once a month to update, never seen it not being activated, but also not always looking at it at startup :D
  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #371 mxman2k, Jan 16, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    MRP Updated! 170116-R51s-BaseLine

    MRP has been updated to 170116-R51s-BaseLine.

    See change log on first post for details.

    Links updated - For MRP and MRP-OEMs-Only.

    Example Windows 10 Project.log output, (enhanced log mode on):
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170116-R51s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    Enhanced Log Mode: Activated. 
    > Detecting if a Solid State Drive is present. 
    > Checking OEM's Folder Structure.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 16/01/2017 
    14:58:01.17 > Checking installed OS name. 
    14:58:01.20 Windows 10 Pro x64 version found. 
    14:58:01.22 > Checking installed OS Edition/SKU. 
    14:58:01.58 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 
    14:58:01.58 Build Version: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [Desktop] 
    #2 CS Model          : [Desktop] 
    #4 CS Vendor         : [MSI-PC] 
    #5 CS System Manf    : [MSI-PC] 
    #6 Baseboard Manf    : [value] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [HPQOEM] 
    INFO: SSD Detected - {Experimental}. 
    14:58:16.50 > Detecting installed OS language. 
    14:58:16.53 Detected installed OS language 2057 [809h]. 
    14:58:16.53 > Checking 'Drive Name' LblDrv flag. 
    14:58:16.97 Name System Drive flag was enabled, 'C:' will be renamed as 'Windows_10_Pro'. 
    14:58:16.97 > Checking DMI for manufacture information. 
    14:58:17.39 Msi [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
    14:58:17.40 > Checking BIOS for MSDM Key. 
    14:58:26.15 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
    14:58:26.15 > Branding Section Part 1. 
    14:58:26.15 Force theme text file not present. 
    14:58:26.79 > Checking DMI for Model Name. 
    14:58:26.91 Model Name: Not detected. 
    14:58:26.91 > Branding Section Part 2. 
    14:58:26.91 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
    14:58:26.94 > Windows 8.x/10/Server 2016 User Account Picture Management Section 1. 
    14:58:26.94 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
    14:58:26.94 User.bmp replaced.  
    14:58:27.10 User.png replaced.  
    14:58:27.16 User-40.png replaced.  
    14:58:27.24 > Windows 10/Server 2016 User Account Picture Management Section 2. 
    14:58:27.24 User-32.png replaced.  
    14:58:27.24 User-48.png replaced.  
    14:58:27.27 User-192.png replaced. 
    14:58:27.30 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
    14:58:27.71 > Theme Management Section. 
    14:58:27.71 Msi has been applied for default theme. 
    14:58:27.77 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
    14:58:27.80 > Transfer Theme Files Section. 
    14:58:27.80 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
    14:58:27.82 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\Info folder'. 
    14:58:27.82 > Deletion of obsolete files. 
    14:58:28.52 MRP Branding script has completed.
    15:04:22.63 > MRP Add-On Module in progress. 
    15:04:23.13 > Checking if device is a 'default' Virtual Machine. 
    15:04:24.21 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    15:04:29.58 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
    15:04:29.64 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
    15:04:29.64 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
    15:04:29.76 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
    15:04:29.86 > Checking BIOS mode if Legacy/UEFI and drive type is MBR/GPT. 
    15:04:52.19 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    15:04:52.19 > Checking Online Status. 
    15:04:52.19 Device not connected to the Internet, online license check failed. 
    15:04:55.44 > Checking if Device is activated/licensed. 
    15:05:04.54 License Status: Not licensed. 
    15:05:04.56 > Checking if 'UserTweaks.cmd' present. 
    15:05:04.56 'UserTweaks.cmd' present, attempting to apply. 
    15:05:04.56 UserTweaks.cmd has completed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated. 
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    Note: a few slight changes to some wording was made after this log was created.
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  12. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #372 The_Guardian, Jan 17, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
    Here are my results from using the mrp. It works but when in audit mode for win10 the oobe is already ran unlike vista/win7 or win8.x. The tweaks I had to redo since they dont carry over when recovery partition is created. I also had to re-apply my setupcomplete.cmd since mrp thought it was at the desktop which it wasnt, so did the cleanup routine. All images, even the login background was set correct. I personalized it then logged off. The login background stayed put.

    I think if a check for username=Administrator then move code to beginning of a setupcomplete/firstlogin.cmd files (like the vista activation section of code) so it will be applied at desktop login instead of Administrator desktop (audit mode). Only a suggestion. Other then this small issue, I have no complaints. :) Not many do recovery partitions anyways but would be nice to enable it within the mrp project. :rolleyes:

    Nice job brother. :hug2:

    Your project, your call.
  13. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #373 The_Guardian, Jan 17, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
    I was thinking about my above suggestion. Here is simple way to edit that wont matter if ppl restart in audit mode multiple times (driver and updates need several restarts).

    Add this to the cleanup file that is created within the install.cmd file...
    If %username%=Administrator add the run once reg entry.
    Then go to a exit command instead of self delete.

    When users use audit mode they can restart several times as needed without messing with setupcomplete.cmd or firstlogin.cmd. Very easy to address this small, not common issue.

    If you decide to add this let me know and I will test it out for you. :)
  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Hiya bro, you must of read my mind! :p

    Was just thinking , now which way to add this little check...

    Then i was like hmm, in oobe its username = system, i was wondering if it was 'Administrator' or the actual username, then realized, the username not setup yet coz it in audit mode!!

    I was unsure if my theory would of worked as wondered if runonce was deleted, but it not actually ran until it completes the oobe mode ie after enter username etc.

    Technically it should not affect the add-on section because i think that bit is already ran, its the final cleanup that causes the problem yes? Just want to make sure. I can whip up a decompile.exe for you to test. :D
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  15. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #375 The_Guardian, Jan 17, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
    The whole project is ran before audit mode and this is an issue when doing a sysprep for recovery image. Like I said, I re-ran all tweaks after audit mode to correct the setup when using audit mode. Wasnt hard but glad I seen it and corrected it manually before capturing image. ;)

    The problem is that some tweaks dont carry over when creating a recovery image. If anything is user related it is skipped for image creation. But yes, great minds think alike. lol :hug2::tea::cool:

    The above addition will address it I believe. When you are ready to test let me know. ;)

    Note: The administrator account is used for audit mode and safe mode desktop environments. ;)
  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @The_Guardian PM sent hope it makes sense :p ;)
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  17. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #377 The_Guardian, Jan 17, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
    I have to run and pay my car insurance. Be back in few...

    I am back and sent you a pm.
  18. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Going to test your new decompile.exe (beta) to see if it now works with audit mode and sysprep. Thanks for the addition and your time you have put into this. You picked up on syspreping pretty good. ;)

    Will post results in a while...
  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @The_Guardian, No worries bro, i am quietly confident it will work this time :cool: If not then it hopefully be a simple fix.

    2nd time lucky with sysprep :p at least i wasn't stuck at 'enter username' this time, at least it wasn't the Cortana screen!:eek::throw:
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  20. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    The new DeCompile.exe worked perfect. Thanks brother. :) :hug2: