Got it, If i update wrong project files please let me know and i will try to fix as it is one of my favorite projects and i want to see it the best and fully updated
[SLICv CZC011 Shenzhen] is what is in the SLIC's Binary header so it certainly for the Chinese company. The problem is some companies seem to have stopped producing/selling computers and those brand names may of been bought by another company who changes the logo's etc. Can get very confusing.
No worries, as mentioned it can get a bit confusing at times. We all makes mistakes, if you saw some of the right screw ups i have done with coding the project you would be laughing. @Enthousiast has seen a few of the blunders i have done. My latest was spelling Lenovo as Lynovo then wondering why it not find the brand folder during testing . But with that i re-wrote the brand checking routine to be more efficient now, with wiggle room for other brands with two types. So not all was lost, that is when i saw my spelling mistake
When you update the Main OEM project. will it be updated with all the new OEMs posted by l30? Thank you..
Yes i have been adding them as they appear. So when MRP100 is released it will have all the updated brands at that time. I will release a OEM's.7z at a later date when they are all done - or the R101 release is done. V100 is at RC4 now and passed testing for W10. Just have to do 8.x and 7 etc to make sure everything is working. This is what takes the longest time, all the testing. With it being the Centenary release i want it to be as close to 100% as possible.
CPU Socket Designation - [CPU #000] another VM confusion Usually it will return something like LGA1151 etc or for my Skylake board CPU Socket Designation - [U3E1] which is even more confusing! It all depends on what WMIC returns for the CPU checks. If the line don't show it maybe because the data is unreadable. One of the new Reason Code updates. License Status Reason - 0x4004F040: OS is licensed, verify the products use rights, cosmetic error as no SLIC/MSDM is present.
Query Tool v73.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. Spoiler: QT 73 Summary + Added CPU Socket Designation Type. Should show LGA1155 etc although some results may look a bit strange, but it is what WMIC returns. If nothing shown it may mean the result is unavailable via WMIC. VM software may return CPU#000 this is normal as unless you edit the configuration data of the VM then it will use default values. + Added new information to some of the Reason Codes. + Now shows 'License' type correctly such as Retail[/HWID], OEM_DM[/HWID], KMS etc. The Retail/HWID and OEM_DM/HWID means when the key has been converted to a Digital/Store License. + Minor code restructure.
By the looks of things on a Win 10 EVAL OS's it not quite pick up on the remaining time or that it is a Eval as it probably would with a Win7 Eval version. Probably because m$ changed how Eval is on W10 ?
Hmm CPU Socket Designation seems a bit of a odd ball, it must depend on what the board manufacturer adds into that area. Ah well it is what it is, i'm not going to worry over it. It's only eye candy after all. wmic cpu get SocketDesignation /format:list is the command used to detected the CPU Socket.
At least it got it right - but the remaining time does not show, probably because it not set that particular flag so it returns nul result = nothing shown. Or the counter has not started until a few minutes/hours has passed. Either way it shows that it is Timebased_Eval.