As mentioned before there are a lot of brands either gone out of business, merged or been bought out by others and the logos etc all being changed. Acer for instance now has GateWay, HP/Compaq and Packard Bell as part of its empire (unless it all changed again!). I had to adjust the MRP as for Packard Bell it only went up to slic v2.0 but when Acer took it over some computers was released with slic 2.1 (ACRSYS).
Well its gone 1am here and been working like a workhorse virtually all day , testing, tweaking bits, testing again. MRP is in the final stage before baseline so it wont be long now, ETA date Tuesday 25th GMT , time unknown as yet.
look in %temp% folder there should be a qtlog file as that is generated as the QT runs, and if it crashes that file will be still there, but if the QT completes to the GUI screen then it self delete that log. You will need to re run the v73.0 QT as the debug log is auto cleared at run time so it is empty ready to have logging added to it. Please post the log if available as that will help find where it crashed.
#10 Product Key - Unsupported MAK Key {BBB} #14 License Status - Licensed [OEM_COA_NSLP] {0x4004F401} Something confused the slmgr /dlv result
Code: MRP - OEM Query Tool v73.0 [Compiled: 09/23/2018 {UTC}] -- Begin QT Log... [START] Set Date/Time Vars Completed. [START] Setting up program variables. [START] Sysnative Reg. [OSARC] OS Architecture - [x64] {via AR:1} [EDCHK] Parsed Edition Section Completed. [Result: EDReg-EnterpriseS, EDWMIC-EnterpriseS, EDCBS-EnterpriseS, EDCOMP-EnterpriseS] [EDCHK] OS Build Number: [14393] [GUIMY] GUI Mode. [DSKOS] Query BootDisk/OS Install Date Section... [OSIDT] OS Install Date: 7/30/2018 2:27:56 PM {Localized Date Format} [MRPVU] MRP Version Used: 180730-R96.0 [DSKOS] DriveModel: SanDisk SD6SB1M-128G-1006 [DSKOS] Drive Health Status: OK - The disk appears to be functioning normally. [DSKOS] Query BootDisk/OS Install Date Section Completed. [GFXAI] Query Graphics Adaptor... [GFXAI] Query Graphics Adaptor Completed. Results: [Pri: Intel{R} HD Graphics], [Bits: 32], [Resol: 1280x1024] , [2nd: None Detected] [GFXAI] WMIC Screen Resolution: [1280 x 1024 pixels] [EVCHK] Environment Check {Win:10} {Kernel:10.0} {Bits: 64 Bit} [EVCHK] Environment Check {SkuCode:0x0000007Dh} {SKUText:Windows 10 Enterprise S {LTSC}} [VMDET] VM detection... [VMDET] No Virtual Machine Detected. [VMDET] Check done for VM detection. [OSLNG] OS Language Check. [NETFW] .Net Framework Check. [PSNFG] Checked .Net, PShell, Generic Tools. [MSDM1] Check for MSDM Table validation... [MSDM1] Check for MSDM Table validation Completed. [RCPSH] Recheck PShell Versions... [RCPSH] PShell Versions detected section completed. [SCAN1] Scanning OS/BIOS/DMI/GPU Name... [SCAN1] OS/BIOS/DMI/GPU Section Completed. [SLICT] Detecting SLIC Table Validity... [SLICT] Possible Emulation Detected. [SLICT] SLIC Table Validation Check Completed. [MEMQU] Memory Query... [MEMQU] Checked FreePhysicalMemory - [3639792] [MEMQU] Checked TotalVisibleMemorySize - [8259560] [MEMQU] Extra Memory Checks. [MEMQU] TotalVisibleMemorySize - [8259560] [MEMQU] FreePhysicalMemory - [3639792] [MEMQU] Memory Checks Completed. [MBCPU] Checking CPU/MotherBoard Data Section... [MBCPU] CPU/MotherBoard Section Completed. [BRAND] Parsing DMI for Branding information... [BRAND] Parsing DMI for Branding Completed. [MODES] Checking Boot Mode etc HDD/SSD... [MODES] Partition: [GPT, S/Boot:Off{W}], S/Boot: [Off], Mode: [UEFI{W}] [MODES] HDD/SSD Boot Mode checks completed. [CONTR] Drive Controller Check... [CONTR] Drive Controller Check Completed. Result: [Other/Reserved] [SLANG] sLang Value: "ENU" [LICNS] OS License Check... [OSTYP] Checked OS Type. [OSCHK] Check if Server 7. [OSCHK] Check if Vista/Server 2008. [CHKLC] Checking License Status 1... [RCODE] Checking License Status Reason Codes... [LICRC] License Code [0x4004F401], [This computer has a valid Digital/Store License.] [LICNS] OS License Check Completed. [SLIC2] Checking SLIC Version, Brand Name, OEM/Server validity... [SLIC2] SLIC Validity Section Completed. [LASTB] Last stage section... [SKIPM] No MSDM skip recheck. [LICCH] Recheck SLIC OEM Types and License Channel... [LCTYP] Check License Channel Type... [LCTYP] License Channel Section Completed. [MELSP] Check Meltdown/Spectre awareness. [MELSP] This system does not appear to be vulnerable to Meltdown and/or Spectre. {4} [MELSP] CPU does NOT support low-overhead Meltdown protection. [TIDY1] Clear up used files and start compiling data for display output... [DISPC] Calculating display lines... [PADVR] Set Padding for vars... [TIDY2] Tidy up other used files... [DISPL] At display output loop stage...
[DISPL] At display output loop stage... strange how it aborted there... Was defender active? as if it grabs the GUI reader exe then it can cause untold problems.
Well damned if i can see where any problems are, all sections are ok in the display output(s). I even copied the whole section to a test script and no errors. v73.1 will be released shortly as i have made other changes here and there which are not in that area but probably useful anyway.
Have enhanced the QT log - shows more info during the display creation routine. Just removing debug code and will upload.