Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v73.1 has been uploaded and 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. :)

    Hopefully fixes a glitch in that the QT could crash for no reason in the Display creation routine. Always make sure that Defender or other AV has not grabbed any file(s) that the QT uses. If needed make an exception rule for the '%TEMP%\QTL' folder.

    + Enhanced QT logging (if needed when the QT crashes) - Found in %TEMP% folder.

    + Updated License channel data.
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  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
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  3. mad_max

    mad_max MDL Junior Member

    Mar 31, 2014
    Oh - ok then. I'll try on another machine.
  4. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP V100 is now baseline.

    Just writing up the changelog, (it quite long with all the changes done).

    Be about 30 mins to finish typing it all and then archiving it ready to upload etc. :)
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  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v100 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated.
    MRP 100th Release.PNG

    Wow!, finally reached the 100th release! Thank you to all that have commented, helped and used the project, a lot of developments over the past year or so have been made. Some may not of worked out as originally intended and was either scrapped or re-written, but many of the glitches have been fixed along the way.

    Onto the 100th's present list of changes...

    + Enhanced the ei.cfg/pid.txt and retail.txt file(s) detection. Thanks to @Enthousiast for notifying me of when using a AIO installation ISO/USB that they may not be 'seen' properly.

    + Upgraded the routines for Retail.txt/Pid.txt sections to be more efficent at disabling other options as required to prevent wrong data being used, this affects the Certificate/SLP Key or MSDM key insertion routines that will be automatically bypassed when those special files are detected.

    + Added a new option for Windows 10 Kernels only, 'set Windows Update to notify mode' it is experimental and may not work at a later time due to how Microsoft keep forcing updates. It is best used along with the 'set all network to metered' option. This WU Notify option is auto disabled on Core/Home Editions due to certain tasks and registry entries that are ignored on those Editions for WU.

    + Debug Mode is now ON by default, you can select to disable it within the Creator options, if you so require, but it wise to leave it on and if no problems simply delete the MRPDebug1.log file after.

    + The OEM's.7z file has been updated with some new logo's/wallpapers etc for certain brands, thanks go to @l30 all the work that gone into them. Lenovo has the original Blue logos and Lenovo2 is for the new Orange/Red branding. If you wish to use the new Orange/Red one you can select either via the Creator's drop down list in the Custom Theme menu.

    + Should now show the type of License such as Retail[/HWID], MSDM[/HWID], KMS etc this may not show if the OS is in Notification Mode or Grace Allowance as these results are higher in the ranks. For W8.x/10 it will only show this information correctly if the device is online during installation as it may pick up on the current/or default key's results and give wrong data, a minor cosmetic and once the OS is activated the Query Tool should show the correct information.

    + With Evaluation installs you should now also see the Grace allowance remaining, on Windows OS's above 7 you will only see this information if the computer was online during installation as there is no way to check for the data otherwise. For lower than 7 OS's it may show the remaining time or have to be online during installation same as the newer OS's. As the Evaluation ISO's are time limited testing of the win7 ones have not been done.

    + Added MRP theme, (credits to @l30 for the design), it can be selected via the Creator, if desired, this one has the '100th Release' logo design. For MRP releases after 100 it will have a slightly different theme.

    + On the download links page have also added OEM's.7z from August 2018 that have all the old themes in before the changes and are compatible with the new MRP releases, only added the new Lenovo2 folder. This is for those that wish to still use the old designs with the current MRP or for archive purposes.

    ++ Last second fix -- for a change that Microsoft done to the lock screen for the current user profile in which it would return to a default lockscreen picture when using WinKey+L, (not the normal sign out option). Have added a script within the 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\Windows10_Kernels' folder if required.
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  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Congrats to @mxman2k with the 100th MRP release :cheers::clap::clap3:
  8. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    :party_time: Let's celebrate! :stereo::holiday::holiday::holiday::Egypt:
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  9. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    congrats for v100 this is a huge number for a program or a script 's version
    why not name the next release just v2, just saying xD
  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    As always there is a gremlin that sneaks in! :oops:

    Luckily it not within MRP itself, on 2nd post under the Main MRP download link/hashes is the fixed MRPCreator 5.8A which has the debug log mode now set to ON by default (unless you select it to be off). Was one of those things, too busy sorting the main MRP code out that the Creator was 99% done, but forgot to change the default variable to Yes. :rolleyes:

    I was going to re-upload the whole Project's package but thought it be simpler to just do a download link to the fixed creator instead as that the only thing affected. It's not a show stopper - phew.
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  11. ZerOx16x

    ZerOx16x MDL Member

    Oct 28, 2013
    Still no report on this Hp.

    MRP - OEM Query Tool v73.1 [Compiled: 09/24/2018 {UTC}] -- Begin QT Log...
    [START] Set Date/Time Vars Completed.
    [START] Setting up program variables.
    [START] Sysnative Reg.
    [OSARC] OS Architecture - [x64] {via AR:1}
    [EDCHK] Parsed Edition Section Completed. [Result: EDReg-EnterpriseS, EDWMIC-EnterpriseS, EDCBS-EnterpriseS, EDCOMP-EnterpriseS]
    [EDCHK] OS Build Number: [14393]
    [GUIMY] GUI Mode.
    [DSKOS] Query BootDisk/OS Install Date Section...
    [OSIDT] OS Install Date: 7/30/2018 2:27:56 PM {Localized Date Format}
    [MRPVU] MRP Version Used: 180730-R96.0
    [DSKOS] DriveModel: SanDisk SD6SB1M-128G-1006
    [DSKOS] Drive Health Status: OK - The disk appears to be functioning normally.
    [DSKOS] Query BootDisk/OS Install Date Section Completed.
    [GFXAI] Query Graphics Adaptor...
    [GFXAI] Query Graphics Adaptor Completed. Results: [Pri: Intel{R} HD Graphics], [Bits: 32], [Resol: 1280x1024] , [2nd: None Detected]
    [GFXAI] WMIC Screen Resolution: [1280 x 1024 pixels]
    [EVCHK] Environment Check {Win:10} {Kernel:10.0} {Bits: 64 Bit}
    [EVCHK] Environment Check {SkuCode:0x0000007Dh} {SKUText:Windows 10 Enterprise S {LTSC}}
    [VMDET] VM detection...
    [VMDET] No Virtual Machine Detected.
    [VMDET] Check done for VM detection.
    [OSLNG] OS Language Check.
    [NETFW] .Net Framework Check.
    [PSNFG] Checked .Net, PShell, Generic Tools. 
    [MSDM1] Check for MSDM Table validation...
    [MSDM1] Check for MSDM Table validation Completed.
    [RCPSH] Recheck PShell Versions...
    [RCPSH] PShell Versions detected section completed.
    [SCAN1] Scanning OS/BIOS/DMI/GPU Name...
    [SCAN1] OS/BIOS/DMI/GPU Section Completed.
    [SLICT] Detecting SLIC Table Validity...
    [SLICT] Possible Emulation Detected.
    [SLICT] SLIC Table Validation Check Completed.
    [MEMQU] Memory Query...
    [MEMQU] Checked FreePhysicalMemory - [6860576]
    [MEMQU] Checked TotalVisibleMemorySize - [8259560]
    [MEMQU] Extra Memory Checks.
    [MEMQU] TotalVisibleMemorySize - [8259560]
    [MEMQU] FreePhysicalMemory     - [6860576]
    [MEMQU] Memory Checks Completed.
    [MBCPU] Checking CPU/MotherBoard Data Section...
    [MBCPU] CPU/MotherBoard Section Completed.
    [BRAND] Parsing DMI for Branding information...
    [BRAND] Parsing DMI for Branding Completed.
    [MODES] Checking Boot Mode etc HDD/SSD...
    [MODES] Partition: [GPT, S/Boot:Off{W}], S/Boot: [Off], Mode: [UEFI{W}]
    [MODES] HDD/SSD Boot Mode checks completed.
    [CONTR] Drive Controller Check...
    [CONTR] Drive Controller Check Completed. Result: [Other/Reserved] 
    [SLANG] sLang Value: "ENU" 
    [LICNS] OS License Check... 
    [OSTYP] Checked OS Type.
    [OSCHK] Check if Server 7.
    [OSCHK] Check if Vista/Server 2008.
    [CHKLC] Checking License Status 1...
    [RCODE] Checking License Status Reason Codes...
    [LICRC] License Code [0x4004F401], [This computer has a valid Digital/Store License.]
    [LICNS] OS License Check Completed. 
    [SLIC2] Checking SLIC Version, Brand Name, OEM/Server validity... 
    [SLIC2] SLIC Validity Section Completed.
    [LASTB] Last stage section...
    [SKIPM] No MSDM skip recheck.
    [LICCH] Recheck SLIC OEM Types and License Channel...
    [LCTYP] Check License Channel Type...
    [LCTYP] License Channel Type:  [OEM_COA_NSLP] 
    [LCTYP] License Channel Section Completed.
    [MELSP] Check Meltdown/Spectre awareness.
    [MELSP] This system does not appear to be vulnerable to Meltdown and/or Spectre. {4}
    [MELSP] CPU does NOT support low-overhead Meltdown protection.
    [TIDY1] Clear up used files and start compiling data for display output...
    [DISPC] Calculating display lines...
    [PADVR] Set Padding for vars...
    [TIDY2] Tidy up other used files...
    [DISPL] At display output loop stage...
    [DISPL] Check for GUI Reader exe
    [DISPL] GUI Reader exe  detected
    [DISPL] Banner 1
    [DISPL] OS Data Done
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Hmm that HP not seem to like the Meltdown/Spectre results :g: as the next qt log line would be [DISPL] Meltdown/Spectre Check Done.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @ZerOx16x PM sent with test qt to see if that will at least show exact line in the log where it failing (hopefully)....
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    On QT 73.2 test2.... Almost got it sorted :D

    It seems now it something in the save routine... It might be a permission issue :g:, but it odd that it never appeared before....
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool 73.2 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. :)
    + Fixed a permission issue. Thanks to @ZerOx16x for letting me know.

    - Removed 'CPU Socket Designation Type' as results are random and not reliable.

    + Slight code restructure in the display/save report routine.

    + Enhanced debug log even more.
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  16. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  17. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  18. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
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