Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    if it keeps happening on other pc's then i will take a look as it only one so far.
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  2. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
    The date was not good. Can this be the cause of the problem?
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    it could be anything really. cmos battery loosing power (although that usually affects time/date and bios settings), usually hard to pin point, the mrp choked at the vista 2.0 slic section, but at least it completed but with no theme set.
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  4. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    Intel Source Updated

    Attached Files:

  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @Dubioza Kolektiv

    I rechecked the debug and project logs you posted and it actually stopped at the System Model Name area and I am guessing there was some invalid characters within the text returned which in turn caught out the variable parsing.

    I have now put in a check for invalid characters in the model name that is returned via the bios result. For a user entered model name it is pre-checked during the option parse stage earlier on for any not allowed characters.

    The bet is that ( ) - brackets was present in the model name result which crashed out the parsing of the result. Have fixed that now, if that was indeed the case.

    The QT does not look at the model name, so that is unaffected.
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  6. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
    I do not understand, I changed the name after installing windows.

    # MRPConfiguration file. {Via MRPConfig Creator}
    :Version=5.8A {Advanced Mode}
    # Note: If values are not set as Yes or No for most of the options then MRP will use default values for those options.
    #       Some context menus may be in English, due to the way they are created it is not possible to auto-translate them.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ######################################## General All Supported OS Options Below #################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # MRP System Drive renaming
    # Set to Yes will tell MRP to auto name the System Drive with Windows_xx_yyyy {xx is Vista/7/8.x/10/Server, yyyy is Core-Pro-Ent-etc}.
    # Set to No tells MRP not to auto rename the drive and use the Operating System's default 'Local Disk' name. Default is No.
    # Also see :DriveLabel option to override MRP automatic naming.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # :InsertPIDKey - This will attempt to use the PID.txt's key if present to activate your Edition.
    # Note: The key within the PID.txt MUST be valid for the OS, a Win7 key will NOT work for Win10 etc.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Setting :EnhancedLogMode to Yes will enable enhanced Debug diagnostic log information.
    # Set to No will disable enhanced Debug diagnostic log mode. Default setting: Yes.
    # This log is useful for diagnosics when something fails, you can simply delete this log when installation has completed with no errors.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Place ThisPC/My Computer icon on the Desktop. {'My Computer' for OS's below Windows 8 and 'ThisPC' for Windows 8 and above}.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :ShowFileExt - Setting to Yes will show filenames with extensions ie 'myfile.txt' or No {default} to not show extensions.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :NoShortCutSuffix - Setting to Yes removes the '-shortcut' end part added to icons, No {Default} leave '-shortcut' reference present.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :DisableMSRT - This enables or disables the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool {MSRT} which is not really needed if you use
    # a 3rd party Antivirus application. See internet for more details about this program.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :EnableServerLockLogScreens - This enables or disables Server's Lock/Login Screens. Servers ONLY, ignored for non Servers.
    # Set to Yes will allow MRP to set the Lock/Login Screens on Servers using the theme in use. Some servers this may not work on,
    # due to the way they are configured, however on Server 2016/2019 it does work.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :DisableAutoWURestart - This enables or disables automatic restart after Windows Updates.
    # Set to Yes will prevent the auto restart.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :EnableContMenus - Default is No
    # This option allows Context Menus for Command/PowerShell Prompts and CopyTo/MoveTo.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Place User's Folder icon on the Desktop.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Place Control Panel's icon on the Desktop.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Secure UAC Desktop Dimming
    # If set to Yes will prevent the UAC from dimming the desktop, it does not alter anything else with UAC.
    # Default is No to allow desktop dimming,{OS Default}.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Search Indexing.
    # Useful for SSD's to prevent wear, it can also prevent standard HDD 'thrashing', however the side effect for a standard HDD
    # is that over time it can become slower searching for files etc.
    # Set to Yes will disable Search Indexing.
    # Set to No {default} enable Search Indexing.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Automatic Computer Maintenance Tasks. Such as broken shortcuts removal.
    # Desktop icons which have been unused in three months will be removed, plus other resource using things.
    # See internet for more details.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Adds Control Panel as a desktop Context Menu.
    # Not for Vista/2008. English wording only.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disables the auto restart after a BSOD/OS Crash to allow you to see the information.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Control Panel Icon View.
    # Values Allowed: Category, Large, Small - any other values then default Category will be used within MRP.
    # Default is Category View.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Allow Hi-Liting of New Apps on the Start Menu {Vista/7 Kernels Only} - Ignored on Windows 8.x/10 Kernels.
    # Values Allowed: Yes/No - any other values will be set as Yes within MRP. Setting this as No will disable the usual OS Hi-Liting.
    # Default is Yes.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Setting :DriveLabel to your own Selection will rename the System Drive to your specified name, overriding the MRP automated
    # naming of the System Drive. If :AutoDriveRename option is set to Yes it will be ignored or set to No if :DriveLabel is used.
    # Note that some characters are not permitted, check on the internet for details of what is allowed.
    # Leave this option blank with :AutoDriveRename command set as Yes to use MRP's auto-rename feature. Default is blank.
    :DriveLabel=WINDOWS 7
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :ComputerModelName - Entering text here will override any DMI detected Model Name which is shown on the
    # 'View basic information about your computer' screen under the 'System' section. Such as 'HP ProBook' etc.
    # Avoid using more than 40 characters or results may not be as expected.
    # Default is blank.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Using the :CustomTheme option below works in same way as the 'Force_Theme[Readme].txt' did, you set the
    # brand and MRP attempts to use it, leave it blank to allow MRP to automate theme processing via DMI information etc.
    # Note that using an incorrect or misspelt name for the brand may result in the Windows default theme being used.
    # There is limited checking to see if the brand used in this option exists and if it cannot be found then MRP will
    # attempt normal theme processing, if that fails then the Windows default theme will be used.
    # Only accepts the brand names found within the OEM's.7z file. Default is blank.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ###################################################################################################################################
    # ################################################### Extra General Options Below ###################################################
    # ###################################################################################################################################
    # AdvSysCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Advanced System Properties' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # DevMCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Device Mananger' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # RegEditCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Edit Registry' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # MSCFCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'MSConfig' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # PCSetCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'PC Settings' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ProgFeatCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Programs and Features' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # SvcsCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Services' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # CPTPCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Control Panel' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # WUDCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Windows Update' Context Menu to This PC/My Computer 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Not available for Win 8.x Kernels due to changes in the OS.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ShowNW - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Network' icon to the desktop.
    # Note may not show on some OS's due to a Windows bug or design 'feature'.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # VerboseOS - Setting to Yes, MRP will set the OS to show more information during Startup and Shutting Down.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ###################################################################################################################################
    # ################################### Windows 8.x/10 Kernel's Only General Options Below ############################################
    # ###################################################################################################################################
    # :ChangeLockLoginScreens - Setting to Yes, MRP will change the Lock/Log-On screens to the brand's wallpaper, {if one is present}.
    # Set to No tells MRP not to change the Lock/Log-In screens. This uses default Windows ones and not use the brand's wallpaper.
    # Default setting is Yes.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # InsertMSDMEarly - This attempts to insert the MSDM key {if present} in the early stages of MRP.
    # Warning this may not work correctly under Audit Mode. Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # Windows 8.x/10 Only - Not Server OS's
    # Disable Windows Defender. Default No.
    # This Advanced option will disable and prevent Windows Defender from running, but leaves the firewall alone, or 3rd party firewall
    # and Antivirus programs may not work properly if the firewall is disabled too.
    # WARNING: It may NOT be possible to revert this option later on so do not use if you may require to re-enable Windows Defender at some point.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Sets Delete confirmation for Windows 8.x/10, if :DelConfirm set to Yes then Windows will ask for confirmation when deleting a file.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :LaunchToThisPC - Setting to Yes, this will open 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' view.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :LegacyBootMenu - This Enables or Disables the 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu.
    # This option allows you to have the old Boot Menu if you press 'F8' during boot up.
    # Note on some OEM computers/motherboards such as Asus this may not work due to they use F8 for other BIOS related options.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Remove Library Folders from 'ThisPC' View, such as Pictures, Documents etc. {Not the 'Quick Access' menu on side panel}
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :OLEDTaskbar - Setting to Yes sets a more transparent Taskbar, No {Default} leave as Windows default semi-blurred.
    # On RS4+ this option is automatically disabled due to the OS's Acrylic theme feature.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # :W8ThinBorders - Setting to Yes gives thinner Windows 8.x/Server2012{R2} borders, No {Default} leave as Windows default thicker ones.
    # This option is ignored for any OS other than specified. Requires TWO logout/reboot cycles to set this tweak.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Look in App Store to open a file
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Prevent Store Apps from automatically updating
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Allow Apps From
    # Values Allowed: Anywhere, PreferStore, StoreOnly - any other values then default Anywhere is used.
    # Default is Anywhere.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ###################################################################################################################################
    # ###################################### Windows 10 Kernels Only General Options Below ##############################################
    # ###################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # :W10TB - Setting to Yes will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars, see :WXTBColor for current colors allowed.
    # Change to No to not change them, {Default setting}.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Setting :WXTBColor to:
    # 'Grey' will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars to Grey, {DarkGrey-Active, LightGrey-Inactive}.
    # 'Blue' will use NavyBlue-Active, LightBlue-Inactive.
    # 'Classic' is what the chosen Windows theme uses. This is also the default if :W10TB is set as Yes and no color set here.
    # --------
    # However for the moment only three Colors are working, Classic, Blue or Grey.
    # This is only active if :W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this option is ignored.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Blue will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Blue.
    # Grey will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Grey.
    # Black will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Black.
    # Default will use the color which is determined by the Windows theme in use.
    # However for the moment only three Colors are working, Blue, Grey or Black.
    # This is only active if :W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this option is ignored and the default Windows colors are used.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # NOTE: **Experimental** -- It may NOT be possible to revert this later.
    # Disable the driver signing enforcement for EV cert / SHA256 Microsoft Windows signed drivers which is further enforced via Secure Boot.
    # Set as Yes to enable. Default is No.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {or yes}, as anything else is taken as No for security.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Enable file sharing tweak without enabling SMB v1.0 - This enables you to access network shares/drives which may be blocked.
    # Check online for AllowInsecureGuestAuth for any security risks involved if you enable this file sharing tweak.
    # Set as Yes to enable. Default is No.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must type Yes {or yes}, as anything else is taken as No for security.
    # If RS4+ is installed then you may have to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' option within Windows.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS3 onward Only
    # Remove People icon from the Taskbar. Yes to remove the icon, or No {default} to leave it present.
    # If you set to Yes, {to remove the icon}, then a Log-Out maybe required after setup has completed to make this tweak work.
    # This does not uninstall the People App.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after setup has completed.
    # Set to Yes to remove it from run/runonce, or No {default} to let it install.
    # This tweak does not uninstall One Drive from your computer it just prevents it from automatically installing after Setup has
    # completed.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # :AppsUseDarkTheme - Setting to Yes sets the Windows 10 Apps to use 'Dark Theme', No {Default} will use standard 'White' App theme color.
    # For RS5+ this may also set the explorer to use the 'Dark Theme' too.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS3 onward Only
    # Remove 3D Objects folder from 'ThisPC' view.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS3 onward Only
    # Turn Off Gaming/Bar/DVR Mode. You can still toggle on/off via PC Settings.
    # Default No. Set as Yes will turn off the Game Mode/Bar/DVR settings.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # :DisableFastBoot - This Enables or Disables the Fast Boot within Windows.
    # This may help with sleep/wake issues. Will help on a SSD to reduce wear by not recreating the HiberFile on every shutdown.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # :DisableDriverSearching - This Enables or Disables the Driver Searching within Windows.
    # This option turns off or on the Driver Searching used in Windows Update.
    # Notes: This option tweaks a policy setting you will see a message about 'Some settings are managed by your organization' this is normal.
    #        This does not work for Windows 10 Home/Core Editions, MRP will ignore this option on those Editions.
    #        During installation of the OS to prevent drivers from being downloaded make sure the device is NOT connected to the internet.
    #        It may not be possible to revert this tweak later so think before you enable this option.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 kernels Only - Dependant on installed language - Default No
    # Block Cortana, this keeps 'Windows Search' but blocks Cortana's access. Online searches denied to prevent Cortana reinitializing.
    # This may also prevent Cortana from appearing in Windows Setup too, depending on Edition/Language.
    # Notes: This does NOT delete/uninstall any Cortana related files or processes only stops it from working.
    #        Windows firewall blocks added to prevent 'leaks'.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 kernels Only - Default No
    # Block OS Adverts, this experimental option attempts to block OS adverts from the StartMenu, Explorer etc.
    # Notes: This may leave placeholders on the StartMenu but they should not update or download anything in the background.
    #        Windows firewall blocks added to prevent forced downloading.
    #        This is for the main user ONLY, it may NOT transfer to any new users created.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 {RS3 onward} Only
    # Set to Yes allow's 'Your Phone - Add A Phone' to be used within PC Settings feature when BlockAdverts is enabled.
    # Notes: This option is ONLY available if the BlockAdverts option is used (Yes), it is ignored otherwise. Also Adverts may appear
    #        within the OS when this option is enabled.
    #        This is for the main user ONLY, it may NOT transfer to any new users created.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 kernels Only
    # Stop Background Apps Running, this option stops all Apps running in the background. Default No.
    # You can still toggle the option in PC Settings, this just turns them all to OFF.
    # Notes: This is for the main user ONLY, it may NOT transfer to any new users created.
    # Important: On RS5+ builds this option will be auto disabled within MRP until Microsoft fixes the XML side which displays the
    # respective menus for StartMenu, Action Centre etc.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS4 onward Only
    # Removes the desktop shortcut for Microsoft Edge. Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS2 onward Only
    # Sets All Internet Connections to Metered. Default No
    # Covering 3G, 4G, Wifi and LAN connections. Could also prevent Windows Update from downloading updates automatically and may ask
    # you to check/download manually.
    # Home/Core Editions might work differently in this respect but should still be set to Metered for all connections to the Internet.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting to Yes prevents Windows Updates from other PC's. Default No {Which is allow Updates from other PC's}.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Sets Diagnostic and Feeback to Basic and Never. Default No -- which is FULL and Always.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Sets Win-X menu to show Command Prompt instead of Powershell.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Option is auto disabled on Home/Core Editions
    # Sets Windows Update to notify mode - Experimental.  Also works best with 'NetWorkAllMetered' set as Yes.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # End of MRP Config
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  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    :ComputerModelName= was blank in your options ini file. that is you didn't set one which is ok

    So MRP looked at the BIOS itself and must of found something there which had brackets ( ) in or some other invalid character which then crashed the project.

    Was not your fault. Just one of those things.

    MRP will auto look for any Model name within the bios unless you enter your own via that option which is entirely up to the user.
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v74.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. :)

    + Release Identifer, this shows a usually 4 digit reference such as 1511, 1703, 1809 etc.

    + Portable Mode this is for a 'live' type OS such as Windows to Go etc, however the QT may not run on those type of OS's due to limitations of .Net etc.

    + OS Installation Type now shows Client {Non Server} for consumer OS's and Server {xxxx} for Servers the number within the { } are the number such as 2008, 2012R2, 2016, 2019 etc.

    + Licenses Allowed, this is usually set as 1 but may change for Servers with 'seats' etc.

    + HyperVisor Present, Yes or No - shows if a Virtual Machine is in use.

    + PC System Type, this is like the chassis one but a different WMIC call, this should show such as Desktop, Workstation etc. It also depends on the Motherboard maker's grading some may say your board is a Workstation model but it may not have the classification certificate and may be then classed in the BIOS as a desktop.

    + Part of a domain, if your PC is connected to a network and is part of a domain then this will most likely say Yes. Generally it will be No.

    + Code tweaks here and there and moved about some section parts. Also added some extra error checking.

    + Last minute addition - shows RS5 {17763.1} as October 2018 Baseline Release.
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  9. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    IQON Source Updated

    Attached Files:

  10. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    Itautec source updated

    Attached Files:

  11. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    Jetway Source Updated

    Attached Files:

  12. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    Jooyon Source Updated

    Attached Files:

  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    hmm 3d effect wallpaper looks a bit :hypo:
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  14. DMDraegon

    DMDraegon MDL Novice

    Apr 8, 2015

    I use your MDL project a lot on different computers and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
    When it doesn't I also don't get a log in the C: drive so I'm not sure what is the problem.

    I right now have a computer where the latest script doesn't work.

    My guess:
    What I did notice is that the laptop doesn't have a good UEFI implementation.
    Meaning, I have to launch Windows install from the USB key in CSM (legacy) but I can do an UEFI install with a GPT key.

    Could it be that your script is confused because a non-UEFI install has 2 partitions on the drive and a UEFI install has 4?
    The USB key gets booted as a legacy (MBR) but we do format the drive with 4 paritions (UEFI) instead of 2 (MBR).
    Again, without logs it's just my guess.

    However I would like to spend some time thinking on a solution because a lot of setting don't apply either when the script doesn't run.
  15. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    You need the ei.cfg in sources folder. If the issue is that MRP is not applied.
  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP will run on MBR, GPT even ReFS if bootable and windows can be installed on it!

    If the computer came with either Windows 8.x or 10 then most likely it will have a MSDM key in the bios to 'lock' it to a certain Edition. On those devices you will need the ei.cfg file placed into the Sources folder of the ISO/USB this tells the Windows setup to ignore the MSDM key and allow oobe stage to work which is where the environment the MRP runs within.

    For Windows 8.x/10:
    Inside the MRP archive is a folder called Optional and you will find a suitable ei.cfg there to use. When installing the OS you will be asked what Edition to install, you can select the same Edition as the MSDM, (you can find that info out when running the Query Tool as it will tell you of the MSDM key's Edition), or you could select another Edition in which case MRP will inform you that the MSDM key is not for that Edition installed and ignore it, otherwise if it inserted it then the Edition would most likely change to the MSDM's Edition! You would then need to have either a HWID (Digital License), retail key or use another activation method for the Edition installed.

    If the Edition installed is the same as the MSDM key it will auto insert it ready for activation when online like it would via a OEM installation.
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  17. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    I think i found a way to compress the images more without losing the quality please check and let me know how do you like my idea ???
    Both files are of same resolution 120 X 120
    BMP size is 56.3 KB
    JPG size is 16.6 KB
    Thats a huge difference

    Attached Files:

  18. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    Kohjinsha Source Updated

    Attached Files: