Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    At BC2 baseline candidate for MRP :)

    Very close now to being completed. Just a few final checks to be done.
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  2. ForrestGump

    ForrestGump MDL Member

    Oct 19, 2018
    Maybe i'm wrong but using the MRP project is usefull when it comes to install win7 on the machine as it inserts certificate and oem:slp automatically (if the slic table is present on the bios) but i don't see the purpose of using the project when it comes to install either win8.1 or win10 as the automatic activation occurs on both of these OS in normal cases and without using the project. Of course MSDM table must be present so that automatic activation can be done.
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The MRP brands 8.x/10 ONLY !!

    it only inserts the MSDM key if it matches the edition being installed or it would switch editions!! if you had MSDM for core and you installed Pro before it would change it to Core again. The MRP checks and if the MSDM isnt for the edition installed it ignores it.

    Activation for 8.x/10 is done online and nothing to do with MRP it only does the above MSDM key checks.

    All the information is in the readme's etc :)
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  4. ForrestGump

    ForrestGump MDL Member

    Oct 19, 2018
    yes i know but what i was trying to say through my previous post is that all what you just said happens in normal case without using the project.
    Example : you have machine with Core MSDM table and you want to install win8.1 pro from win8.1 iso (Core/pro), the MSDM core key will be inserted and used to install win8.1 Core automatically as it's the one that matches the MSDM Core key.
    and if you want to install on the same machine win8.1 pro from win8.1 iso that contains only pro edition then nothing happens, the MSDM core key will be ignored and win8.1 pro will be installed without bein activated at the end.
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  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Not everyone knows how to export an index etc or even know how to use DISM/ImageX etc.

    The project will just brand if it can, also you can do quite a few tweaks if the user wishes as well which saves a lot of time later.

    If they not want to use MRP that is their choice i am not forcing anyone to use it.

    Why complicate things?

    Judging by the download count per release quite a lot actually use the project than just having a bland Microsoft version. ;)
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  6. ForrestGump

    ForrestGump MDL Member

    Oct 19, 2018
    Please don't take this personally, i didn't want to be mean at all by saying that, i was just trying to understand on which case your project could be useful, that's all.
    I have already said that MRP is very useful when it comes to install win7 as it inserts both certificate and OEM:SLP key which is very practical as you normally have to do this manually.
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  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    OEM or custom branding.

    Various tweaks and features that can be done to the OS before you get to desktop.

    Server branding and activation (no OEM keys for 2019 - yet). Although Servers are specialized beasts.

    To manually do the above is time consuming.

    If you have no need for branding simply remove the OEM's.7z , Vista/7/Server activation will just be done (if SLIC is available).

    All that would be needed then is the decompile.exe and oobe.cmd - and if any tweaks setup via the creator then the MRPConfig.ini as well.

    The project can do more than you may think!

    The first post explains the majority and the read me's within the archive explain other parts in more detail.
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  8. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    Actually the activation is no more a big deal for any version of windows
    I don't really understand the details of those used words such as SLP, SLIC, etc
    all I know is, if windows go activated automatically by the project that's cool, if it doesn't it's also cool, there are kms tools provided here in MDL forums and they always work plain and simple, so the project make the branding and the tweaks and the user do the activation manually which is easy and simple.
  9. taviruni

    taviruni MDL Senior Member

    May 8, 2010
    #4129 taviruni, Oct 26, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
    With all due respect:
    The developer has more important things to do than answer your absurd posts about things all people know, read the readme files and please do not remark what is obvious.
    You're wasting mxman2k time, repeating same thing again and again, if you like the project, use it, if you don't like it, don't use it, but stop complaining please.
  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #4130 mxman2k, Oct 27, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
    MRP 102 will be released very soon, the final BC 2.2 passed the test and so it only now to remove some test code, re-compile as baseline and write up the changelog.

    As it just gone midnight here and i am tired , those bits will get done in the morning a final test done to make sure its good to go, then it should be uploaded and ready tomorrow evening. :)

    The creator v6.0 is complete. MRP code is technically done too.

    Took a lot longer than i wanted but other things in life took preference and the context menu stuff was a lot more complex than i had anticipated.
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  11. taviruni

    taviruni MDL Senior Member

    May 8, 2010
    I'm ansious to test new version of MRPConfigCreator, Do you have an aproximate date for release?

    Don't worry, Your previous post answer my question, was writing when you posted.

    Thanks in advance.
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    27th Oct 2018 ;) after 6pm GMT give or take. IF i get things sorted before i have to go out at 2pm then it might even be uploaded before i go out. :)
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #4133 mxman2k, Oct 27, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
    With the creator if you leave the boxes blank for the context menu items then MRP will use the OS's look up tables to translate the English words used into the native language of the OS installation. - if they are wrong in some way blame m$ as i used the way they explained how it is done. :p

    I have set it as an advanced option so the creator will need to be run as administrator to edit them manually.

    Fingers crossed it works.

    Only MSConfig will be preset as English as i could not find the look up table for that! Window Update may also be in English on some too - i think m$ not sorted that one out for all languages. Minor thing really, the rest should be translated.
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 181027-R102.0.BL - BaseLine

    Final test completed. All Passed. :D

    Just sorting changelog and archiving it all ready to upload, so not long now. :)
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The long wait is over....

    MRP v102 Baseline has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes have been updated. :)

    + Added a 'Aministrative Tools' context menu for the This PC/Computer under the 'Extras' tab within the Creator.
    This new option block adds: These may not be in alphabetical order on the actual installed OS.

    Action Center (W7) or Security and Maintenance (W8+)
    Advanced System Properies
    Control Panel
    Device Manager
    Event Viewer
    PC/Windows Settings (Windows 10 only)
    Programs and Features
    Registry Editor
    Task Scheduler (or it may say Scheduled Tasks on the actual installed OS menu)
    Windows Update (Not available for Win 8.x kernels)

    + Added a new Advanced Option tab within the Creator called 'C/T Menus'.
    This allows the user to change the wording for the 'Administrative Tools' main menu title and the context menu entries to their own wording.
    There is one that will always be in English, MSConfig. Windows Update may also be in English depending on the language installed unless you change it manually.
    If you leave the boxes empty then MRP will hopefully auto translated them to your native OS language during installation.

    + Also added Context Menu editing for the Command/PowerShell (+Administrator) options too.
    Although they should be auto translated to your native language if left blank.

    ++ Note on Vista/Server 2008 the 'Administrative Tools' and the Command/PowerShell context menus are auto disabled.

    + Control Panel and its respective desktop submenu texts for Category, All Tasks etc should also be auto translated.

    + Added Performance Rating to the Inspectre results usually shown as Good, Slower or Variable depending on the Meltdown/Spectre results.
    If cannot be determined then this line will not show.

    + Added Max Capacity per slot to the memory results, it may not be 100% accurate due to the results from WMIC but it should be close enough.

    + Drive Label and Computer Model Name are now decoded via Unicode so you can use your native language for these editable options within the Creator.
    Before there was a glitch which converted them to ANSI and messed the characters up.

    + Fixed a incorrect data result in the MRPDebug1.log in which if W10TB is not used, it would give wrong information that is was not a 10.x Kernel.

    + Some rewording and extra information in the logs created.

    + OEM's.7z updated with latest brand changes to date.

    The auto translation is done via the OS itself and if some are not translated correctly this is due to Microsoft not updating certain look up tables!
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007

    SetupComplete was detected.
    This file is 'SYSTEM' ran beyond MRP's control and may cause malfunction of the project.

    Whatever was in the setupcomplete.cmd deleted the project's files so it not able to continue to completion.


    Look for a line at the bottom in the setupcomplete.cmd that has something like DEL *.* or RD or shutdown /r and remove them. The project will auto delete the Scripts folder on full completion after a sign/log out or reboot cycle once at the desktop.
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  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #4139 mxman2k, Oct 28, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
    The context menu for Administrative Tools is really only for the desktop icon for ThisPC/Computer! It has nothing to do with the start-menu side at all.

    It does state that is what that option is for.

    The only 'bugs' would be in the OS lookup translations. MRP was tested on French and the context menus all worked as expected.

    As you not enabled the 'show this pc/computer option' to place the icon on the desktop so the context menu for that is not showing.

    :ThisPC=No <-- from your .ini file.

    Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop : Disabled - states this was what you had chosen.

    I do not touch the start menu entries in anyway, apart from if the block adverts option is enabled which will remove the games etc links via the registry entries.

    If you open an explorer window on the side 'ThisPC for w8.x/10' or "Computer for win 7" section you can right click that to show the Administrative Tools menu as well. Your video shows that too. :)

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  18. migascalp

    migascalp MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    I seem to have understood how the tool menu works
    I used an unmodified iso
    fr_windows_10_enterprise_2016_ltsb_x64_dvd_9057871.iso SHA-1 ec0fd7a206f61bc093b425c44aaf43d575b3fcc3
    You're $oem$ folder whith

    My SetupComplete.cmd
    @echo off
    for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b %WINDIR%\Setup\Files\*.exe') do (
    del /F /Q "%PUBLIC%\Desktop\*.lnk" >nul
    del /F /Q "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\*.lnk" >nul
    del /F /Q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\*.lnk" >nul
    rd /q /s "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files"
    del /q /f "%0"
    and empty \$OEM$\$$\Setup\Files folder

    I do not see what can cause the problem with the start menu and explorer.exe exepted MRP
    I do not criticize. I'm just trying to understand