Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #401 Enthousiast, Jan 20, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    MRP test 15014 Pro x64 en-US:

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170116-R51s-BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: Thu 01/19/2017 
    17:16:29.40 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview x64 version found. 
    17:16:29.42 Insider Edition/SKU installed. 
    17:16:29.43 Build Version: 15014.1000.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.170115-1253 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [P35-DS3R] 
    #2 CS Model Name     : [P35-DS3R] 
    #4 CS Vendor Name    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #5 CS System Name    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #6 Baseboard Name    : [Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [GBT] 
    INFO: Standard HDD Detected - {Experimental}. 
    17:16:33.56 Detected installed OS language 1033 [409h]. 
    17:16:33.64 Name System Drive flag was enabled, 'C:' will be renamed as 'Windows_10_Prev'. 
    17:16:34.40 Gigabyte [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
    17:16:35.67 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
    17:16:35.67 Force theme text file not present. 
    17:16:36.03 Model Name: 'P35-DS3R' detected and applied.
    17:16:36.03 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
    17:16:36.06 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
    17:16:36.06 User.bmp replaced.  
    17:16:36.10 User.png replaced.  
    17:16:36.12 User-40.png replaced.  
    17:16:36.14 User-32.png replaced.  
    17:16:36.14 User-48.png replaced.  
    17:16:36.14 User-192.png replaced. 
    17:16:36.15 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
    17:16:36.31 Gigabyte has been applied for default theme. 
    17:16:36.37 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
    17:16:36.42 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
    17:16:36.43 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\Info folder'. 
    17:16:36.93 MRP Branding script has completed.
    17:21:50.15 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    17:21:50.61 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
    17:21:50.79 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
    17:21:50.79 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
    17:21:51.34 Normal removal of 'defaultuser0' folder failed - retrying...  
    17:21:51.45 Forced removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
    17:22:01.21 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    17:22:04.86 License Status: Licensed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Wow they already at 15014 :eek:

    I see they still not fixed that defaultuser0 bug! They probably think its a 'feature' now lol.
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Just a note that i have not taken a break away from the project, the opposite in fact.

    The Audit mode check that was used in 52s beta (not the current 51s baseline!), had a slight flaw. Checking for username Administrator worked ok, BUT for two reasons it is not a reliable method to use that way:

    1 = Non English editions, it would ignore the check because it would be spelt differently for each language.

    2 = Server editions, well the user is Administrator anyway, (see #1), also that would cause the script to screw up somewhat.

    So have used another method which after many hours trying different checks, now seems to work ok. It has added a bit extra coding because the check has many different scenarios and MRP has to check each one.

    There is not much information on the net about the method i use, basically because the flag that sysprep sets, changes so fast between the oobe to audit modes that i had to add extra code to slow down that switch so i could actually get the right result!

    It is 99.9% efficient now for any language and in theory for Servers -- (as i have not tested those editions yet), does anyone actually audit mode a server?

    Versions before 52s as in the current baseline, audit mode is NOT checked in MRP so the whole project will be run which will may cause some strange things to happen, the branding will be there but any usertweaks.cmd used may not work as expected. Server in theory will be ok as the server addon will run and is just DISM commands so that will not cause a server install to fail. You will probably get a few windows pop up while the scripts are ran while in audit mode the first time on server editions.

    The changes i have added to MRP in 52s to cover Audit mode are ignored for normal use of the project.

    The testing continues...

    When i have fully tried all editions (again) then the new MRP will be ready to download. A couple of behind the scenes touches will be added too. ;)
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  4. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    I ran user tweaks by itself when in audit mode for the beta version we were testing. Since I added it to the install.wim file the beta works for my needs but I am willing to test again once you finished testing yourself. Thanks for the addition. :)
  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @The_Guardian, Thanks for getting me to try Audit, very useful now that i know how to exit it properly. :eek:

    The addition will most likely help others of the project that may use Audit mode for whatever reason.

    Boring Progress Notes:
    Hardest part was the query when you enter audit from oobe, the flag set is:

    IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE then when the pc reboots, it then changes to:

    IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_AUDIT for a fraction of a second, then when the sysprep window appears it changes again to:


    It is so damn fast between those three states i had to slow it down just enough to get the right query state so MRP knew how to 'pause' the project from running the add-on module and the rest of the project.

    Because a normal query of ImageState was not able to set the RunOnce reg entry in time as the flag had changed between reading the state, checking again and then taking action hence why it was never present!

    Had to do a minor re-code to make this all happen correctly sadly in doing so it has semi broke a later addon module which is why i am still testing. Luckily its not the main branding part - phew.

    It is to do with Win 10/Server 2016, (seems to be a pattern here), that another add-on does not always run as intended :confused: :g:, a typical domino effect, alter one item the rest fall over. This only happens when you have used Audit mode so something changes that has confused MRP -- and myself!

    I am close to the solution. :D

    The ultimate goal is to make MRP work in either normal, (or when in audit), mode it is all handled in the background.
    I am amazed how much the project has changed in a relatively short time more than i thought would be possible, the main engine is the same its all the added accessories -- Server branding, UserTweaks, enhanced log and now Audit mode compatibility.

    The only thing i ask in return is a bit more feedback, i know i have that from a few members :worthy:, i am not asking for thanks/praise etc, just a simple note to say all is ok, or if you would like something added to MRP that will be a benefit to others and it does not break something else, PM me i don't bite!

    With over 600 downloads on each update, it is obvious that MRP is a much used, (dare i say loved?), project that I thank everyone who contributes with help, reports and for using MRP.
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  6. dexter94

    dexter94 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Hi i am using an Spanish edition, and would like to try the last beta version of this mod to activate and put all icons on my windows... if it is possible that i can ba a betatester or something, count with me ..

    thanks a lot :)
  7. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Icons on Windows? Download from first post and follow instructions.
  8. dexter94

    dexter94 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    i was refering to the images of manufacturers, sorry for my bad english.... I amd gonna try it.
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @dexter94 The current release (first post for links) will do what you require :) tcntad beat me to it lol.

    If you wish to help with beta testing when one is available I will notify in the thread and the 2nd post on page 1 will have the link/information.
    Regarding the beta for version 52s which is being worked on at this moment, it is almost complete, just have a few bits to tidy up and i will post the beta link when i am happy that it will not cause any problems.

    Have now sorted the broken part that when exiting Audit mode the project now carries on as normal, W10/Server2016 was giving me a bit of grief however after many hours of re-coding/testing that side now is working again, was all to do with timing the switch back yet again!

    I will mention that if you do use Audit mode with MRP your activation may be lost due to the way Sysprep works, it should be OK with MSDM systems and Windows 10's HWID Digital Licenses as they will automatically activate when you are online.

    As Audit mode/Sysprep is not part of MRP I cannot answer questions about that method. I have just added compatibility for using it with the project.

    Normal use of MRP will work as intended.

    Just wanted to mention about a possible activation issue when using Sysprep/Audit for those that use that method, as you are advanced users you may know how to get around that with some command line codes.
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  10. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    I got my activation to stick in audit mode by getting updates. Once it restarts my system was activated. Activation is not available within audit mode but if you push for updates and restarts you will notice it then connects and activates. Just sharing what I have experienced myself. Thanks again for your hard work mxman2k. :)
  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Ah that's why i couldn't get it to activate, see i'm still a noob at sysprep/audit. :p

    Just doing a final test to make sure everything operates as it should then if anyone wants to give it a test run let me know.

    Have added a pop up at the end to remind users to reboot to finalize everything. It may not be required for Vista/Win7, but it was easier to just add the pop up then to have more code to test if win8.x/10/Server 2016.

    The pop up will appear for about 15 seconds, (hopefully), you can click OK to dismiss it within that time, i have not enforced a reboot because as found out before somethings get can messed up within Windows 10, plus not all computers the project is run on is a fast machine. It may be wise to reboot when any hard drive activity has calmed down, such as on W10, OneDrive can take ages to finish whatever it does.
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Its taken over an hour to get out of audit mode :eek: think the hdd is about shafted, making odd noises :(

    Its finally shutdown and now i am rebooting in oobe to complete the setup... I know it is nothing to do with the project, its sysprep acting odd with me, there again i did uninstall onedrive as that got on my nerves appearing everytime i rebooted in audit mode. I should of left it alone lol.

    Will post project.log once it all sorted and any findings such as the popup not working etc.

    Back in a bit....
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #414 mxman2k, Jan 23, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Hmm defo think the drive is on way out. Poor HDD has had a lot of hammer recently! Will read that thread while i compile the beta bro. :)

    Well the pop up didn't appear! But everything is in place. Will remove the pop up bit as it obviously didn't get called *sigh*, realised why, runonce is ran as SYSTEM user and no output, DUH!

    Project.log output for 52s beta
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170123-R52s-BETA  [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release, MRP may not function as expected.  
    Enhanced Log Mode: Activated. 
    > Checking OEM's Folder Structure.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 23/01/2017 
     1:03:35.75 > Checking installed OS name. 
     1:03:35.87 Windows 10 Pro x64 version found. 
     1:03:36.04 > Checking installed OS Edition/SKU. 
     1:03:36.65 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 
     1:03:36.65 Build Version: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 
     1:03:40.77 Installed OS language value: 2057 [809h]. 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [Aspire X1301] 
    #2 CS Model Name     : [Aspire X1301] 
    #4 CS Vendor Name    : [Acer] 
    #5 CS System Name    : [Acer] 
    #6 Baseboard Name    : [Acer] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [ACRSYS] 
    > Detecting if a Solid State or Standard Hard Drive is present. 
    INFO: Standard HDD Detected. 
     1:03:43.20 > Checking if 'LblDrv' flag is enabled. 
     1:03:43.29 Rename 'System Drive' flag was enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_10_Pro'. 
     1:03:43.29 > Checking DMI for manufacture information. 
     1:03:44.00 Acer [#4] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
     1:03:44.01 > Checking BIOS for MSDM Key. 
     1:03:46.26 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 
     1:03:46.26 > Branding Section Part 1. 
     1:03:46.27 Force theme text file not present. 
     1:03:46.54 > Checking DMI for Model Name. 
     1:03:46.57 Model Name: 'Aspire X1301' detected and applied.
     1:03:46.57 > Branding Section Part 2. 
     1:03:46.57 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
     1:03:46.60 > Windows 8.x/10/Server 2016 User Account Picture Management Section 1. 
     1:03:46.60 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
     1:03:46.60 User.bmp replaced.  
     1:03:46.63 User.png replaced.  
     1:03:46.66 User-40.png replaced.  
     1:03:46.66 > Windows 10/Server 2016 User Account Picture Management Section 2. 
     1:03:46.66 User-32.png replaced.  
     1:03:46.66 User-48.png replaced.  
     1:03:46.66 User-192.png replaced. 
     1:03:46.68 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 
     1:03:46.82 > Theme Management Section. 
     1:03:46.82 Acer has been applied for default theme. 
     1:03:46.85 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 
     1:03:46.88 > Transfer Theme Files Section. 
     1:03:46.90 System32\oobe\Info folder has been created. 
     1:03:46.91 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\Info folder'. 
     1:03:46.91 > Deletion of obsolete files. 
     1:03:47.47 Branding script has completed.
     1:59:15.57 > Add-On Module #1 in progress. 
     1:59:19.43 > Checking if device is a 'default' Virtual Machine. 
     1:59:20.14 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
     1:59:20.78 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 
     1:59:21.22 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 
     1:59:21.22 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 
     1:59:21.46 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
     1:59:21.85 > Checking BIOS's mode and System drive's partition type. 
     1:59:34.39 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
     1:59:34.39 > Checking Online Status. 
     1:59:34.39 Device does not appear connected to the Internet, online license check failed. 
     1:59:38.22 > Checking if Device is activated/licensed. 
     1:59:43.80 License Status: Not licensed. 
     1:59:51.47 > Running Addon Module #2. 
     2:00:07.80 > Checking MVPR Add-On Status. 
     2:00:07.80 > Creating MV1 Add-On. 
     2:00:09.21 > Running Cleanup For Add-On  Module #2. 
     2:00:11.11 > Checking if 'UserTweaks.cmd' present. 
     2:00:11.11 'UserTweaks.cmd' present, attempting to apply. 
     2:00:11.11 UserTweaks.cmd has completed. 
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.    
    Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated. 
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    The bios time was all wrong too, forgot i cleared cmos. :eek: You can notice the time between branding completed and the add-on module starting this was due to the pc stuck in sysprep cleanup thing. That may also account for the length of time for sysprep to complete changing to oobe? - that and a shafted HDD lol.
    Other than to remove the popup that does not show i will recompile and if anyone wishes to test run this beta let me know. It all works other than the little non show of popup.
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  14. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #415 The_Guardian, Jan 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
    The reason no popup is showing is because echoing is disabled when user is system for install. All command echo's are disabled. You can run a echo either at setupcomplete/firstlogin commands or even runonce reg entry but from oobe, no.

    I went through a hdd when I was dev of this project as well. Its hard as h*ll on hdd/ssd's due to all the testing. It will wear out a hdd/ssd fast!
  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #416 mxman2k, Jan 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
    Yep found that out lol, should of known from before, but i wasn't thinking, too many late nights working on this project.:eek:

    It's not really needed just thought it be a nice addition. Have removed it from the cleanup now.

    As long as folk remember to reboot the pc after a few minutes to allow Window's own stuff to complete, such as Win10's start-menu which can be fussy if a reboot was made before it has completed its {cr}App bits properly.

    Just doing a test (non audit mode this time), once completed will upload the beta decompile to the 2nd post beta area.

    I know beta's can contain bugs, look at Windows 10 ahem. ;) Just don't want to upload a total failure.

    It sure is hard on the HDD's, this one is about done for.

    Off Topic...
    Re job front, i might have secured a new job at a local computer shop :D fingers crossed they take me on after the trial period.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP Beta 52s Available!

    Have uploaded the beta 52s DeCompile.exe, see 2nd post for link etc...:D
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  17. twiztidwolf

    twiztidwolf MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2009
    I had another issue like the one where I was installing education/enterprise on a pro machine and pro an not education/enterprise due to the oem-dm key. This time I was doing 8.1 core/home and everything was fine until I went to activate and got an error. Found out the key its for core single language.
    So not sure it that was in the project or not as it was in my wim file, I just didn't know it was single language until I checked the key. So not sure if there is anything out there like a boot pe/iso with a key retriever on it that would be great for like a failed hard drive or whatever and no sticker on the machine.
    So one could boot to it and get the key and not have to image multiple times. I know nothing about win pe or custom isos or I would try to make something. I'm still trying to learn DISM to integrate updates from wsus offiline into wims to save time on updates and not have to capture an updated VM.

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161215-R35-BaseLine [MRP/MDL]
    Files present and extracted successfully.
    OEM's folder detected.
    OEM's folder structure seems OK.

    OS Installation Date: Tue 01/24/2017

    8:12:22.02 Windows 8.1 x64 version found.
    8:12:22.08 Core Edition installed.
    8:12:22.08 Build Version: 9600.18505.amd64fre.winblue_ltsb.160930-0600

    DMI BIOS Information
    #1 CS PRODUCT NAME : [HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC ]
    #2 CS MODEL : [HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC ]
    #4 CS VENDOR : [Hewlett-Packard]
    #5 CS SYSTEM MNF : [Hewlett-Packard]
    #6 BASEBOARD MNF : [Hewlett-Packard]

    8:12:22.66 Checking for DMI conflicts...
    8:12:22.66 Possible [HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC ] conflict re-checking DMI [#1] resolved as [HP].
    8:12:22.87 HP [#1] manufacture will be used for theme/branding.
    8:12:23.69 OEM-DM key present and applied.
    8:12:23.69 See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for saved key details.
    8:12:23.69 Force theme text file not present.
    8:12:25.19 System Product Name - 'HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC' detected and applied.
    8:12:25.19 Backgrounds folder created.
    8:12:25.19 OOBE.xml file deleted.
    8:12:25.19 User.bmp replaced.
    8:12:25.19 User.png replaced.
    8:12:25.19 User-40.png replaced.
    8:12:25.21 User-200.png replaced.
    8:12:25.21 Aero theme replaced.
    8:12:25.22 Img100.jpg replaced.
    8:12:25.24 Info folder created.
    8:12:25.26 Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder.
    8:12:25.38 Cleanup registry entry added.
    8:12:25.38 Installation script has completed.
    8:16:36.29 BIOS Mode: UEFI, Partition Type: GPT-SecureBoot-On.
    8:16:36.29 Device not connected to the Internet, online license check failed.
    8:16:37.39 License Status: Error, not licensed.
    8:16:37.39 Cleanup script has completed.
    From PID Checker 1.42
    Product Key: N/A
    Key Status: Valid
    Product ID: 00262-30343-77029-AAOEM
    Extended PID: XXXXX-02623-034-377029-02-1033-9200.0000-0242017
    Activation ID: e2ca509a-a2f4-498b-ba09-297685d369ac
    Edition Type: CoreSingleLanguage
    Description: Win 8.1 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM
    Edition ID: [Blue]X18-95448
    License Type: OEM:DM
    License Channel: OEM
    Crypto ID: 2623
    Benchmark: 0.3 seconds
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #419 mxman2k, Jan 24, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I notice the See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for saved key details this would of saved the MSDM key to that file and applied it, which caused your activation error because it was the wrong key for the edition being installed.

    At present i have no way of testing the key in the bios to see what edition it is for.

    If it present it will apply it regardless, unless a certain edition such as any N/KN or E, server, enterprise/education in which case the MSDM check/apply section is ignored.

    Once i can find a way to do that check then MRP will have the capability to check the MSDM key against what edition is being installed if it wrong then it will save it in the keyfile, but not apply it that will prevent such problems as what has happened.

    In the latest MRP Core Single Language is covered.

    List of Covered Editions:
    These should all brand providing DMI information is present. (N/KN/K/E/S/SN and a few others listed should skip key insertion.)

    Core, CoreN, CoreSingleLanguage, CoreConnectedSingleLanguage, SingleLanguage, CoreConnected.

    Education, EducationN, EducationE, EducationK, EducationKN.

    Enterprise, EnterpriseN, EnterpriseE, EnterpriseSN, EnterpriseSN, EnterpriseK, EnterpriseKN, EnterpriseSubscription, EnterpriseSubscriptionN, EnterpriseEval, EnterpriseEvalN.

    Ultimate, UltimateN, UltimateE, UltimateK, UltimateKN.

    Business, BusinessN, BusinessE, BusinessK, BusinessKN.

    Professional, ProfessionalWMC, ProfessionalN, ProfessionalE, ProfessionalK, ProfessionalKN, ProfessionalEducation, ProfessionalEducationN, ProfessionalCountrySpecific, ProfessionalSingleLanguage, ProfessionalWorkStation, ProfessionalWorkStationN.

    PPIPro - For Surface Pro.

    HomePremium, HomePremiumN, HomePremiumE, HomePremiumK, HomePremiumKN.

    HomeBasic, HomeBasicN, HomeBasicE, HomeBasicK, HomeBasicKN.

    Starter, StarterN, StarterE, StarterK, StarterKN.

    Server 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016 now branding, see Server-ReadMe.txt for more details in MRP archive.

    On a pc that you can boot to (or use a windows install disk and click repair my computer to get to the advanced options), once there navigate to the command prompt. Once a command window open you can type:

    wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey  <and press enter>
    All being well it will display the MSDM key out of the BIOS as long as one is present.
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  19. tantalus7

    tantalus7 MDL Novice

    Dec 10, 2016
    First off by apologies for being a noob and asking what may turn out to be a dumb question. In reviewing the "Windows 7 Installation guide" and the "MRP Project" , I see the principal difference being the former uses the loader and the latter does not. Is this correct or should the loader also be added to the scripts file for the MRP method?