I have not used Autounnatend.xml for many years so i not be able to help. Although i think i deleted the section block <ProductKey>......... </ProductKey> and used PID.txt with the key in Sources folder that got around that when i had a problem, ( it was probably Vista at the time - so most things went weird anyway. ) Disabling the firewall may be a problem more so on later w10 builds as it seems to be more integrated, plus if you are going to use a 3rd party firewall that may not work as most use parts of the Windows firewall to set things. WFC (Binisoft now Malwarebytes owned) and Sphinx Firewall Control i know uses the windows firewall for its blocking/unblocking etc.
MRP 108 at BC3 stage and all being well if the tests are successful then it will become baseline very very soon Also a slightly updated QT v86.0 also.
MRP108.0 and QTv86.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post download links, Passwords and Hashes have been updated. Spoiler: MRP 108 Summary + Updated DMI checking again to prevent a specific crash that can happen if the DMI/Product details contains invalid characters. + Extra filtering on some critical results to prevent odd text information. + Added a new option - Disable OS Upgrade, this should prevent a OS from upgrading to a higher build. [Experimental] It may not be 100% due to how Microsoft keep changing how things work. On W10 Home Editions this may not work at all as they have certain parameters in the registry ignored by design. There is a revert script available too if you wish to allow OS Upgrades. Note this is experimental and may or may not always function as expected, use with caution, hence why it is an 'Advanced' option! + Updated Config Creator/Editor (v14.0) with the new option. + Have fixed: The spelling mistake for the Vista kernel SLIC cannot activate 7 line. Thanks @Carlos Detweiller for letting me know. The 'Prevent Store Apps Auto-Updating' now shows if it is auto set by the 'Block OS Adverts' or 'Remove Safe Apps' options. + Updated Reason Codes. Spoiler: QT v86.0 Summary + Updated 'CPU Max Clock 'to show in x.xx xHz format, be it Mhz/Ghz/PHz or EHz or if something fails to default to the older xxxx Mhz format. + Few other little internal fixes. + Updated Reason Codes. Just a simple update.
[MBINF] #11 MSDM Information : [MSDM Table Present - Undefined/Unknown Brand Name Detected] is normal when a brand attempts to 'hide' the MSDM table under windows 7. The QT does two checks to determine the MSDM brand name, the first is a standard check, (which can fail to find the brand name), so then a 2nd check is done later. This is why sometimes you will see the two results. Same with SLIC some brands like HP and Lenovo 'hide' the SLIC data under 8.x/10, not sure why they do that as one would not activate the other anyway! As can be seen the SLIC is 255.255 ( could be other weird values outside the usual v2.0 -> v2.5 ) - another possible 'hiding' or invalidating technique. MRP does a similar two check system, but under w7 the MSDM data is not used for activation, it may be used to attempt to brand theme the OS if no valid SLIC name or DMI entries are found. Talking of the QT, adding some Insider data, (if detected), still in the test/refining stage, may be of use at some stage.
Office 2019 can be a fussy thing to detect. I will see if i can find extra ways to detect any m$ office installation.
I found a small bug in the QT code which may of contributed to the missing Office info... If the Office installed was the 64 bit version the QT code may not of picked it up, due to me missing off a vital check. All being well QT 87 will address that and a better 32bit Office detection as well. Fingers crossed. QT 87 is at Test 8 - hopefully sorted the insider information as there are so many registry areas to check for different versions be it WIS/WIF/Skip ahead/Release Preview (RP). RP is a strange one as that has even more reg entries to parse and tests are still ongoing in that area.
Code: MRP - Query Tool v87.0-Test8 [Compiled: 02/01/2019 {UTC}] -- Date/Time Ran: 02/01/2019 {UTC} -- 6:54pm [Debug Mode] =============================================[ Insider/Preview Information ]============================================= Insider SID Present : Yes Enable Insider Builds : Yes {2} Insider Branch Name : external Current Insider Ring : Release Preview {RP} Build Flighting Enabled : Yes {1} Is Retail OS : Yes {1} Allow Build Preview : Enabled Manage Preview Builds : Enabled {0} Preview Build Policy Value : Enabled UI Branch Name : external UI Content Type : Current UI Ring : Release Preview {RP}