Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v110 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. :)

    + Added new option for SSD Tweaks. If this option is enabled on a normal HDD then the OS may slow down over time. You can revert this option via the revert script within 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\General_All_Kernels' folder.

    + Updated some log entries to be clearer in explanations.

    + For RS5 with a CU/UBR of 316 or later the 'Turn Off Background Apps' option is no longer auto turned off, if your RS5's CU/UBR is less than 316 then the auto disable is still active.

    + Updated the Creator/Editor with the new SSD Tweaks option and some slight re-wording on some of the options.

    + Updated ready for .Net 4.8.x and 20hx detection.
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  2. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
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  4. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v92.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. :)

    + If the Windows Script Host, (WSH), is not enabled, for whatever reason, you will see a note that it is disabled and that some data will show errors. The QT will NOT re-enable the WSH that is for you to decide.

    Without the new error checking the QT will either crash (rare) or just put lots of lines about the WSH is not enabled etc. This check was done this to keep the display tidy.

    The QT will attempt to show the majority of the information, as other methods are used to obtain the data. Mainly it is the calculation routines are reliant on WSH for CPU L2/3 Cache, system RAM also MS Office detection but that part will use another checking routine if needed which is not as reliable.

    + Fixed a bug if the CPUID was not defined, usually with Virtual Box (VBox) VM's. Thanks @Carlos Detweiller for letting me know.

    + Other code tidying done.

    A bit later than expected to upload but had a call out this morning which the job took a bit longer than i had anticipated.

    Hopefully this will be the current release for a week or so , barring any bugs. :)
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  6. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  7. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
    Can these settings through the MRP on Win 10 affect the speed of raising windows after installation? I do not speak English, I'm sorry.
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  8. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    They should not slow down Windows in anyway no
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #4830 mxman2k, Mar 2, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
    The tweaks/options used in the MRP should not cause any slowdowns, most may even help speed up certain aspects of the OS.

    Only three that i know of 'may' slow down the OS over time are:

    1. If the 'SSD Tweak' is used on a normal spinner HDD - that can be reverted, if required via the 'Revert_SSDTweaks.cmd' script.

    2. Using the 'Search Indexing' option on a normal HDD, however that can be reverted via settings in the OS and turning on the relative Services again.

    3. Turning off 'Fast Boot' on a normal HDD, but that only affects boot/shutting down, sometimes enabling 'Fast Boot' can cause other problems with the Sleep function on Laptops.

    The OS will slowdown anyway even without the MRP's tweaks/options due to the nature of how 'bloated' it gets with programs installed and many startup items.

    Plus now with the Meltdown/Spectre patches on older CPU's being within the OS via updates etc that will affect performance more than any tweaks used in the project.

    As all the options/tweaks are selectable, it is up to the user to decide which to use, nothing is used unless selected. If the .ini file is not used then no options are set, only branding, (if the OEM's.7z file is present), and SLIC activation is performed as it always was.
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  10. JanCerny

    JanCerny MDL Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2012

    Attached Files:

  11. JanCerny

    JanCerny MDL Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    continue for Supermicro H8DME-2

    Attached Files:

  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    odd that ECC detection isn't showing :g:

    It may be because something is causing the routine to return a invalid result and in doing so the QT has null'ed the value hence not showing.

    On Win7 and Vista OS's some data is not read due to certain queries not present in WMIC, or if the results are invalid then they are also null'ed, this may of happened with the memory ECC detection for some unknown reason.

    Invalid characters in the SMBIOS/DMI area is outside the scope of the project/QT as that is hardware/BIOS related and nothing I can do to rectify that.

    I could filter any character above chr$(128) ASCII out, but then results would not be a accurate representation of the data.

    As for the Other/Reserved result, that is a fall back result if the routines used cannot determine the actual HDD/SSD mode, i was going to have the QT not show that line but then if the real reason was because it is actually a OS 'Reserved' result the representation would not be correct.

    You have to remember the QT is not competing with such tools as BelArc, HWinfo, AiDA etc and i am not able to write any special tools in C# or .Net to do the fancy stuff to interrogate the OS at kernel level.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The Autounattend.xml is the same one that was there when i took over the project in Oct 2016 !

    I think it was just an example of how one is designed/created. As Windows 10 has changed some elements may need to be researched before its use.

    Not used unattended mode since the XP days so i can't really help with the xml layout.
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  14. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Autounattend.xml seems correct

    did you put valid key matching exising edition?
  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I may be wrong but i think they used the xml file 'as-is' and not put a valid key in, so the key part was just XXX's so that would cause the OS to abort with invalid key etc.

    If i need to set a specific edition i mainly use the PID.txt way, but the odd time i may use the ei.cfg set to the edition.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I believe the two key sections are required in this case, as one is for x86 and the other for x64, if the XML was just for one single architecture then only one key section will be needed.

    In my previous experience sometimes having the two architecture structures within the one XML caused a few errors. I therefore had one XML file for x86 only and another for x64 only, plus it made it easier to edit later if anything needed to be done.
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