Go to the user temp folder and open the QTlog.log file with notepad and copy the content and post it here, in code tags: example: Code: MRP - Query Tool v93.0-Test9 [Compiled: 03/19/2019 {UTC}] -- Begin QT Log... Using DMI DebugMode. [START] Set Date/Time Vars Completed. [START] Setting up program variables. [START] Sysnative Reg. [WSCRH] Windows Scripting Host Status: Enabled [OSARC] OS Architecture - [x64] {via AR:1} [EDCHK] Parsed Edition Section Completed. [Result: EDReg-ProfessionalWorkstation, EDWMIC-ProfessionalWorkstation, EDCBS-Professional, EDCOMP-Enterprise] [EDCHK] RS4 Flag2 set. [EDCHK] OS Build Number: [17763] [EDCHK] RS4+ Detected - Ignore License Switch Check due to changes m$ have made. [GUIMY] GUI Mode. [HVCHK] HyperVisorPresent: [FALSE] [DCCHK] PartOfDomain: [FALSE] [PCCHK] PCSystemType: [1] [DSKOS] Query BootDisk/OS Install Date Section... [OSIDT] OS Install Date: 10/17/2018 11:29:42 PM {Localized Date Format} [MRPVU] MRP Version Used: 181017-R102.0.RC1 [DSKOS] DriveModel: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB [DSKOS] Drive Health Status: OK - The disk appears to be functioning normally. [DSKOS] Query BootDisk/OS Install Date Section Completed. [PROBM] Checking for problem Manufacturers and set flags. [PROBM] No problem Manufacture detected. [OSUPG] Allow OS Upgrade Status: Enabled [GFXAQ] Query Graphics Adapter... [GFXAQ] Query Graphics Adapter Completed. Results: [GFXA1] Adapter 1 Info : Intel{R} HD Graphics 4000 [Active] | VRam: 2.25 GB [&h90000000] [GFXA1] Adapter 1 Other Data : Resolution: 1920x1080 | Bpp: 32 | Driver Date: 2015-07-10 | Driver Vers: [GFXAQ] Video Ram {VRam} Notes : Amount shown, may be, or also include any, assigned 'shared' system memory. [MACNF] Detect Networking MAC Information. [EVCHK] Environment Check {Win:10} {Kernel:10.0} {Bits: 64 Bit} [EVCHK] Environment Check {SkuCode:0x000000A1h} {SKUText:Windows 10 Pro for Workstations} [VMDET] VM detection... [VMDET] No Running Virtual Machine Detected. [VMDET] Check done for VM detection. [OSLNG] OS Language Check. [NETFW] .Net Framework Check. [PSNFG] Checked .Net, PShell, Generic Tools. [MSDM1] Check for MSDM Table validation... [MSDM1] Check for MSDM Table validation Completed. [RCPSH] Recheck PShell Versions... [RCPSH] PShell Versions detected section completed. [SCAN1] Scanning OS/BIOS/DMI/GPU Name... [SCAN1] Checking if an Insider/Preview Build... [SCAN1] Insider/Preview Build detected. {Ref: IPB} [SCAN1] Insider/Preview Build check done. [SCAN1] OS/BIOS/DMI/GPU Section Completed. [SLICT] Detecting SLIC Table Validity... [SLICT] Possible Emulation Detected. [SLICT] SLIC Table Validation Check Completed. [MEMQU] Memory Query... [MEMQU] Extra Memory Checks. [MEMQU] Memory Banks Information [1:8192MB 2:8192MB] [MEMQU] Slot1: ChannelA-DIMM1, 8 GB, 1333 Mhz [MEMQU] Slot3: ChannelB-DIMM1, 8 GB, 1333 Mhz [MEMQU] RAM Design: DDR3 {24} [MEMQU] RAM Type: Non-ECC {3} [MEMQU] Total Visible Memory - [15.69 GB] [MEMQU] Memory Used - [5.98 GB] [MEMQU] Free Physical Memory - [9.71 GB] [61.87%] [MEMQU] Memory Checks Completed. [MBCPU] Checking CPU/MotherBoard Data Section... [MBCPU] Product Name : [C216 WS] [MBCPU] CS Product Name : [EasyNote LJ65 ] [MBCPU] CS Model Name : [EasyNote LJ65 ] [MBCPU] CS Baseboard : [EasyNote LJ65 ] [MBCPU] CS Vendor : [Packard Bell ] [MBCPU] CS Manufacturer : [Packard Bell ] [MBCPU] CS M/Brd Vendor : [Packard Bell ] [MBCPU] CPU/MotherBoard Section Completed. [BRAND] Parsing DMI for Branding information... [BRAND] Parsing DMI for Branding Completed. [MODES] Checking Boot Mode etc HDD/SSD... [MODES] Partition: [GPT{A}], S/Boot: [Disabled], Mode: [UEFI{W}] [MODES] HDD/SSD Boot Mode checks completed. [CONTR] Drive Controller Check... [CONTR] Drive Controller Check Completed. Result: [Other/Reserved] [SLANG] sLang Value: "ENU" [LICNS] OS License Check... [OSTYP] Checked OS Type. [OSCHK] Check if Server 7. [OSCHK] Check if Vista/Server 2008. [CHKLC] License Status, First Check {1}... [VLKMS] VL/KMS Key Management In Use: No [VLKMS] KMS Permitted On OS/Edition : Yes [RCODE] Checking License Status Reason Codes... [LICRC] License Code [0x4004F401], [This computer has a valid Digital/Store License.] [LICNS] OS License Check Completed. [SLIC2] Checking SLIC Version, Brand Name, OEM/Server validity... [SLIC2] SLIC Validity Section Completed. [LASTB] Last stages section... [SKIPM] No MSDM skip recheck. [LICCH] Recheck SLIC OEM Types and License Channel... [LCTYP] Check License Channel Type... [LCTYP] Using Product Key Channel. [LCTYP] License Channel Type: [Retail/HWID] [LCTYP] License Channel Section Completed. [MELSP] Check Meltdown/Spectre awareness. [MELSP] This system appears to be protected against Meltdown and most of the current Spectre variants. {4} [MELSP] Performance Rating: Slower [MELSP] Meltdown protection is enabled, however the CPU's performance will be affected. [MSOFF] Check MS Office awareness. [MSOFF] Microsoft Office Detected - MS Office 2016/19 [---LICENSED---] [MSOFF] Activation Time Remaining - 176 Days / 254459 Minutes [TIDY1] Clear up used files and start compiling data for display output... [DISPC] Calculating display lines... [SKPSW] RS4 Flag1: 1 [SKPSW] RS4 Flag2: 1 [PADVR] Set Padding for vars... [TIDY2] Tidy up other used files... [DISPL] At display output loop stage... [DISPL] Check for GUI Reader exe [DISPL] GUI Reader exe detected [DISPL] Header 1 [DISPL] OS Data Done [DISPL] CPU Name/Desc [DISPL] CPU Arch/ID/Cores/Threads/Socket [DISPL] CPU VT [DISPL] Meltdown/Spectre Done [DISPL] System Drive Data Done [DISPL] Bios Info Done [DISPL] Memory Data Done [DISPL] Motherboard Data Done [DISPL] GPU Data Done [DISPL] Network Adapter Data Done [DISPL] Header 2 [DISPL] DMI Block Done [DISPL] Header 3 [DISPL] Summary Data Save [DISPL] Summary Done [DISPL] Header 4 [DISPL] Run GUI Display [REPSV] Start Desktop Report Save [SAVER] Header 1 [SAVER] OS Data Done [SAVER] CPU Name/Desc [SAVER] CPU Arch/ID/Cores/Threads/Socket [SAVER] CPU VT [SAVER] Meltdown/Spectre Done [SAVER] System Drive Data Done [SAVER] Bios Info Done [SAVER] Memory Data Done [SAVER] Motherboard Data Done [SAVER] GPU Data Done [SAVER] Network Adapter Data Done [SAVER] Header 2 [SAVER] DMI Block Done [SAVER] Header 3 [SAVER] Summary Data Save [SAVER] Summary Done [SAVER] Header 4 [REPSV] Saved Report Section Completed. [QTFIN] Finished - Tidy all used files and exit. [LOGDN] END OF QT Log...
@soukkar Open command prompt as administrator, and change location to where QT exist then execute this Code: MRPQTGv92.0.exe >log.txt 2>&1 paste or upload log.txt, it may help
it maybe the MSDM table your using (Lenovo) has some corruption as the syntax error is if the key being checked from the MSDM table is incorrect it will spit out an error.
ah yes if a non win8.x/10 key is passed to the keyinfo program used it spits out an error (usually about N letter not present). As it is picking up the w7 key then this is why it caues the incorrect syntax error as it is not as easy to check the key before. complicated to explain, but the keyinfo program used usually gives back a reference number which the QT/MRP parses to show the keys Edition etc.
When i can get more time to re-write most of the QT's ageing routines with more slimline/efficient error check code etc a few of these little 'glitches' may pop up now and then. VM's can be a bit problematic with certain things due to the emulations used which can confuse some results, have attempted to minimise this as much as possible but a few slip through the radar. Thanks for your report, i will see if i can find a easy method to catch the new errors.
I have 'bodged' the error code that if the returned key data result is not as expected the QT/MRP will just say something along the lines of: Unable to determine the MSDM key's data A simple work-around but should suffice for the time being
no only on test QT 93.0 which i am still editing at this moment. I can PM you a test version shortly of you wish? Will be about 15 minutes give or take.
have updated the error check routine so it hopefully will be more informative for any errors in that MSDM area, such as not a valid W8.x/10 key or invalid hash etc. QT Still in testing...
Could mehdi's problem have to do with using winslic? https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windslic-uefi-slic-injector.29740/page-46#post-1511992 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windslic-uefi-slic-injector.29740/page-46#post-1512185
possible but i still need to address the MSDM issue with the QT and MRP as if some elements are not quite right it sends the routines into a strange state!