** Updated Information ** MRP 115.1 Beta Test 3... Just a heads up that there will be 'probably' be three new selectable Windows 10 options. There maybe be '4' actually but one is automatically set -- if a particular Edition is installed and other criteria is not met. Spoiler: The latest W10 'In-Testing' Options Are: :NoMailPin & :NoStorPin when the option is set as 'Yes' then MRP will remove the Mail and Store icons from the Taskbar respectively. These do seem to work as just tested them. The other is :W10SearchEnhanced which sets the 'FindMyFiles' flag to 'Enhanced' instead of 'Classic' within 'PC_Settings->Search' on 19H1+ builds. It is ignored for any build below also it not always work on Insider/Preview OS's - not sure why probably m$ blocking certain entries? The auto 4th which is not a selectable option is for ServerRDSH ONLY - which will check to see if the local 'Administrator' account is present and if not it will attempt to create it in the localized OS Language name of 'Administrator'. If the account was already present such as if the user account was created within the WIM image or via other methods then MRP will inform, within the log, that the account exists or an error had occurred. If MRP creates the 'Admin' account then note that NO password will be set/created and you should set that up later when you are the desktop, if you require, for security. The reason for the 'Admin' User creation is because by default the ServerRDSH Edition does not always allow the end User to create any User via the normal Windows Setup/oobe stage therefore you are unable to log in, this auto option will allow this. This has been tested and does work! For any other OS/Edition this auto option is ignored. For all supported OS's within the debug1.log (Enhanced log) - if you enabled it, then it will make a note of the current status of the 'Administrator' account, the localized name, if it is enabled/active (true/false) and the status, such as 'Degraded' etc. The Enhanced Search one is experimental and if the 'disable search indexer' option is used then it will be auto disabled as the service(s) will not be running anyway! If it does not work as expected then this option may be removed until i can find a better method. As you can see i have been quite busy already, as i need to test the options fully before i make the final decision to add them or not. It is a bit too hot to code at this present time today here, so taking a break until either later this evening or tomorrow morning when it is cooler. Note: MRP v116 will be a few weeks away!
Hi! Abit of an issue, I've been tearing my hair off getting regtweaks to work, until I removed WinTel and found out it was working. Is this the only part where Location/Sensors are disabled? I bet its beacuse of this line the location service isnt working but Im not sure Im thinking to keep WinTel but having the ability to locate the laptop/computer Nah, theres something else
The services listed in that section and what they do: RemoteRegistry = As name says. Controls remote registry access. TermService = part of the above. SensorService = Sensors / Cortana. SensrSvc = Sensor Monitoring Service . TermService = Distributed Link Tracking Client (telemetry?). Will have to recheck Wintel.cmd as it been a while since i looked at that script. Not sure what other part or reg entry deals with the Location part, i was careful not to add things that could cause problems, but as m$ have changed things and combined a few parts into one it is a lot more complex to separate them again. Location stuff is usually: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CapabilityAccessManager\ConsentStore\location -- and/Or -- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CapabilityAccessManager\ConsentStore\location Value Deny = Off / Allow = On But i am sure that is not used within Wintel.
MS is a bummer.. It worked first try after removing WinTel.cmd, i immediately tried it on my laptop and it sort of worked. Now it doesnt work in my VM either. Its frustrating AF and reg add doesnt seem to work at all. First I thougt it was beacuse Wintel changed settings after unattend was applied. I'll try again.. It cant be beacuse Im using a multilanguage deployment right I discovered that if I remove/change LocationAndSensors to 0 I can turn location on/off but Windows 1903 is a mess
I agree m$ have become more aggressive to make it harder to have the OS tweaked to *OUR* preferences. If i remember they said that Win 10 will be the most configurable OS yet, although they not say 'WHO' would be the beneficiary of that statement - it seems m$ have the most configuration , us mere mortals have to figure ways around the new blocks in place to allow that configurable OS!!