MRP 116 and QT 98 will be released later today Just finishing off the last bits, changelogs and final testing.
MRP v116 and Query Tool v98.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post's download links, passwords and hashes updated. Spoiler: MRP 116 Changelog + Added four new Windows 10 options: 1. Enable 'Enhanced' search mode instead of 'Classic' - this may not always work on the latest Insider builds. 2. Unpin the 'Mail' icon from the Taskbar. 3. Unpin the 'Store' icon from the Taskbar. 4. Unpin the 'Task View' icon from the Taskbar. + If ServerRDSH is detected and the 'Administrator' account is not already created then MRP will auto create the 'Administrator' User in the native language of the OS, this is to allow the user to log in. You will need to set the password, {if required}, manually during Setup/Oobe as the boxes will appear during that stage of setup/install - that is unless you have used any other 'Unattend' XML or other methods to create the User/Password. + Fixed a small glitch in which if ServerRDSH is installed the Server addon was called, now it will not be 'run' as it is not required. This may change in future builds of this OS/Edition. + The auto drive label will be now set as 'Windows_RDSH' if the 'AutoDriveRename' option is used and this Edition is detected. + When using the 'SSDTweaks' option for Windows 10 installs the 'Disable FastBoot' option will also be set, you can use the revert script to undo the registry changes etc if required, this can be found within the 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\General_All_Kernels' folder. + ConfigCreator has been updated to v21.0 to show the new Windows 10 options, also fixed a few spelling mistakes that had sneaked in. Spoiler: QT 98.0 ChangeLog + Added WinSat scores, (if available), under the 'Graphics Adaptor' section. If no driver is installed or 'WinSat Formal' has not been ran then you will see a message about it. You can open a administrator cmd window and type "WinSat Formal" without any quotes and press enter, wait until the processing has completed and then re-run the QT to see the results. Windows 8.x/10 the 'D3D gaming score' is not shown as it is not used for the new OS's (it presets to 9.9). For older OS's such as Win7 you should then see all the scores. + Added 'Detected Security' under the 'Miscellaneous' section this will hopefully show the name of any security installed such as Windows Defender, Eset etc. The name is what WMIC finds and may show something slightly different to what you might expect, such as 'ESET Security' for 'ESET NOD32'. It is what the AV software provider has named it. Also this section should give the 'state' of the WinDefender service - if 'Enabled/Running' is shown this means Defender is active, if shown as 'Disabled/Not Running' that usually means it has been disabled or it could of been uninstalled via 'other' methods. This Security Section will not show if: a} Vista/Server2008 is installed due to a different method required to 'see' that information. b} There is a problem obtaining any named security suite due to any corrupt or invalid AV installations. + If Windows Key Management is not used ie MSDM/SLIC/HWID etc is used then the wording has been changed to 'Not Used' instead of 'Not Detected' as before. + Various re-wording and internal code optimizing done.
"Windows VL Key Management" - What is it supposed to show exactly? Even for Windows 7 Pro KMS_CLIENT, it shows "Not used".
Well if certain criteria is met it will show data such as what channel is used. GVLK {PKC}, KMSClient {PKC} etc... it partly uses: wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and LicenseStatus='1') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" 1>nul && set "KMSInstalled=Yes" || SET "KMSinstalled=No" Depending on that result the line will show the channel info or not used. It has evolved into a quite complex routine over time and there may be some glitches or errors that do not show, 90%+ of the time it works.
This line is the culprit Code: wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and LicenseStatus='1') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" 1>nul && set "KMSInstalled=Yes" & SET "KMSisUsed=Yes" || set "KMSInstalled=No" & SET "NoShowMAKInfo=1" & SET "KMSisUsed=No" it should use parentheses for multiple variables Code: wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where (Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and LicenseStatus='1') get Name 2>nul | findstr /i "Windows" 1>nul && (set "KMSInstalled=Yes" & SET "KMSisUsed=Yes") || (set "KMSInstalled=No" & SET "NoShowMAKInfo=1" & SET "KMSisUsed=No")
I connected to the internet and the Pro HWID took over , so the MAK key was ignored totally anyway!! Looks like HWID/MSDM gets checked before KMS in the Activation Server's hierarchy....
Sorted Will upload this new QT 98.1 with the fixed 'bug/glitch' shortly to replace 98.0 as I got to update all links etc (again lol). Thanks @abbodi1406 you saved the day again for me
Uploaded QT98.1 - 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. See above for what changed, unless you use Volume or KMS Editions QT v98.0 will still work ok as normal consumer/Non Volume Editions are usually MSDM/SLIC/HWID or Retail Key so the 'VL Key Management' would not be used anyway.
did you set the Advanced option in the creator? ( or use other reg entries to adjust the WU internal settings to never or infinite? ) as otherwise that part will be default Enabled.
How the QT checks the registry value. Code: REM for Win7/8 REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "DisableOSUpgrade" REM for Win10 REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" /v "DisableOSUpgrade" REM Results: 0x0 = Enable Upgrading {default} (also if value/key not exist). REM 0x1 = Disable Upgrading