ah yes - i had to use the windows 7 bios updater for this laptop. I was going to add SLIC 2.1 but i decided not to for a grand+ worth of laptop i not want to shaft it, like i did a Sony laptop a few years ago modifying it from Vista to 7 SLIC
What is the password for The102ndQT.7z TheFestiveSeasonRelease_M120.0BL_Compiled_12th_Dec_2019.7z archives Shows me the wrong password! ! ! !
Plus considering there has been over 300 downloads so far, would you think that everyone of those 300+ that downloaded it would of mentioned before now that the password is wrong???
MRPv120BL-M12-D12-Y2019 I open the archive and enter the password above. Notifying me that the password is wrong!
It was created using 7z v19.00 with ultra-compression. Older WinRar/WinZip may have problems opening the file due to the ultra-compression used. I have just downloaded the file, and used the same password and all opened correctly. Make sure there are NO spaces before, within or at the end.
I added information about the password in that there are no spaces before, within or at the end, it seems when copy/pasting an extra space is added somewhere which causes the incorrect password failure. Edits made: Make sure there are no spaces before, within, or at the end of the password. Also added color to the password so it stands out
IMHO, isn't that common sense for anyone who been using computers or technology related items? A lot of places require passwords and some are case sensitive and some aren't. Again, this is the way I see it....