Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    That's up to the boss, i just try to help you:)
  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    It kinda has been requested before...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Just finished another 16 hr shift and just checking in before i grab a few hours sleep before i am off on another shift later on. :)

    Re MRP:
    The MSDM key is saved as a separate file for security so that the main log does not contain anything referencing any full keys or other possible personal data. Plus it saves the end user from having to manually check the log and remove anything like keys etc before posting them.

    Re: Query Tool:
    A similar situation is done for the QT too, that the MSDM key is saved as a separate file - {if present}.
    Also i have been trying to get the GUI to have a right-click menu to show an option to save the GUI log that has all the information - keys, serials etc, however because the way the GUI was programmed it is not as easy as i thought as the GUI internal loop that checks for the exit been pressed has a weird quirk in that it checks way too fast and so it misses the right-click code... When i have more time to work on the QT's GUI i may totally re-write it so that the loop will be able to check for the right-click sub-menu option properly.

    The project files are being worked on as and when i have time due to my new work commitments, so there may be delays in any 'latest' reports/developments.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I fully understand about those damn touch-pads, i can just about manage with the keyboards with my shovel sized hands, but those pads have a life of their own at times. :D:D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  6. NightShark

    NightShark MDL Novice

    Jan 17, 2013
    Error: when selecting "Remove Library Folders from ThisPC view", saving in the camera app does not work anymore. What exactly is done here? Is there a reversal?
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    For w10
    Admin Cmd window and paste:
    Reg add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}" /v "System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f 
    Then open ThisPC and right click 'Libraries' and then 'Restore Default Libraries' line.

    That should return the Libraries for the current logged in user.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. djsms

    djsms MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2013
    It's a work I've always used, but I've encountered some errors in version 20h1. Copy and paste with Edge does not work, and there is a contraction when closing in task manager.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    What were the settings, causing this in edge, you relate to MRP?
  10. djsms

    djsms MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2013
    #5950 djsms, May 4, 2020
    Last edited: May 4, 2020

    # MRPConfiguration file. {Via MRPConfig Creator}
    :Version=29.0 {Advanced Mode}

    # Notes: If values are not set as Yes or No for most of the options then MRP will use default values for those options.
    # Some context menus may be in English, due to the way they are created it is not always possible to auto-translate them.
    # If you edit this ini file it MUST be saved as UTF-8, not ANSI or other ONLY UTF-8 or some elements will not work.

    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ######################################## General All Supported OS Options Below #################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################

    # MRP System Drive renaming
    # Set to Yes will tell MRP to auto name the System Drive with Windows_xx_yyyy {xx is Vista/7/8.x/10/Server, yyyy is Core-Pro-Ent-etc}.
    # Set to No tells MRP not to auto rename the drive and use the Operating System's default 'Local Disk' name. Default is No.
    # Also see driveLabel option to override MRP automatic naming.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # InsertPIDKey - This will attempt to use the PID.txt's key if present to activate your Edition.
    # Note: The key within the PID.txt MUST be valid for the OS, a Win7 key will NOT work for Win10 etc.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # TransferOptionsToNewUsers - This will attempt to copy most of the options/tweaks to any new user created later.
    # Note: This is experimental and may not always work as expected.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # SSD Tweaks - This will disable SuperFetch, PreFetch, BootTrace and Paging Executive and Search Indexing and the WSearch service.
    # Note: This can be reverted later if required. On HDD's this can cause slowdowns over time.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # No Internet Probing/Testing - This will disable the Windows testing of any active internet connection and prevent the limited status.
    # Note: This may prevent Office's Outlook mail program from connecting to any mail servers. Also this can be reverted later if required.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # Disable Windows Connect Now feature {possible security risk}. This can be reverted later if required.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # Disable Windows 7 End Of Service/Life notification messages for Windows 7 Only. NOTE: This CANNOT be reverted later via a sctipt.
    # This may be reset with any newer Windows Updates installed at a later time.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # Disable the 'Give access to' and other Sharing Wizards. NOTE: This CANNOT be easily reverted later.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Setting :EnhancedLogMode to Yes will enable enhanced Debug diagnostic log information.
    # Set to No will disable enhanced Debug diagnostic log mode. Default setting: Yes.
    # This log is useful for diagnosics when something fails, you can simply delete this log when installation has completed with no errors.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Place ThisPC/My Computer icon on the Desktop. {'My Computer' for OS's below Windows 8 and 'ThisPC' for Windows 8 and above}.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # ShowFileExt - Setting to Yes will show filenames with extensions ie 'myfile.txt' or No {default} to not show extensions.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # NoShortCutSuffix - Setting to Yes removes the '-shortcut' end part added to icons, No {Default} leave '-shortcut' reference present.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # DisableMSRT - This enables or disables the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool {MSRT} which is not really needed if you use
    # a 3rd party Antivirus application. See internet for more details about this program.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # EnableServerLockLogScreens - This enables or disables Server's Lock/Login Screens. Servers ONLY, ignored for non Servers.
    # Set to Yes will allow MRP to set the Lock/Login Screens on Servers using the theme in use. Some servers this may not work on,
    # due to the way they are configured, however on Server 2016/2019 it does work.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # DisableAutoWURestart - This enables or disables automatic restart after Windows Updates.
    # Set to Yes will prevent the auto restart.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Allow Hi-Liting of any New Apps/programs on the Start Menu/
    # Values Allowed: Yes/No - any other values will be set as Yes within MRP. Setting this as No will disable the usual OS Hi-Liting.
    # Default is Yes.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Place User's Folder icon on the Desktop.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Place Control Panel's icon on the Desktop.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Secure UAC Desktop Dimming
    # If set to Yes will prevent the UAC from dimming the desktop, it does not alter anything else with UAC.
    # Default is No to allow desktop dimming,{OS Default}.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Disable Search Indexing.
    # Useful for SSD's to prevent wear, it can also prevent standard HDD 'thrashing', however the side effect for a standard HDD is that
    # over time it can become slower searching for files etc.
    # Setting to Yes will disable Search Indexing.
    # Setting to No {default} will enable Search Indexing.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Disable Automatic Computer Maintenance Tasks. Such as broken shortcuts removal.
    # Desktop icons which have been unused in three months will be removed, plus other resource using things.
    # See internet for more details.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Adds Control Panel as a desktop Context Menu.
    # Not for Vista/2008. Some parts of this context menu may still be in English. Majority of the time it should be auto-translated.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Disables the auto restart after a BSOD/OS Crash to allow the user to see the information on why the OS 'STOPPED' or crashed.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Shows 'About Windows' or 'Microsoft Windows' on the Desktop Context Menu.
    # Depending on the OS, the wording shown above is used, this should also be auto-translated to the OS's installed Language, if possible.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Reset most of Explorer window's 'Group by' view's to 'None'. This is experimental.
    # This option resets the majority of the Explorer 'Group By' views to default 'None' instead of 'Today', 'Yesterday' etc.
    # Notes for Windows 10: This may not always reset every Explorer window as some are preset by the OS, such as any drive window or
    # USER's folders, {Documents, Downloads etc}. Also a later Windows update could reset this back to the 'Today' etc defaults.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Always show 'Classic' Menus for folders under the top title bar.
    # This option will set the Explorer windows to show the 'Classic' menu items such as Edit, View etc.
    # Note this is nothing to do with the 'Start Menu'.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Show Hidden files and folders.
    # This option will allow viewing of any Hidden files and folders with the OS.
    # Note may not always work as expected due to OS restrictions, which may include not showing any 'Super Hidden' files or folders.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Control Panel Icon View.
    # Values Allowed: Category, Large, Small - any other values then default Category will be used within MRP.
    # Default is Category View.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Shortcut Arrow Design.
    # Values Allowed: None, Large, Classic, Default - any other values then the OS's 'Default' value will be used within MRP.
    # Note: Setting to Large will be a very LARGE arrow, which is probably more ideal for tablets.
    # Default is Classic.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Disable internal burn to CD/DVD feature.
    # This when set to Yes will disable the internal burn image to disc feature within Windows which can be unreliable on some discs.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Setting DriveLabel to your own Selection will rename the System Drive to your specified name, overriding the MRP automated
    # naming of the System Drive. If :AutoDriveRename option is set to Yes it will be ignored or set to No if DriveLabel is used.
    # Note that some characters are not permitted, check on the internet for details of what is allowed.
    # Leave this option blank with :AutoDriveRename command set as Yes to use MRP's auto-rename feature. Default is blank.
    # Note: Non Latin based languages may not be translated correctly for this option within MRP.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # ComputerModelName - Entering text here will override any DMI detected Model Name which is shown on the
    # 'View basic information about your computer' screen under the 'System' section. Such as 'HP ProBook' etc.
    # Avoid using more than 38 characters or results may not be as expected.
    # Note: Non Latin based languages may not translated correctly for this option within MRP.
    # Default is blank.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Using the :CustomTheme option below works in same way as the 'Force_Theme[Readme].txt' did before, in that you set the
    # Brand and MRP attempts to use it, leave it blank to allow MRP to automate theme processing via DMI information etc.
    # Note that using an incorrect or misspelt name for the Brand may result in the Windows 'Default' theme being used.
    # There is limited checking to see if the brand used in this option exists and if it cannot be found then MRP will
    # attempt normal theme processing, if that fails then the Windows 'Default' theme will be used.
    # Only accepts the Brand names found within the OEM's.7z file which the Brand folder's contents are correctly created.
    # Default is blank for automated Brand name detection.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ################################################## Extra General Options Below ##################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # PreventOSUpgrades - This will attempt to prevent the current OS from upgrading to next feature release/build.
    # Note: Experimental and may not always work as expected. This option is ignored on Vista/Server 2008.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Taskbar Icon View.
    # This defines how the Task Bar's icon view will look, by 'Default' it will be set as 'combine and not show title lables'.
    # Values Allowed: Default, Expanded, Never, any other values then the 'Default' value will be used within MRP.
    # Default is Default.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # AdvSysCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Advanced System Properties' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # DevMCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Device Manager' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # RegEditCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Edit Registry' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # MSCFCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'MSConfig' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # PCSetCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'PC Settings' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # ProgFeatCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Programs and Features' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # SvcsCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Services' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # CPTPCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Control Panel' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # WUDCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Windows Update' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Not available for Win 8.x Kernels due to changes in the OS.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # EvntVwrCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Event Viewer' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # SecCentCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Security Center' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # TaskSchCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Task Scheduler' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # ShowNW - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Network' icon to the desktop. This may be auto-translated by the OS.
    # Note may not show on some OS's due to a Windows bug or design 'feature'.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # VerboseOS - Setting to Yes, MRP will set the OS to show more information during Startup and Shutting Down.
    # Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # EnableContMenuCMD - Default is No
    # This option allows the Context Menu for 'Command Prompts' to be available.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # EnableContMenuPShell - Default is No
    # This option allows the Context Menu for 'PowerShell Prompts' to be available.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # EnableContMenuCSTO - Default is No
    # This option allows the Context Menu for 'CopyTo/MoveTo' to be available.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # DisableRemoteAccess - Default is No
    # This option disables the OS's Remote Assistance/Connection feature. It can be reverted later if required.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # UseMP3ProCodec - Default is No
    # This option will only be enabled within MRP if the file{s} exist in the OS.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Enable Open 'xyz' Location Context Menu - Default is No
    # This will show the Open 'xyz' Location context menu, 'xyz' could be for File, Folder or Shortcuts.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Disable Video Thumbnails within Explorer Windows - Default is No
    # This will disable the creation of video thumbnails within Explorer windows to allow easier move/delete operations.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Show 'Manage Power Plans' desktop context menu - Default is No
    # This will show the Power Plan options you can choose 'on-the-fly'.
    # Should be auto-translated into your native OS Language, if possible.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Show the 'Take Ownership' desktop context menu item - Default is No
    # This will show the 'Take Ownership' item on the Desktop's right-click Context Menu where possible.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ####################################### Windows 8.x/10 Kernel's Only General Options Below ######################################
    # #################################################################################################################################

    # ChangeLockLoginScreens - Setting to Yes, MRP will change the Lock/Log-On screens to the brand's wallpaper, {if one is present}.
    # Set to No tells MRP not to change the Lock/Log-In screens. This uses default Windows ones and not use the brand's wallpaper.
    # Default setting is Yes.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # InsertMSDMEarly - This attempts to insert the MSDM key, if present, to be used in the early stages of MRP.
    # Warning this may not work correctly under Audit Mode. Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # Windows 8.x/10 Only - This option will be automatically ignored for any installed Server OS's.
    # Disable Windows Defender. Default is No.
    # This Advanced option will disable and prevent Windows Defender from running, but leaves the Windows Firewall part alone, otherwise
    # any 3rd party Firewall and Antivirus programs may not work properly if the OS's Firewall part is disabled too.

    # WARNING: It may NOT be possible to revert this option later on, so do not use if you wish to re-enable the 'Windows Defender' app
    # at some point in the future.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Advanced Option
    # Windows 10 Only - This option will be automatically ignored for any installed Server OS's.
    # Hide Windows Defender. Default is No.
    # This Advanced option will hide the Windows Defender from the Settings App.
    # Note: This option will only work if the 'Disable Windows Defender' option is set as Yes.
    # You can revert this option later via script available within the 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\Windows10_Kernels' folder.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Sets Delete confirmation for Windows 8.x/10, if set to Yes then Windows will ask for confirmation when deleting a file.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # LaunchToThisPC - Setting to Yes, this will open 'ThisPC' instead of the normal 'Quick Access' view.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # LegacyBootMenu - This Enables or Disables the 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu.
    # This option allows you to have the old style 'Boot Menu' with Safe Mode etc, if you press 'F8' during boot up.
    # Note on some OEM computers/motherboards such as Asus this may not work as they may use 'F8' for other BIOS related options.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Remove the 'Library' Folders from 'ThisPC' View, such as Pictures, Documents etc.
    # Note: Does NOT remove the 'Quick Access' menu on side panel.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # OLEDTaskbar - Setting to Yes sets a more transparent Taskbar, No {Default} will leave as the Windows default semi-blurred.
    # On RS4+ this option is automatically disabled due to the OS's 'Acrylic' theme feature.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # W8ThinBorders - Setting to Yes gives thinner Windows 8.x/Server2012{R2} borders.
    # Setting to No {Default} will use the OS's default thicker edged ones.
    # This option will be ignored for any OS other than specified.
    # Note: This requires TWO logout/reboot cycles to set this tweak fully.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Disable Store Look -- Setting to Yes will disable the 'Look in the App Store to open a file' context menu.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Prevent Store Apps from automatically updating.
    # This can also help prevent Windows from downloading adverts/unwanted apps etc in the background.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Shows the seconds on the system tray clock ie hh:mm:ss this depends on your Location and/or the OS if they are shown.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Prevent some Telemetry such as CEIP, AppCompat and Digitrack - Experimental. This may remove some OOBE setup screens on Windows 10.
    # This is a fairly 'light' prevention, however some of the Firewall Rules may cause some Microsoft and possibly other websites to fail.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Show 'Network Category' Desktop Context Menu.
    # This allows easy changing of the currently active Internet connection between 'Private' or 'Public' security settings.
    # This Context Menu should be auto-translated into the native OS Language, fallback if it cannot be translated will be English.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Reboot to Advance Boot menu
    # This adds a Context Menu entry on the ThisPC icon that will instantly reboot the PC into the Advanced Boot Menu to repair the OS.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Unpin the 'Store' icon and prevent any UWP Apps being pinned to the Taskbar.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.


    # Allow Apps From
    # Values Allowed: Anywhere, PreferStore, StoreOnly - for any other values then the OS's default of 'Anywhere' will be used.
    # Default is Anywhere.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ##################################### Windows 10 Kernels Only General Options Below #############################################
    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # W10TB - Setting to Yes will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars, see :WXTBColor for current colors allowed.
    # Setting to No will NOT change them. Default setting is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Setting :WXTBColor to:
    # 'Grey' will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars to Grey, {DarkGrey-Active, LightGrey-Inactive}.
    # 'Blue' will use NavyBlue-Active, LightBlue-Inactive.
    # 'Classic' is what the chosen Windows theme uses. This is also the default if :W10TB is set as Yes and no color is set here.
    # --------
    # However for the moment only three Colors are working, Classic, Blue or Grey.
    # This is only active if :W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this option will be ignored and the OS's default colors will be used.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Blue will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Blue.
    # Grey will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Grey.
    # Black will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Black.
    # Default will use the color which is determined by the Windows theme in use.
    # However for the moment only three Colors are working, Blue, Grey or Black.
    # This is only active if :W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this option will be ignored and the OS's default colors will be used.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # Disable the driver signing enforcement for EV cert / SHA256 Microsoft Windows signed drivers which is further enforced via Secure Boot.
    # NOTE: It may NOT be possible to revert this later.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {case insensitive}, as anything else is taken as the default 'No' for security.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels RS5+ Only -- Advanced Option
    # Disable the 'Enhanced' Clipboard History - only for builds higher than 17665 {RS5+}.
    # Note as this uses Group Policy edits via the registry, the section within the Setting App may be greyed out and not changeable.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {case insensitive}, as anything else is taken as default 'No' for security.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # Hide 'Insider Programme' page from within PC Settings.
    # This will be auto-disabled within MRP if any Insider/Preview Build is detected.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {case insensitive}, as anything else is taken as default 'No' for security.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # Do NOT Reserve the 7GB+ Space for Windows 'Feature' Updates. Auto ignored by MRP if the build installed is not 19H1 or above.
    # Note: You may need to reboot a couple of times to make this work.
    # Set as No to disable reserving this 7GB+ space. Default is Yes.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- Disable the restarting of Apps/Programs after a reboot such as any Windows Updates etc.
    # Notes: This is experimental and may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS or any later Windows Updates.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Enable file sharing tweak without enabling SMB v1.0 - This enables you to access network shares/drives which may be blocked.
    # Check online for AllowInsecureGuestAuth for any security risks involved if you enable this file sharing tweak.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must type Yes {or yes}, as anything else is taken as No for security.
    # If RS4+ is installed then you may have to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' option within Windows.
    # Set as Yes to enable. Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 RS3+ Only
    # Remove People icon from the Taskbar. Yes to remove the icon, or No {default} to leave it present.
    # If you set to Yes, {to remove the icon}, then a Log-Out/reboot maybe required after setup has completed to make this tweak work.
    # This does NOT uninstall the People App, only unpins it from the Taskbar.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after setup has completed, also removes the shortcut from the Start Menu, if present.
    # Set to Yes to remove it, or No {default} to let it install.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Apps Use Dark Theme.
    # Setting to Yes sets the Windows 10 Apps to use 'Dark Theme', No {Default} will use standard 'White' App theme color.
    # For RS5+ this may also set any Explorer windows to use the 'Dark Theme' too.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 RS3+ Only
    # Remove 3D Objects folder from 'ThisPC' view.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 RS3+ Only
    # Turn Off Gaming/Bar/DVR Mode. You can still toggle on/off via 'PC Settings' if required.
    # Default No. Set as Yes will turn off the Game Mode/Bar/DVR settings.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # DisableFastBoot - This disables the 'Fast Boot' system within Windows.
    # This may help with sleep/wake issues. Will help on a SSD to reduce wear by not recreating the HiberFile on every shutdown.
    # Set to Yes to disable 'Fast Boot'. Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # DisableDriverSearching - This Enables or Disables the Driver Searching ability within Windows.
    # This option turns off or on the Driver Searching used within the Windows Update process.
    # Notes: This option tweaks a policy setting you will see a message about 'Some settings are managed by your organization' this is normal.
    # This does not work for Windows 10 Home/Core Editions, MRP will ignore this option on Core/Home Editions.
    # Used during installation of the OS to prevent drivers from being downloaded, make sure the device is NOT connected to the internet.
    # It may not be possible to revert this tweak later -- so THINK before you set this option.
    # Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 kernels Only - Depends on installed OS Language - Default No
    # Prevent Cortana, this keeps 'Windows Search' but blocks Cortana's access. Online searches are denied to prevent Cortana restarting.
    # This may also prevent Cortana from appearing/talking within Windows Setup too, this will also depend on the Edition/Language installed.
    # Notes: This does NOT delete/uninstall any Cortana related files or processes, it only stops it from operating as the 'assistant'.
    # Windows Firewall Rule blocks are also added to prevent 'leaks' and any usage data being sent out to Microsoft etc.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 kernels Only - Default No
    # Block OS Adverts, this experimental option attempts to block OS adverts from the StartMenu, Explorer etc.
    # Notes: This may leave placeholders on the StartMenu but they should not update or download anything in the background.
    # Windows Firewall Rule blocks are also added to hopefully prevent any forced downloading of these unwanted apps etc.
    # As 'Transfer options to new users' was not set, this may NOT transfer to any new users created later.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 {RS3+} Only
    # Set to Yes allow's 'Your Phone - Add A Phone' feature to be used within 'PC Settings' even when 'BlockAdverts' option is enabled.
    # Notes: This option is ONLY available if the 'BlockAdverts' option is used (Yes), it is ignored otherwise.
    # Also Adverts may start to appear within the OS when this allow phone option is enabled.
    # As 'Transfer options to new users' was not set, this may NOT transfer to any new users created.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 kernels Only
    # Stop Background Apps Running, this option stops all Apps running in the background. Default No.
    # You can still toggle the options in PC Settings, this just turns them all to the OFF setting.
    # Notes: As 'Transfer options to new users' was not set, this may NOT transfer to any new users created.

    # Important: On RS5 builds with a Update Build Revision, or UBR, less than 316 then this option will be auto-disabled within MRP.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 RS4+
    # Removes the desktop shortcut for Microsoft Edge. Default No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 RS2+
    # Sets All Internet Connections to Metered. Default No
    # Covering 3G, 4G, Wifi and LAN connections. Could also prevent Windows Update from downloading updates automatically and may ask
    # you to check/download manually.
    # Home/Core Editions might work differently in this respect due to the 'forced' nature of Windows Updates for these Editions.
    # Note: Microsoft Office may not update properly if this option is enabled. You can revert this option later if required.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting to Yes prevents Windows Updates from other PC's. Default No {Which is to allow Updates from other PC's}.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting to Yes sets 'Diagnostic and Feedback' to 'Basic' and 'Never'.
    # Default is No -- Which will set it as 'FULL' and 'Always'. Note that Insider builds may reset this to 'Full/Always' for it to work.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Sets the 'Win-X' menu to show 'Command Prompt' lines instead of 'Powershell' Prompt's.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- This option is auto-disabled on Home/Core Editions.
    # Sets Windows Update to 'notify' mode. This also works best with the 'NetWorkAllMetered' option set as Yes too.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- Disable the 'Edit With Paint3D' Context Menu entry.
    # Removes the Context Menu entry only, it does not remove the App.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- Enable 'Windows Photoviewer' for image file associations.
    # Enables 'Photoviewer' to be used again via the 'Open With.../choose another app' menu. That is until Microsoft fully removes it!
    # Note: This option may not always work due to later OS updates are installed.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- Disable the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu entry
    # Removes the Context Menu entry only, it does NOT remove the App.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- 'Windows Mode' uses 'Dark Theme'.
    # Sets overall 'Dark' mode for system apps and other areas such as Explorer windows.
    # This option is auto disabled within MRP for any build below 19H1 {18282}.
    # Note: May not always work on Core/Home Editions. REBOOT REQUIRED!


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- No Tiles on the Start Menu this sets a 'Slim' Start Menu and no large tiles part. Almost like a Win 7 version.
    # This option removes all the large Tiles from the Start Menu, it does NOT uninstall or remove any Apps/Programs, you will have to
    # do that manually later.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- Disable the overly 'Blurred' effect on the Log-On Screen.
    # This option disables the 'blurred' effect for the Log-On screen for 19H1+.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- Use 'Enhanced' instead of 'Classic' Search Mode.
    # May not always work on Insider builds.
    # MRP will not use this option if 'Disable Search Indexing' or 'SSDTweaks' is selected and/or if the 'WSearch' service is disabled.
    # Note: If the 'WSearch' service is disabled for ANY reason then attempting to set the Enhanced/Classic mode within 'PC Settings'
    # will totally crash the 'PC Settings' app! - This is NOT a fault of MRP it is because the OS's setting requires the 'WSearch'
    # service to be running for it to work.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- Unpin the 'Mail' icon from the Taskbar.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only -- Unpin the 'Task View' icon from the Taskbar.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- Disable 'Activity History' Data Collection.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 {RS5+} -- Use the 'PtrScr' {Print Screen} keyboard button to initialize the OS's 'Snipping Tool' App.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Hide the Search icon from the Taskbar, this does NOT disable the feature.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Enables the automatic backups of the Registry for RS4 onward like previous OS's.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates, or if the internal Scheduled Task is disabled/removed by Microsoft.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Hide the use or create a Online Account screen during SETUP/OOBE.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates, or if a Unattend.XML file is used which may override this option.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Use MRP's Slim Start Menu and remove most of the default Taskbar Icons such as Mail, Store, Taskview etc.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates, or if any other XML file is used which may override this option.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Enable Classic balloon tips instead of the Toast notifications via the Action Center.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates or if Microsoft removes this old feature.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Disable 'Find My Device' - this can be reverted in the Settings App later if required.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Disable Lockscreen Notifications.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Disable Push/Toast Notifications via Action Center etc. This also uses a Group Policy edit.
    # Important Notes: This option may not work as expected, most non system Application Push/Toasts should be silenced, however
    # the majority of the system's own notifications may still appear. There is a revert script to reverse this option if required.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Prevent updating the original Microsoft Edge with the newer 'Chromium' based engine version via Windows Update.
    # This will not work when later builds have the 'Chromium' version pre-integrated.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 -- Prevent Microsoft Edge from pre-loading at startup or when first online etc. Also reduce its telemetry footprint.
    # This is experimental.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ############################# Administrative Tools/Other Context Menu Items - Advanced Option ###################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # # If you edit the lines below manually to your Language you MUST save the ini file as UTF-8 or character set will be lost. #
    # # MRP will attempt to use the OS Language that is installed for the context menus if you leave a line blank/empty. #
    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Administrative Tools {Menu Title}

    # System Properties

    # Control Panel

    # Device Manager

    # Event Viewer

    # Registry Editor

    # Programs and Features 8+ {Add remove programs 7}

    # Action Center 7 /Security and Maintenance 8+

    # Task Scheduler

    # PC/Windows Settings {W10 Only}

    # Windows Update

    # Command Prompt

    # Command Administrator

    # PowerShell Prompt

    # PowerShell Administrator

    # Take Ownership
    # Note that this item will NOT auto-translated into your native OS Language via Look-Up tables because it does not exist in them.
    # The default Language will be English spelling for this item if the line is left blank/empty.
    # Also this is ONLY operative within MRP if the 'Enable Take Ownership' option is selected, otherwise this 'option' is ignored.


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ################################## Windows 10 Kernels Only App/Games Removal - Advanced Option ##################################
    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall 3D Builder


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall 3D Viewer


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall FaceBook


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall FeedBack Hub App


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Messaging


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall NetFlix


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall OfficeHub


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Skype


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Sound Recorder


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Twitter


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Wallet


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Zune


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Candy Crush Soda Saga


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall FarmVille2


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall MineCraft


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Royal Revolt


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Microsoft Solitaire Collection


    # #################################################################################################################################

    # End of MRP Config

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    # MRPConfiguration file. {Via MRPConfig Creator}
    :Version=29.0 {Advanced Mode}
    # Notes: If values are not set as Yes or No for most of the options then MRP will use default values for those options.
    # Some context menus may be in English, due to the way they are created it is not always possible to auto-translate them.
    # If you edit this ini file it MUST be saved as UTF-8, not ANSI or other ONLY UTF-8 or some elements will not work.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ######################################## General All Supported OS Options Below #################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # MRP System Drive renaming
    # Set to Yes will tell MRP to auto name the System Drive with Windows_xx_yyyy {xx is Vista/7/8.x/10/Server, yyyy is Core-Pro-Ent-etc}.
    # Set to No tells MRP not to auto rename the drive and use the Operating System's default 'Local Disk' name. Default is No.
    # Also see :DriveLabel option to override MRP automatic naming.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # InsertPIDKey - This will attempt to use the PID.txt's key if present to activate your Edition.
    # Note: The key within the PID.txt MUST be valid for the OS, a Win7 key will NOT work for Win10 etc.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # TransferOptionsToNewUsers - This will attempt to copy most of the options/tweaks to any new user created later.
    # Note: This is experimental and may not always work as expected.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # SSD Tweaks - This will disable SuperFetch, PreFetch, BootTrace and Paging Executive and Search Indexing and the WSearch service.
    # Note: This can be reverted later if required. On HDD's this can cause slowdowns over time.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # No Internet Probing/Testing - This will disable the Windows testing of any active internet connection and prevent the limited status.
    # Note: This may prevent Office's Outlook mail program from connecting to any mail servers. Also this can be reverted later if required.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # Disable Windows Connect Now feature {possible security risk}. This can be reverted later if required.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # Disable Windows 7 End Of Service/Life notification messages for Windows 7 Only. NOTE: This CANNOT be reverted later via a sctipt.
    # This may be reset with any newer Windows Updates installed at a later time.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # Disable the 'Give access to' and other Sharing Wizards. NOTE: This CANNOT be easily reverted later.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Setting :EnhancedLogMode to Yes will enable enhanced Debug diagnostic log information.
    # Set to No will disable enhanced Debug diagnostic log mode. Default setting: Yes.
    # This log is useful for diagnosics when something fails, you can simply delete this log when installation has completed with no errors.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Place ThisPC/My Computer icon on the Desktop. {'My Computer' for OS's below Windows 8 and 'ThisPC' for Windows 8 and above}.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ShowFileExt - Setting to Yes will show filenames with extensions ie 'myfile.txt' or No {default} to not show extensions.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # NoShortCutSuffix - Setting to Yes removes the '-shortcut' end part added to icons, No {Default} leave '-shortcut' reference present.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # DisableMSRT - This enables or disables the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool {MSRT} which is not really needed if you use
    # a 3rd party Antivirus application. See internet for more details about this program.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # EnableServerLockLogScreens - This enables or disables Server's Lock/Login Screens. Servers ONLY, ignored for non Servers.
    # Set to Yes will allow MRP to set the Lock/Login Screens on Servers using the theme in use. Some servers this may not work on,
    # due to the way they are configured, however on Server 2016/2019 it does work.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # DisableAutoWURestart - This enables or disables automatic restart after Windows Updates.
    # Set to Yes will prevent the auto restart.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Allow Hi-Liting of any New Apps/programs on the Start Menu/
    # Values Allowed: Yes/No - any other values will be set as Yes within MRP. Setting this as No will disable the usual OS Hi-Liting.
    # Default is Yes.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Place User's Folder icon on the Desktop.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Place Control Panel's icon on the Desktop.
    # Set to Yes will show the icon.
    # Set to No {default} don't show the icon on the Desktop.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Secure UAC Desktop Dimming
    # If set to Yes will prevent the UAC from dimming the desktop, it does not alter anything else with UAC.
    # Default is No to allow desktop dimming,{OS Default}.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Search Indexing.
    # Useful for SSD's to prevent wear, it can also prevent standard HDD 'thrashing', however the side effect for a standard HDD is that
    # over time it can become slower searching for files etc.
    # Setting to Yes will disable Search Indexing.
    # Setting to No {default} will enable Search Indexing.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Automatic Computer Maintenance Tasks. Such as broken shortcuts removal.
    # Desktop icons which have been unused in three months will be removed, plus other resource using things.
    # See internet for more details.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Adds Control Panel as a desktop Context Menu.
    # Not for Vista/2008. Some parts of this context menu may still be in English. Majority of the time it should be auto-translated.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disables the auto restart after a BSOD/OS Crash to allow the user to see the information on why the OS 'STOPPED' or crashed.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Shows 'About Windows' or 'Microsoft Windows' on the Desktop Context Menu.
    # Depending on the OS, the wording shown above is used, this should also be auto-translated to the OS's installed Language, if possible.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Reset most of Explorer window's 'Group by' view's to 'None'. This is experimental.
    # This option resets the majority of the Explorer 'Group By' views to default 'None' instead of 'Today', 'Yesterday' etc.
    # Notes for Windows 10: This may not always reset every Explorer window as some are preset by the OS, such as any drive window or
    # USER's folders, {Documents, Downloads etc}. Also a later Windows update could reset this back to the 'Today' etc defaults.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Always show 'Classic' Menus for folders under the top title bar.
    # This option will set the Explorer windows to show the 'Classic' menu items such as Edit, View etc.
    # Note this is nothing to do with the 'Start Menu'.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Show Hidden files and folders.
    # This option will allow viewing of any Hidden files and folders with the OS.
    # Note may not always work as expected due to OS restrictions, which may include not showing any 'Super Hidden' files or folders.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Control Panel Icon View.
    # Values Allowed: Category, Large, Small - any other values then default Category will be used within MRP.
    # Default is Category View.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Shortcut Arrow Design.
    # Values Allowed: None, Large, Classic, Default - any other values then the OS's 'Default' value will be used within MRP.
    # Note: Setting to Large will be a very LARGE arrow, which is probably more ideal for tablets.
    # Default is Classic.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable internal burn to CD/DVD feature.
    # This when set to Yes will disable the internal burn image to disc feature within Windows which can be unreliable on some discs.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Setting :DriveLabel to your own Selection will rename the System Drive to your specified name, overriding the MRP automated
    # naming of the System Drive. If :AutoDriveRename option is set to Yes it will be ignored or set to No if :DriveLabel is used.
    # Note that some characters are not permitted, check on the internet for details of what is allowed.
    # Leave this option blank with :AutoDriveRename command set as Yes to use MRP's auto-rename feature. Default is blank.
    # Note: Non Latin based languages may not be translated correctly for this option within MRP.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ComputerModelName - Entering text here will override any DMI detected Model Name which is shown on the
    # 'View basic information about your computer' screen under the 'System' section. Such as 'HP ProBook' etc.
    # Avoid using more than 38 characters or results may not be as expected.
    # Note: Non Latin based languages may not translated correctly for this option within MRP.
    # Default is blank.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Using the :CustomTheme option below works in same way as the 'Force_Theme[Readme].txt' did before, in that you set the
    # Brand and MRP attempts to use it, leave it blank to allow MRP to automate theme processing via DMI information etc.
    # Note that using an incorrect or misspelt name for the Brand may result in the Windows 'Default' theme being used.
    # There is limited checking to see if the brand used in this option exists and if it cannot be found then MRP will
    # attempt normal theme processing, if that fails then the Windows 'Default' theme will be used.
    # Only accepts the Brand names found within the OEM's.7z file which the Brand folder's contents are correctly created.
    # Default is blank for automated Brand name detection.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ################################################## Extra General Options Below ##################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # PreventOSUpgrades - This will attempt to prevent the current OS from upgrading to next feature release/build.
    # Note: Experimental and may not always work as expected. This option is ignored on Vista/Server 2008.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Taskbar Icon View.
    # This defines how the Task Bar's icon view will look, by 'Default' it will be set as 'combine and not show title lables'.
    # Values Allowed: Default, Expanded, Never, any other values then the 'Default' value will be used within MRP.
    # Default is Default.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # AdvSysCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Advanced System Properties' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # DevMCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Device Manager' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # RegEditCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Edit Registry' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # MSCFCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'MSConfig' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # PCSetCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'PC Settings' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ProgFeatCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Programs and Features' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # SvcsCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Services' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # CPTPCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Control Panel' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # WUDCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Windows Update' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Not available for Win 8.x Kernels due to changes in the OS.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # EvntVwrCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Event Viewer' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # SecCentCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Security Center' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # TaskSchCM - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Task Scheduler' Context Menu to 'This PC/My Computer' 'Tools' Submenu.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ShowNW - Setting to Yes, MRP will add the 'Network' icon to the desktop. This may be auto-translated by the OS.
    # Note may not show on some OS's due to a Windows bug or design 'feature'.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # VerboseOS - Setting to Yes, MRP will set the OS to show more information during Startup and Shutting Down.
    # Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # EnableContMenuCMD - Default is No
    # This option allows the Context Menu for 'Command Prompts' to be available.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # EnableContMenuPShell - Default is No
    # This option allows the Context Menu for 'PowerShell Prompts' to be available.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # EnableContMenuCSTO - Default is No
    # This option allows the Context Menu for 'CopyTo/MoveTo' to be available.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # DisableRemoteAccess - Default is No
    # This option disables the OS's Remote Assistance/Connection feature. It can be reverted later if required.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # UseMP3ProCodec - Default is No
    # This option will only be enabled within MRP if the file{s} exist in the OS.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Enable Open 'xyz' Location Context Menu - Default is No
    # This will show the Open 'xyz' Location context menu, 'xyz' could be for File, Folder or Shortcuts.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Video Thumbnails within Explorer Windows - Default is No
    # This will disable the creation of video thumbnails within Explorer windows to allow easier move/delete operations.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Show 'Manage Power Plans' desktop context menu - Default is No
    # This will show the Power Plan options you can choose 'on-the-fly'.
    # Should be auto-translated into your native OS Language, if possible.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Show the 'Take Ownership' desktop context menu item - Default is No
    # This will show the 'Take Ownership' item on the Desktop's right-click Context Menu where possible.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ####################################### Windows 8.x/10 Kernel's Only General Options Below ######################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ChangeLockLoginScreens - Setting to Yes, MRP will change the Lock/Log-On screens to the brand's wallpaper, {if one is present}.
    # Set to No tells MRP not to change the Lock/Log-In screens. This uses default Windows ones and not use the brand's wallpaper.
    # Default setting is Yes.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # InsertMSDMEarly - This attempts to insert the MSDM key, if present, to be used in the early stages of MRP.
    # Warning this may not work correctly under Audit Mode. Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # Windows 8.x/10 Only - This option will be automatically ignored for any installed Server OS's.
    # Disable Windows Defender. Default is No.
    # This Advanced option will disable and prevent Windows Defender from running, but leaves the Windows Firewall part alone, otherwise
    # any 3rd party Firewall and Antivirus programs may not work properly if the OS's Firewall part is disabled too.
    # WARNING: It may NOT be possible to revert this option later on, so do not use if you wish to re-enable the 'Windows Defender' app
    # at some point in the future.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Advanced Option
    # Windows 10 Only - This option will be automatically ignored for any installed Server OS's.
    # Hide Windows Defender. Default is No.
    # This Advanced option will hide the Windows Defender from the Settings App.
    # Note: This option will only work if the 'Disable Windows Defender' option is set as Yes.
    # You can revert this option later via script available within the 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts\Windows10_Kernels' folder.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Sets Delete confirmation for Windows 8.x/10, if set to Yes then Windows will ask for confirmation when deleting a file.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # LaunchToThisPC - Setting to Yes, this will open 'ThisPC' instead of the normal 'Quick Access' view.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # LegacyBootMenu - This Enables or Disables the 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu.
    # This option allows you to have the old style 'Boot Menu' with Safe Mode etc, if you press 'F8' during boot up.
    # Note on some OEM computers/motherboards such as Asus this may not work as they may use 'F8' for other BIOS related options.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Remove the 'Library' Folders from 'ThisPC' View, such as Pictures, Documents etc.
    # Note: Does NOT remove the 'Quick Access' menu on side panel.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # OLEDTaskbar - Setting to Yes sets a more transparent Taskbar, No {Default} will leave as the Windows default semi-blurred.
    # On RS4+ this option is automatically disabled due to the OS's 'Acrylic' theme feature.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # W8ThinBorders - Setting to Yes gives thinner Windows 8.x/Server2012{R2} borders.
    # Setting to No {Default} will use the OS's default thicker edged ones.
    # This option will be ignored for any OS other than specified.
    # Note: This requires TWO logout/reboot cycles to set this tweak fully.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Disable Store Look -- Setting to Yes will disable the 'Look in the App Store to open a file' context menu.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Prevent Store Apps from automatically updating.
    # This can also help prevent Windows from downloading adverts/unwanted apps etc in the background.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Shows the seconds on the system tray clock ie hh:mm:ss this depends on your Location and/or the OS if they are shown.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Prevent some Telemetry such as CEIP, AppCompat and Digitrack - Experimental. This may remove some OOBE setup screens on Windows 10.
    # This is a fairly 'light' prevention, however some of the Firewall Rules may cause some Microsoft and possibly other websites to fail.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Show 'Network Category' Desktop Context Menu.
    # This allows easy changing of the currently active Internet connection between 'Private' or 'Public' security settings.
    # This Context Menu should be auto-translated into the native OS Language, fallback if it cannot be translated will be English.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Reboot to Advance Boot menu
    # This adds a Context Menu entry on the ThisPC icon that will instantly reboot the PC into the Advanced Boot Menu to repair the OS.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Unpin the 'Store' icon and prevent any UWP Apps being pinned to the Taskbar.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.
    # Allow Apps From
    # Values Allowed: Anywhere, PreferStore, StoreOnly - for any other values then the OS's default of 'Anywhere' will be used.
    # Default is Anywhere.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ##################################### Windows 10 Kernels Only General Options Below #############################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # W10TB - Setting to Yes will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars, see :WXTBColor for current colors allowed.
    # Setting to No will NOT change them. Default setting is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Setting :WXTBColor to:
    # 'Grey' will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars to Grey, {DarkGrey-Active, LightGrey-Inactive}.
    # 'Blue' will use NavyBlue-Active, LightBlue-Inactive.
    # 'Classic' is what the chosen Windows theme uses. This is also the default if :W10TB is set as Yes and no color is set here.
    # --------
    # However for the moment only three Colors are working, Classic, Blue or Grey.
    # This is only active if :W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this option will be ignored and the OS's default colors will be used.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Blue will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Blue.
    # Grey will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Grey.
    # Black will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Black.
    # Default will use the color which is determined by the Windows theme in use.
    # However for the moment only three Colors are working, Blue, Grey or Black.
    # This is only active if :W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this option will be ignored and the OS's default colors will be used.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # Disable the driver signing enforcement for EV cert / SHA256 Microsoft Windows signed drivers which is further enforced via Secure Boot.
    # NOTE: It may NOT be possible to revert this later.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {case insensitive}, as anything else is taken as the default 'No' for security.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels RS5+ Only -- Advanced Option
    # Disable the 'Enhanced' Clipboard History - only for builds higher than 17665 {RS5+}.
    # Note as this uses Group Policy edits via the registry, the section within the Setting App may be greyed out and not changeable.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {case insensitive}, as anything else is taken as default 'No' for security.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # Hide 'Insider Programme' page from within PC Settings.
    # This will be auto-disabled within MRP if any Insider/Preview Build is detected.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must use Yes {case insensitive}, as anything else is taken as default 'No' for security.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Advanced Option
    # Do NOT Reserve the 7GB+ Space for Windows 'Feature' Updates. Auto ignored by MRP if the build installed is not 19H1 or above.
    # Note: You may need to reboot a couple of times to make this work.
    # Set as No to disable reserving this 7GB+ space. Default is Yes.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Disable the restarting of Apps/Programs after a reboot such as any Windows Updates etc.
    # Notes: This is experimental and may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS or any later Windows Updates.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Enable file sharing tweak without enabling SMB v1.0 - This enables you to access network shares/drives which may be blocked.
    # Check online for AllowInsecureGuestAuth for any security risks involved if you enable this file sharing tweak.
    # If you want to use this tweak you must type Yes {or yes}, as anything else is taken as No for security.
    # If RS4+ is installed then you may have to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' option within Windows.
    # Set as Yes to enable. Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS3+ Only
    # Remove People icon from the Taskbar. Yes to remove the icon, or No {default} to leave it present.
    # If you set to Yes, {to remove the icon}, then a Log-Out/reboot maybe required after setup has completed to make this tweak work.
    # This does NOT uninstall the People App, only unpins it from the Taskbar.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after setup has completed, also removes the shortcut from the Start Menu, if present.
    # Set to Yes to remove it, or No {default} to let it install.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only -- Apps Use Dark Theme.
    # Setting to Yes sets the Windows 10 Apps to use 'Dark Theme', No {Default} will use standard 'White' App theme color.
    # For RS5+ this may also set any Explorer windows to use the 'Dark Theme' too.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS3+ Only
    # Remove 3D Objects folder from 'ThisPC' view.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS3+ Only
    # Turn Off Gaming/Bar/DVR Mode. You can still toggle on/off via 'PC Settings' if required.
    # Default No. Set as Yes will turn off the Game Mode/Bar/DVR settings.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # DisableFastBoot - This disables the 'Fast Boot' system within Windows.
    # This may help with sleep/wake issues. Will help on a SSD to reduce wear by not recreating the HiberFile on every shutdown.
    # Set to Yes to disable 'Fast Boot'. Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Kernels Only
    # DisableDriverSearching - This Enables or Disables the Driver Searching ability within Windows.
    # This option turns off or on the Driver Searching used within the Windows Update process.
    # Notes: This option tweaks a policy setting you will see a message about 'Some settings are managed by your organization' this is normal.
    # This does not work for Windows 10 Home/Core Editions, MRP will ignore this option on Core/Home Editions.
    # Used during installation of the OS to prevent drivers from being downloaded, make sure the device is NOT connected to the internet.
    # It may not be possible to revert this tweak later -- so THINK before you set this option.
    # Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 kernels Only - Depends on installed OS Language - Default No
    # Prevent Cortana, this keeps 'Windows Search' but blocks Cortana's access. Online searches are denied to prevent Cortana restarting.
    # This may also prevent Cortana from appearing/talking within Windows Setup too, this will also depend on the Edition/Language installed.
    # Notes: This does NOT delete/uninstall any Cortana related files or processes, it only stops it from operating as the 'assistant'.
    # Windows Firewall Rule blocks are also added to prevent 'leaks' and any usage data being sent out to Microsoft etc.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 kernels Only - Default No
    # Block OS Adverts, this experimental option attempts to block OS adverts from the StartMenu, Explorer etc.
    # Notes: This may leave placeholders on the StartMenu but they should not update or download anything in the background.
    # Windows Firewall Rule blocks are also added to hopefully prevent any forced downloading of these unwanted apps etc.
    # As 'Transfer options to new users' was not set, this may NOT transfer to any new users created later.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 {RS3+} Only
    # Set to Yes allow's 'Your Phone - Add A Phone' feature to be used within 'PC Settings' even when 'BlockAdverts' option is enabled.
    # Notes: This option is ONLY available if the 'BlockAdverts' option is used (Yes), it is ignored otherwise.
    # Also Adverts may start to appear within the OS when this allow phone option is enabled.
    # As 'Transfer options to new users' was not set, this may NOT transfer to any new users created.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 kernels Only
    # Stop Background Apps Running, this option stops all Apps running in the background. Default No.
    # You can still toggle the options in PC Settings, this just turns them all to the OFF setting.
    # Notes: As 'Transfer options to new users' was not set, this may NOT transfer to any new users created.
    # Important: On RS5 builds with a Update Build Revision, or UBR, less than 316 then this option will be auto-disabled within MRP.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS4+
    # Removes the desktop shortcut for Microsoft Edge. Default No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 RS2+
    # Sets All Internet Connections to Metered. Default No
    # Covering 3G, 4G, Wifi and LAN connections. Could also prevent Windows Update from downloading updates automatically and may ask
    # you to check/download manually.
    # Home/Core Editions might work differently in this respect due to the 'forced' nature of Windows Updates for these Editions.
    # Note: Microsoft Office may not update properly if this option is enabled. You can revert this option later if required.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting to Yes prevents Windows Updates from other PC's. Default No {Which is to allow Updates from other PC's}.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting to Yes sets 'Diagnostic and Feedback' to 'Basic' and 'Never'.
    # Default is No -- Which will set it as 'FULL' and 'Always'. Note that Insider builds may reset this to 'Full/Always' for it to work.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Sets the 'Win-X' menu to show 'Command Prompt' lines instead of 'Powershell' Prompt's.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- This option is auto-disabled on Home/Core Editions.
    # Sets Windows Update to 'notify' mode. This also works best with the 'NetWorkAllMetered' option set as Yes too.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Disable the 'Edit With Paint3D' Context Menu entry.
    # Removes the Context Menu entry only, it does not remove the App.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Enable 'Windows Photoviewer' for image file associations.
    # Enables 'Photoviewer' to be used again via the 'Open With.../choose another app' menu. That is until Microsoft fully removes it!
    # Note: This option may not always work due to later OS updates are installed.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Disable the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu entry
    # Removes the Context Menu entry only, it does NOT remove the App.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- 'Windows Mode' uses 'Dark Theme'.
    # Sets overall 'Dark' mode for system apps and other areas such as Explorer windows.
    # This option is auto disabled within MRP for any build below 19H1 {18282}.
    # Note: May not always work on Core/Home Editions. REBOOT REQUIRED!
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- No Tiles on the Start Menu this sets a 'Slim' Start Menu and no large tiles part. Almost like a Win 7 version.
    # This option removes all the large Tiles from the Start Menu, it does NOT uninstall or remove any Apps/Programs, you will have to
    # do that manually later.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- Disable the overly 'Blurred' effect on the Log-On Screen.
    # This option disables the 'blurred' effect for the Log-On screen for 19H1+.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- Use 'Enhanced' instead of 'Classic' Search Mode.
    # May not always work on Insider builds.
    # MRP will not use this option if 'Disable Search Indexing' or 'SSDTweaks' is selected and/or if the 'WSearch' service is disabled.
    # Note: If the 'WSearch' service is disabled for ANY reason then attempting to set the Enhanced/Classic mode within 'PC Settings'
    # will totally crash the 'PC Settings' app! - This is NOT a fault of MRP it is because the OS's setting requires the 'WSearch'
    # service to be running for it to work.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Unpin the 'Mail' icon from the Taskbar.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only -- Unpin the 'Task View' icon from the Taskbar.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 19H1+ Only -- Disable 'Activity History' Data Collection.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 {RS5+} -- Use the 'PtrScr' {Print Screen} keyboard button to initialize the OS's 'Snipping Tool' App.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Hide the Search icon from the Taskbar, this does NOT disable the feature.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Enables the automatic backups of the Registry for RS4 onward like previous OS's.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates, or if the internal Scheduled Task is disabled/removed by Microsoft.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Hide the use or create a Online Account screen during SETUP/OOBE.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates, or if a Unattend.XML file is used which may override this option.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Use MRP's Slim Start Menu and remove most of the default Taskbar Icons such as Mail, Store, Taskview etc.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates, or if any other XML file is used which may override this option.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Enable Classic balloon tips instead of the Toast notifications via the Action Center.
    # This may not always work as it depends on later updates or if Microsoft removes this old feature.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Disable 'Find My Device' - this can be reverted in the Settings App later if required.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Disable Lockscreen Notifications.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Disable Push/Toast Notifications via Action Center etc. This also uses a Group Policy edit.
    # Important Notes: This option may not work as expected, most non system Application Push/Toasts should be silenced, however
    # the majority of the system's own notifications may still appear. There is a revert script to reverse this option if required.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Prevent updating the original Microsoft Edge with the newer 'Chromium' based engine version via Windows Update.
    # This will not work when later builds have the 'Chromium' version pre-integrated.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 -- Prevent Microsoft Edge from pre-loading at startup or when first online etc. Also reduce its telemetry footprint.
    # This is experimental.
    # Note: This option may not work as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    # Default is No.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ############################# Administrative Tools/Other Context Menu Items - Advanced Option ###################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # # If you edit the lines below manually to your Language you MUST save the ini file as UTF-8 or character set will be lost. #
    # # MRP will attempt to use the OS Language that is installed for the context menus if you leave a line blank/empty. #
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Administrative Tools {Menu Title}
    # System Properties
    # Control Panel
    # Device Manager
    # Event Viewer
    # Registry Editor
    # Programs and Features 8+ {Add remove programs 7}
    # Action Center 7 /Security and Maintenance 8+
    # Task Scheduler
    # PC/Windows Settings {W10 Only}
    # Windows Update
    # Command Prompt
    # Command Administrator
    # PowerShell Prompt
    # PowerShell Administrator
    # Take Ownership
    # Note that this item will NOT auto-translated into your native OS Language via Look-Up tables because it does not exist in them.
    # The default Language will be English spelling for this item if the line is left blank/empty.
    # Also this is ONLY operative within MRP if the 'Enable Take Ownership' option is selected, otherwise this 'option' is ignored.
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # ################################## Windows 10 Kernels Only App/Games Removal - Advanced Option ##################################
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall 3D Builder
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall 3D Viewer
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall FaceBook
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall FeedBack Hub App
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Messaging
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall NetFlix
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall OfficeHub
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Skype
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Sound Recorder
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Twitter
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Wallet
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Zune
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Candy Crush Soda Saga
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall FarmVille2
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall MineCraft
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Royal Revolt
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove/Uninstall Microsoft Solitaire Collection
    # #################################################################################################################################
    # End of MRP Config
    You set MRP to remove the edge shortcut from the desktop, the only edge related setting you did that i can find:
    # Windows 10 RS4+
    # Removes the desktop shortcut for Microsoft Edge. Default No.
    And i can confirm that using your ini causes the problem not being able to paste stuff in the old edge, when i install a non mrp iso, no problems with pasting txt in edge (search or address bar).
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Have updated the next MRP ini Creator to now mention when you select the 'Disable Enhanced Clipboard' option that copy/paste may not work in Edge, Search-Bars or most W32 Apps. :)

    It just one of those things that m$ have now made it harder to do something that was once easy, because they now combine multiple bits together. :(

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. djsms

    djsms MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2013
    How about a contraction when closing the task manager?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Not sure what you mean :g:
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  16. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  17. djsms

    djsms MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2013
    Non-shutdown issue when closing Task Manager.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You mean task manager doesn't close? Can't reproduce it with the ini, i used for my previous tests.
  19. djsms

    djsms MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2013
    Yes, it freezes during the shutdown.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...