Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    After a few days break i have resumed working on the projects.

    Mrp code adjusted to show KiB/MiB units like the qt will on the next release.

    No new options at moment added.
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  3. luisfernando84

    luisfernando84 MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2012
    Good night. I put the $OEM $ folder inside the sources folder, but the theme is not being applied, nor is the computer information (brand, model) being displayed on the System, is it a fault?
    I tested it in W10, in W7 the same thing happens. Sorry, I'm Brazilian, I used the Google translator
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Are the project log files present on c:\? If yes, please post the content here, in code tags:)
  5. luisfernando84

    luisfernando84 MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2012
    Hello. Unfortunately there is no log file at the root of c: \
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Then the project didn't run, did you use the ei.cfg, provided by the project folders?
  7. luisfernando84

    luisfernando84 MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2012
    #6089 luisfernando84, Jul 22, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2020
    No, I never used it. Where do I find to download? I always used it just by putting the $OEM$ folder inside Sources and it always worked. In the case of W10, won't using ei.cfg prevent the installer from using the correct version of Windows when reading the serial in the UEFI BIOS?
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    SummerSun_M127.0BL_Compiled_10th_July_2020>tree /a /f
    |   ! IMPORTANT - Read Me.txt
    |   !Changelog.txt
    |   \---$$
    |       \---Setup
    |           \---Scripts
    |                   DeCompile.exe
    |                   OEM's.7z
    |                   OOBE.cmd
    |       !ReadMe.txt
    |       MRPConfigCreator_v32.0.Exe
    |       MRPConfigCreator_v32.0.Exe.sha
        |   ! Info About Images.txt
        |   ! OEM's_Used_in_CustomTheme_section.txt
        |   ! WinTel_Readme.txt
        |   WinTel.cmd
        |   |   __README__.txt
        |   |
        |   +---General_All_Kernels
        |   |       AllowBurnImageToDisc.cmd
        |   |       AllowInternetProbing.cmd
        |   |       AllowOSUpgrades.cmd
        |   |       AllowRemoteAssistanceConnections.cmd
        |   |       ChangeComputerName.cmd
        |   |       ChangeComputerName_ReadMe.txt
        |   |       ChangeModelName.cmd
        |   |       ContextMenus_CommandPrompt.cmd
        |   |       ContextMenus_PShellPrompt.cmd
        |   |       ContextMenu_ControlPanel.cmd
        |   |       ContextMenu_CopyMoveTo.cmd
        |   |       ContextMenu_TakeOwnership.cmd
        |   |       Desktop_Icons.cmd
        |   |       Desktop_Icons_ReadMe.txt
        |   |       EnableConnectNowWizard.cmd
        |   |       Remove-Admin-Tools-CTMenu.cmd
        |   |       Remove-CMD-CTMenu.cmd
        |   |       Remove-ManagePowerPlans-CTMenu.cmd
        |   |       Remove-PShell-CTMenus.cmd
        |   |       Revert_AboutWindowsCT.cmd
        |   |       Revert_Deletion_Option_To_OS_Defaults.cmd
        |   |       Revert_SSDTweaks.cmd
        |   |       VerboseWindows.cmd
        |   |       WLanService.cmd
        |   |       WLanService_ReadMe.txt
        |   |
        |   +---Windows10_Kernels
        |   |       Allow_7GB_WU_Reserve.cmd
        |   |       Allow_Add-a-Phone_Feature.cmd
        |   |       Enable_Advanced_Clipboard_History.cmd
        |   |       Fix-WinL-Lockscreen.cmd
        |   |       RestoreTitleBarColorsToDefaults.reg
        |   |       Restore_EditWithPaint3D_ContextMenu.cmd
        |   |       Restore_EditWithPhotos_ContextMenu.cmd
        |   |       RevertBlurEffect19H1Plus.cmd
        |   |       RevertHideDefender.cmd
        |   |       RevertMeteredConnections.cmd
        |   |       RevertReFS_RegistrySwitch.cmd
        |   |       RevertTooltipsToToastNotifications.cmd
        |   |       RevertWUDriverBlocks.cmd
        |   |       Revert_BatteryTimeRemaining.cmd
        |   |       Revert_Library_Folders_Removal-W10.cmd
        |   |       Revert_Push-and-Toast_Notifications.cmd
        |   |       Show_Insider_Page_In_Settings.cmd
        |   |       TurnONAppsSharing.cmd
        |   |       W10-Reset-and-Re-register_WU_Components.cmd
        |   |       W10BlockAdverts.cmd
        |   |       W10BlockAdverts_ReadMe.txt
        |   |
        |   +---Windows8.x-10_General
        |   |       EnableStoreAutoUpdating.cmd
        |   |       NetworkCategory-ContextMenu.cmd
        |   |       RevertUnPinStore.cmd
        |   |
        |   \---Windows8.x_Kernels
        |           W8.x-Default-ThickBorders.cmd
        |           W8.x-ThinBorders.cmd
        |   |   !ReadMe.txt
        |   |   PID.txt
        |   |   Retail.txt
        |   |
        |   +---[vista-win7 only]
        |   |       !ReadMe.txt
        |   |       ei.cfg
        |   |
        |   \---[win8.x-win10 only]
        |           !ReadMe.txt
        |           ei.cfg
        |       !Server-ReadMe.txt
        |       RevertLockLogScreenPolicy.cmd
        +---vista - optional
        |   \---Autounattend xml - optional
        |           Autounattend.xml
        |           Functions of this Autounattend.xml.txt
        |           How To - add optional Autounattend.xml.jpg
        +---win10 - optional
        |   |   !ReadMe_for_ei.cfg_file.txt
        |   |   ei.cfg
        |   |
        |   \---Autounattend.xml - optional
        |           Autounattend.xml
        |           Functions of this Autounattend.xml.txt
        |           How To - add optional Autounattend.xml.jpg
        +---win7 - optional
        |   \---Autounattend.xml - optional
        |           Autounattend.xml
        |           Functions of this Autounattend.xml.txt
        |           How To - add optional Autounattend.xml.jpg
        \---win8.x - optional
            |   !ReadMe_For_ei.cfg_File.txt
            |   ei.cfg
            \---Autounattend.xml - optional
                    Functions of this Autounattend.xml.txt
                    How To - add optional Autounattend.xml.jpg
     +---win10 - optional
        |   |   !ReadMe_for_ei.cfg_file.txt
        |   |   ei.cfg
  9. luisfernando84

    luisfernando84 MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2012

    In the case of W10, won't using ei.cfg prevent the installer from using the correct version of Windows when reading the serial in the UEFI BIOS?
  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The ei.cfg is as generic as can be, it enables the selection of any available SKU from the ISO.
  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The ei.cfg file is usually used for windows 8.x/10 more so to allow selecting the Edition to install instead of the Windows Setup automatically detecting the MSDM table's key and setting the Edition via that and totally bypassing the normal oobe stage. Which will show the symptoms you have, ie the project not being ran.

    However on Windows 7 the ei.cfg operates in a different way and only if the ei.cfg has a specified Edition set within then only that Edition will be installed BUT the oobe stage should be ran with or without the ei.cfg as a MSDM table is ignored.

    Now if your device originally came with win8.x/10 and you install win7 that uses the windows 10 setup files, to make it work on later hardware etc, then that setup might detect the MSDM table and attempt to install with that key, but obviously it will fail as it not for win7, but the oobe stage may get ignored like it would if you was installing 8.x/10 on that device.

    That is rare that would happen but it has on one of my test installs when i installed 7 via the w10 setup files so i could install 7 with a esd instead of wim, due to all the updates etc made it too large for FAT32, i didnt use the ei.cfg file that had the _default edition marker and the install ignored the project/oobe stage as the setup attempted to use the MSDM table and confused everything. :D

    If you had extracted the $OEM$ folder from the archive 'as it is' and placed that in the Sources folder of your iSO/DVD -- it must NOT be on the root of the ISO/DVD as it is ONLY detected via the setup.exe if it is within the Sources folder.
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  12. luisfernando84

    luisfernando84 MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2012

    I'll test, anything I'll talk about again, thanks for now
  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    i know some information could be lost in translation, but i hope the general idea is able to be worked out. :)
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I have limited time to reply at moment as i am at work - sneaked off for a break :D

    Hopefully you can get the project to work again.
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Another point is if you are using any (Auto)Unattend.xml or even a Gen2 ISO as those can upset how the project works.

    The MRP is designed to be used on standard ISO/Images, NTlite/MSMG edited ones should be ok, although it cannot be 100% guaranteed as some options in the MRP may require some items that have been removed etc via those 'slimming OS' programs.
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  16. luisfernando84

    luisfernando84 MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2012

    In the case of W10, I am using the original image downloaded with the media creation tool (MS), MRP has always worked, only in the latest versions has it stopped working. I'm not using any (Auto) Unattend.xml
  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    :g: Not sure why it is not working...

    I have used the MCTool and created the latest version of w10 and MRP works as normal. I use en-GB but i doubt language is the problem here.

    I only mentioned the (Auto) unattend xml or using Gen2 ISO's just in case that was being used and something within that had caused the failure.

    At moment i cannot think what is causing the non running of the project.

    +at work (again) so not much time to do much until tomorrow when i get home.
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  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009