As that RX 2070 Dual has 8GB ram the routine maxes out at 4GB which is the limitation of the 32 bit API system, i have found a long winded way to get the ram figure out of the registry (two places in fact), but it not reliable as intel gfx gives a result of 0x00000040 (64 mb) so cannot really use that way dxdiag will show the correct amounts BUT its txt or xml file is very awkward to parse to get the data if more than one adaptor is fitted as i cannot see any DeviceID markers so i can split the data into sections So any Gfx adaptor that has more than 4Gib (Dedicated/Shared) will either result in a negative amount (rare now) or max 4GiB showing, nothing i can do about that as even 64bit windows has only 32bit API/WMIc operatives!
Query Tool v109 is now at RC1 stage - fingers crossed the last test one before release. Also MRP 129 is at RC1 stage too.
This will be the MSDM / OEM key, leave the pid.txt out and only use the ei.cfg, provided by the project, and retry.
Also remember that W10 Home/Core editions will require a full reboot once the desktop appears as the theme does not 'set' for some reason until that reboot is done. i am still trying to find a way to make it show like it does on Pro and above. If Pid.txt and ei.cfg are in the Sources folder then windows setup will use the PID.txt before ei.cfg and if a MSDM key is present then setup will ignore any oobe.cmd etc the ei.cfg wlll 'tell' setup to ignore any internal key, MRP will insert your bios key IF you install the Edition it is for from the edition list that ei.cfg makes setup show. I am on my phone at work typing this and sorry for any spelling mistakes as it very awkward to type
Thanks! Removing PID.txt, while keeping ei.cfg worked perfectly! Thanks so much for this, that's the explanation I needed. I think it would be beneficial to explain it in such wordings in the readme.
I will update the MRP read-me file, (done for next release), also the first post, (done). The non setting of the theme started a few builds ago mainly on preview builds, which it still does now and then. I think when m$ brought out the new 'light' theme not too long back seems to be when this annoying change happened, so far it not affect professional and higher editions, yet...
Good afternoon. I noticed that if the ei.cfg file is deleted, the project will not run. In the past, regardless of whether this file existed, it ran. I say this because computers with the license embedded in the BIOS already detect the version of the serial and skip the step of choosing the version of Windows. Currently, this does not happen. Any corrections? Sorry, I'm using google languages, I'm Brazilian
OEM keys, whether embedded in the bios (MSDM) (or inserted by dism), will block running scripts during oobe/setupcomplete stage, the ei.cfg will circumvent that. On systems with no MSDM andor inserted VL keys, it will always allow to run the scripts.
I personally have the ei.cfg file in place, as it is easy to select the edition you wish. If you can use the QT on the system before a new install it will let you know if any MSDM key is present and what edition/OS it is for so if you wish to use that key's Edition you can select it from the list and MRP will then insert the MSDM key in later on to re-activate the OS.