Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
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  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    There was a small problem with mrp 129 which taken a bit of time to fix. Hopefully back on track, i was hoping to get it released yesterday but as mentioned a small glitch appeared so it will be ready when im happy all is stable.

    The qt is on course as it in rc stage, the grfx glitch has been sorted however the memory amount if over 4gb vram is still present due to limitations in the os's api.

    More details soon as at work and on a short break.
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #6284 mxman2k, Sep 10, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    The small problem was a weird delay before the user's oobe part, it could last ages or at least 10 minutes, not quite sure why it was happening, but our latest tests seem to all show it all back to normal install times... :g:

    I checked the last 3 new w10 options for the Disk Quota, File History and Retail Demo and they did not affect the delay, it just was a random event!

    Have now added a last minute W10 option: 'Disable Live or the animated tiles on the Start Menu', obviously if you use the slim menu option(s) then it not do much, but for those that use the w10 start menu but not like the moving/animated tiles, then this one is for you! :D

    MRP 129.0 is at RC5 and hopefully if all tests pass ok then this will become the baseline release for September. :)
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v109.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post's download link, password and hashes have been updated. :)

    + Added a new Service 'State' routine to work with all OS Languages, as before certain results was not always in English.

    + Added Defrag Service state as requested by a few people, this uses the above routine to determine the actual state regardless of Language.

    + Updated Graphics Memory routine(s), the VRam may still be incorrect with values returned via the OS's API/WMIC systems when above 4 GiB. The display routine will cope with values up to 32 TiB, sadly the results from the OS are not 64 bit. All values returned for the VRam are rounded up or down to nearest amount.

    + Other various internal code updates.

    Thanks to all those that helped test this while in the RC stages.

    MRP 129.0 will become baseline very shortly as sorting the change log etc. :)
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  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v129.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post's download link, password and hashes have been updated. :)

    + Added new 'General OS' item: Use Smaller Taskbar icon size. Reboot Required!

    + Added five new W10 Options:

    1} Remove the Disk 'Quota' tab from a Drive's 'Properties' menu.

    2} Remove 'Previous Versions' tab from a file's 'Properties' menu, this may not always work as expected if 'System Restore' is operational.

    3} Remove the 'Retail Demo' files from the Operating System.

    4} Set 'Windows Defender Security Notifications' to:
    a} Disable only non critical.
    b} Disable 'ALL' notifications including any non critial.
    This only works for RS4/1803 {17134} and above otherwise the option is ignored.

    5} Turn off/disable the animated, 'Live' tiles on the Start Menu.

    + Fixed a delay glitch that could cause a long wait before the user's Oobe stage.
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  6. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
    === [MRP Debug Log ]===
    Checking for OEM folder and structure...
    OEM's folder structure appears to be correct.
    Checking for CustomTheme...
    CustomTheme option was not defined.
    Check Lock/Login screen variable state...
    Lock/Login screen variable = Can be used for Kernel: 10.0
    Lock/Login screen's will be replaced as defined by user's option.
    ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Started ]===
    [001] Prevent Search Indexing.
    [003] Disable MSRT.
    [004] Disable BSOD Automatic Restart.
    [005] Show the 'About Windows' or 'Microsoft Windows' C/Text Menu.
    [006] SSD Tweaks.
    [007] Automatic or User set System Drive Partition Name.
    [008] Internal Flag Variables Set.
    [010] Win10 - Prevent 'Activity History' data collection.
    [012] Prevent Telemetry.
    [013] Prevent OS Upgrades.
    [015] Win10 - Disable the 'Blurred' Log-On Background.
    [016] Win10 - Remove 'Safe' UWP Apps.
    [019] Transfer the majority of MRP's user selected options to any new accounts created.
    [020] Show the Desktop's 'Control Panel' C/Text Menu.
    [021] Disable Highlighting of 'New Programs/Apps' on the Start Menu.
    [023] Disable any UWP 'Store Apps' from Updating.
    [024] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick View'.
    [025] Show seconds on System Tray clock. {Location/Language dependent}
    [026] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu policy. {May not work on some ASUS systems due to conflict with BIOS options}
    [027] Win10 - WU Download Mode - Use Microsoft Servers Only.
    [028] Win10 - Diagnostic FeedBack - Never/Basic.
    [029] Win10 - Remove the 'Paint3D' file associations.
    [030] Win10 - Disable 'Edit with Photos'.
    [032] Start of Win10 Only options section - Mail/Store Un-Pin on Taskbar etc.
    [036] Remove the '-Shortcut' Suffix from icons.
    [037] Disable Windows Update's Automatic Restart.
    [041] Set Control Panel's view to Category {Default}.
    [043] Win10 - Title Bar/Highlight coloring initial settings.
    ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Finished ]===
    Transfer of options to any new User accounts later: Enabled.
    Prechecks Done - Start Main Processing Section...
    OS Installation Date/Time : 12/06/2019 {UTC} -- 8:43pm
    MRP Version Installed     : CY20M09D11-R129.0.BL
    MRP Config File Used      : 34.0 {Advanced Mode}
    Unicode Mode              : Operative
    Original Codepage         : 852
    ===[ Variables ]===
    Oobe State     : System Controlled
    Install Type   : Client {Non Server}
    HyperVisor     : No
    PC System Type : Mobile {0x2}
    Chassis Type   : 10 {Notebook}
    Domain Detected: No
    OS Full Name   : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    OS Name {Reg}  : Windows 10 Pro
    OS SKU Version : Windows 10 Pro {48}
    OS Architecture: x86 {AR:5}
    Edition {REG}  : Professional
    Edition {WMIC} : Professional
    Edition {Comp} : Enterprise
    Edition {OSED} : Professional
    Edition {OM1}  : Professional
    Edition {Type} : General
    Release ID     : 2004
    Build ID {R}   : 19041
    Build ID {V}   : 19041
    Build Branch{R}: vb_release
    Reference Ver  : 10.0.19041.1
    ProductID Ref  : 3308
    Base Build Rev : 1 {0x1h}
    UBR            : 508
    RS3 Plus       : Yes
    RS4 Plus       : Yes
    RS5 Plus       : Yes
    Language/Code  : en-US / 1033 {0x409h}
    Locale         : English – United States
    GeoID ISO Loc  : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25]
    GeoID CUR Loc  : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25]
    Time Zone Data : Central European Standard Time {Bias: +01:00}
    ===[ Main Processing ]===
    Obtaining Motherboard information.
    Checking for SLIC and MSDM tables.
    ===[ DMI/SMBIOS Information ]===
    CSNAME             : [One S1002]
    SYSMODEL           : [One S1002]
    CSVENDOR           : [Acer]
    SYSMNF             : [Acer]
    BASEMNF            : [Acer]
    BASEPRO            : [Popcorn]
    BIOS or SLIC ID 1  : ALASKA - 3
    SLIC Information   : No SLIC table present
    SLIC Detect Plan   : G2 [OA2T:0]
    MSDM Information   : MSDM Table Present - Unknown Brand Name {ALASKA} Detected
    Remove 'Safe' Apps : Yes
    Non Inbox Apps     : Yes
    Checking CPU and Memory information...
    Checking number of CPU's fitted.
    Checking CPU Max Clock Speed.
    Checking CPU Cores.
    Checking CPU Manufacturer.
    Checking CPU Threads.
    Checking CPU Name.
    Checking CPU Description.
    Checking CPU Datawidth, {Bits}.
    Checking CPU ID.
    Checking if CPU Virtualization mode is active or not.
    Checking Memory configuration.
    SMBIOS Memory Type: DDR3 {24}.
    Checking Memory Error Correction type.
    Checking Memory Devices/Slots.
    Checking Memory Max Capacity.
    Memory Devices/Slots - Undefinable Data result.
    Total Memory - 1,94 GiB
    Used Memory  - 479,96 MiB
    Free Memory  - 1,47 GiB [75,84%]
    Checking Meltdown/Spectre awareness.
    Show User Options display section.
    Drive Label Section.
    System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'WINDOWS 10'
    Checking for 'Retail.txt'.
    The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder.
    Checking for 'ei.cfg'.
    The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'D:\sources' folder. [DV]
    Checking for 'Pid.txt'.
    The 'PID.txt' file was not detected, the 'Insert PID key' advanced option routine will not be used.
    Querying DMI for any OEM brand information.
    ===[ DMI Processing ]===
    CSVENDOR           : DMI + Database = Possible Match [Acer].
    No DMI conflicts was found.
    DMI query routine has completed.
    Bypassed Virtual Machine data checks as DMI [Acer] was detected. 
    Acer [#04] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding.
    No 'Man2' var set.
    BIOS defined 'One S1002' model name has been applied.
    Theme Processing Routines.
    User's specified theme was not defined.
    DMI theme 'Acer' will be applied.
    Transfer Section.
    Windows 10: Primary User Account Picture Management
    Windows 10: Additional User Account Picture's Management.
    Processing the Lock\Log-On Screen Routine.
    Replaced 'img100' file.
    The Log-On Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105.
    See the MRP log file{s}, found on the C: drive, for more details of above sections.
    Processing Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routines.
    The '$OEM$.theme' file transferred OK. {Ref: TF}
    The Theme's branding files have been transferred.
    The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. 
    Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' set to '$OEM$.theme'.
    Acer OEM brand theme has been applied.
    Checking for SetupComplete/FirstLogon files within the 'Scripts' folder...
    The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file was detected.
    Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file.
    Option Utilization Started...
    Set selected MRP Options into default hive.
    Unpin Mail,Store, Taskview, PeopleBand and 'No Edit With Photos' Options, {if selected}.
    Shortcut Arrow Design Option.
    No Delete Confirm, No Shortcut Prefix, Show Extensions and Classic Menus Options.
    Windows 10 Prevent Telemetry Option.
    Prevent Advanced Clipboard Activity Option.
    Disable Acrylic Background Logon Blur Option.
    Remove 3D Objects Option.
    Set selected Options into default hives.
    Block 'CompatTelRunner.exe' via the Windows Firewall and disable any of its related tasks. {Ref:2}
    Option Utilization Completed.
    Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup.
    ========================[ Add-On Manager - Log Section ]========================
    Edition Chk    : [Professional] {Ed0}
    Edition Chk1   : [Professional] {Ed1}
    Edition Chk2   : [Professional] {W2S}
    Edition {Type} : [General]
    Pre Windows 10 : [No]
    Theme Reg Tweak: Applied
    Transfer Opts  : [Yes]
    ===[ Built-In 'Administrator' Details ]===
    Localized Name : Administrator
    Account Active : No {Disabled}
    Account Status : Degraded
    MSDM Routine   : Processing...
    MSDM Information
    MSDM Used      : No [#0] 
    Edition Check  : Professional {3308} 
    Edition Status : {E} 
    Reason Status  : MSDM {CoreSingleLanguage} Edition will not activate the installed OS Edition 
    Other Data     : Win 10 CoreSingleLanguage 
    Branding ID    : ALASKA 
    Key Group ID   : 3274   
    DefUsr0 Removal: [Method 1N - Successful] 
    TB/HL Routine  : [Yes]
    TitleBar Color : [Classic]
    Highlight Color: [Default]
    AccentColor    : [4292311040]
    ColorizationCol: [3288365271]
    AccPalletColor : [86CAFF005FB2F2001E91EA000063B10000427500002D4F000020380000CC6A00]
    ===[ Bios Mode and OS Drive Partition Information ]===
    A-Routine BMode: [Unknown]
    A-Routine DPart: [GPT]
    WMIC BMode     : [GPT System]
    WMIC DPart     : [GPT]
    SecureBoot     : [{Q} Disabled]
    ===[ Other Data [===
    AO1 Flags S1   : [DUT=0], [DWT=0], [DAT=0], [DPA=0], [DOU=0], [DSC=0], [DFL=0]
    AO2 Flags S2   : [PRI=0], [A2B=0], [B2Z=0], [MKU=0], [OSP=0], [OPT=0] [OKF=0]
    AO2 Flags S3   : [SEC=0]
    DT Prot Status : [Disabled]
    First Tidy Up  : Started
    First Tidy Up  : Used Files
    First Tidy Up  : Used Environment Variables
    First Tidy Up  : Completed
    Detecting Activation Status...
    Detecting Activation Status - Done.
    Detecting License Channel Type...
    Processed License Channel Type. Retail {PKC}
    ===[ License Status ]===
    License Status  : Notification
    Channel Status  : Retail {PKC}
    VL/KMS Capable  : Yes
    Reason Code     : 0xC004F034 {Dec: 3221549108}
    Reason Text     : License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. 
    Final Tidy Up  : Started
    Final Tidy Up  : Redundant Environment Variables
    Final Tidy Up  : Redundant Environment Variables
    Final Tidy Up  : Completed
    Unicode Mode   : Deactivated
    Orig Codepage  : 437
    MRP's enhanced debug log has completed.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  8. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  9. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  10. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
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  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007

    Sadly it is what it is at the moment, all my efforts to find that sweet spot to get the data has failed. :(

    Tried MSinfo, dxdiag, but if more than one adaptor fitted it is hard to separate the results per adaptor...
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  12. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
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